For a total price of 16.5 million Euro

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A., following today’s meeting of the Board of Directors, announces that its subsidiary Rizzoli Libri S.p.A. has signed an agreement to transfer the Bompiani business unit to Giunti Editore S.p.A.

The total price of the transaction amounts to 16.5 million euro, 5.3 million euro of which related to assets transferred to the buyer.

Forecasts for 2016 on the scope subject to transfer indicate revenue of 15.3 million euro and a normalized EBITDA of approximately 1.3 million euro; Bompiani’s share of the trade market at 30 June 2016 stands at 1.8% (GFK).

The disposal of Bompiani is made in accordance with the remedies set out in the Provision issued by the Antitrust Authority, as part of the acquisition of Rizzoli Libri completed on 14 April 2016; finalization of the transaction is subject to prior approval by the Antitrust Authority.

Giunti Editore S.p.A., a time-honoured publisher based in Florence, which traces its roots back to 1841, is the parent company of one of the leading publishing groups in Italy; in 2015, with the publishers and the network of 190 bookstores operating under the Giunti al Punto trademark, it achieved consolidated revenue of 198 million euro.


Approval of plan on merger by incorporation of Banzai Media S.r.l. into Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A.

The Board of Directors also approved the plan on the merger by incorporation of the subsidiary Banzai Media S.r.l. into Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A., prepared pursuant to art. 2501-ter and art. 2505, par. 1, of the Italian Civil Code, and approved today also by the Board of Directors of Banzai Media S.r.l.

The transaction aims to achieve the full integration of Banzai Media activities with the digital properties of Magazines Italy. The value of Banzai Media’s brands will, instead, remain separate and distinct. The merger will create a unified product range with the potential to present itself as a leader to both advertisers and users, improving time to market, benefitting from shared assets and know-how and leveraging on more streamlined business processes.

The merger plan was filed today with the Company Registry of Milan, pursuant to art. 2501-ter, par. 3, of the Italian Civil Code.

The merger is covered by the exemption from the application of Consob Regulation no. 17221/2010 and subsequent amendments regarding transactions with related parties, since the transaction is performed through a subsidiary with no significant interests of other related parties of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, based on the criteria set out in the Procedures for Transactions with Related Parties of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A.

As this is an incorporation of a wholly-owned company pursuant to art. 2505 of the Italian Civil Code, the decision on the merger will be adopted (i) for Arnoldo Mondadori Editore by its Board of Directors, pursuant to art. 2505, par. 2, of the Italian Civil Code, and to art. 23 of the by-laws, and (ii) for Banzai Media by its Shareholders’ Meeting.

Pursuant also to art. 84 of Consob Regulation no. 11971/1999 (the “Issuer Regulation”), the shareholders of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore representing at least 5% of the share capital, pursuant to art. 2505, par. 3, of the Italian Civil Code, are nevertheless entitled to request that the decision on the merger be adopted by the Extraordinary Meeting, in accordance with art. 2502, par. 1, of the Italian Civil Code. Shareholders who intend to exercise such right must send a specific request by registered mail with return receipt within eight days from the date of filing of the merger plan with the Company Registry of Milan to Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A., Via Bianca di Savoia, 12, Milan, Legal and Corporate Affairs Department, together with a certification attesting to ownership of the shares, pursuant to art. 25 of the Bank of Italy/Consob Joint Regulation adopted by the Provision dated 22 February 2008, faxing the documents in advance to 0275422537.

The merger is scheduled by 15 January 2017; for accounting and tax purposes, it will take effect from 1 January 2017.

For further details, reference should be made to the information disclosed on the website www.gruppomondadori.it (Governance section) and to the documents listed below, available to the public also at the registered office of the companies taking part in the merger, and through the authorized storage mechanism 1Info (www.1info.it): the merger plan, the half-year financial report at 30 June 2016 of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore (which pursuant to art. 2501-quater, par. 2, of the Italian Civil Code, supersedes the relevant financial position) and the relevant financial statements at 30 June 2016 of Banzai Media.

Also filed at the registered office of the companies taking part in the merger, the financial statements related to the last three financial periods of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore and of Banzai Media, together with the management and audit reports.

F.I.L.A. Fabbrica Italiana Lapis ed Affini with the support of Rizzoli Education rewards creativity and talent

The launch of new competitions for first and second level secondary schools

F.I.L.A. Fabbrica Italiana Lapis ed Affini entra nelle scuole con due concorsi nazionali messi a punto grazie al prezioso supporto di Rizzoli Education: parte così la prima edizione assoluta del PREMIO LYRA – MAIMERI dedicato agli studenti delle secondarie di secondo grado e PREMIO LYRA, giunto al suo settimo anno e rivolto alle secondarie di primo grado.

Due concorsi uniti dalla volontà di avvicinare i ragazzi all’espressione artistica, proponendo tematiche sempre nuove in linea con i programmi didattici, due iniziative che metteno in palio premi importanti e che portano la firma dei brand di casa F.I.L.A. specializzati nel mondo del disegno artistico e delle belle arti: Lyra e Maimeri.



Il nuovo PREMIO LYRA – MAIMERI nasce per offrire ai ragazzi una grande esperienza formativa nel mondo della professionalità creativa, una proposta che viaggia all’unisono con le nuove direttive scolastiche. I più talentuosi potranno infatti vincere cinque master estivi di sei giorni in formula all-inclusive presso la prestigiosa scuola di illustrazione Ars In Fabula di Macerata e certificato di frequenza con valore di due crediti formativi.

Il titolo proposto per l’elaborazione della tavola in gara è “REFASHION ART”: guidati dai loro insegnanti di arte o di disegno tecnico e da un’ampia dose di fantasia e creatività, i ragazzi sono invitati a modificare un’opera d’arte (quadro, fotografia, veduta o scorcio) o una struttura architettonica, che amano o che li affascina e che desiderano reinterpretare, cambiare, arricchire, rendere diversa. Potranno quindi ridisegnarla, ridipingerla, ripensarla in chiave personale, rivederla proiettata nel futuro, nel passato o in qualsiasi dimensione stilistica: trasformarla esprimendo il proprio talento.

Tutti gli elaborati caricati dai partecipanti entro il 28 febbraio 2017 sul sito ufficiale http://premiolyramaimeri.fila.it/ all’interno di una delle due categorie di appartenenza – arte o architettura potranno così essere visionati e votati online dal 15 al 30 marzo 2017 dalla giuria popolare.

I più votati rispettivamente nella sezione arte e architettura si aggiudicheranno i primi due master mentre gli altri tre in palio saranno assegnati direttamente da una giuria di qualità indistintamente dalla categoria di appartenenza.


F.I.L.A. Fabbrica Italiana Lapis ed Affini con il supporto di Rizzoli Education premia la creatività e il talento


Giving a voice to first level secondary school pupils meanwhile, this year’s PREMIO LYRA has the title ANIMAL’ARTE”, an invitation to produce an original self-portrait inspired by the animal kingdom, choosing the animal that best represents them or with which they have the greatest affinity in a work through which they can discover something new about themselves.

The prizes, for the most voted top two classes le prime (one by a popular and the other a qualified jury), two trips to an Italian city of culture with a museum visit and, for the best work in each of the three categories of merit (one for each level), three workshops led by an illustrator for the Associazione Autori di Immagini (a partner of the project), a supply of Lyra products and a collection of 20 art books provided by Rizzoli Education for the school library.

F.I.L.A. Fabbrica Italiana Lapis ed Affini con il supporto di Rizzoli Education premia la creatività e il talento


And to stimulate participation with ideas, suggestions and information on how to take part in the competitions, FILA and Rizzoli Education invite teachers and their classes across Italy to two exciting workshops on the themes of the competitions via an interactive webinar presented by Mariagrazia Rocchetti, curator of the project and the educational content of the prizes. The date is fixed for Wednesday 5 October:

Animal’arte at 11 am http://bit.ly/2d5cyod; Animal’arte  at 3 pm http://bit.ly/2cylHVD

Refashion Art at 12 midday http://bit.ly/2d5duJs; Refashion Art at 4 pm http://bit.ly/2cW7yBW


Additional ideas, suggestions and details about all FILA competitions for schools are available on the blogzine www.diariocreativo.it

Bruce Springsteen doubles down for his fans

Published and released simultaneously around the world the autobiography “Born to Run” and the album “Chapter and Verse”, with 5 unheard tracks

To celebrate this double bonanza, 5 events around Italy and a Mondadori Store competition to win a guitar signed by Bruce Springsteen

Mondadori Libri is proud to announce the publication – simultaneously around the world – of the autobiography by Bruce Springsteen, Born to Run, on 27 September 2016. It will be preceded by the album Chapter and Verse, released by Columbia Records/Sony Music, on 23 September.

Mondadori Store is celebrating this double bonanza with an unmissable competition, organised in collaboration with Sony Music Italy and Mondadori Libri, with as the prize Fender Telecaster American Standard guitar, tested and signed by Bruce Springsteen. For full details please go to eventi.mondadoristore.it.

Finally, to celebrate along with all Bruce Springsteen fans the arrival of the autobiography, Born to Run, and the album, Chapter and Verse, 5 events are planned in Milan, Rome, Bologna, Padua e Turin, with exceptional guest appearances, shows and lots of music. For full details please go to librimondadori.it.

The autobiography Born to Run


In 2009, Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band performed at the Super Bowl: the experience was so exciting that Bruce decided to put it down on paper. This was how the extraordinary autobiography started, a book that Bruce has spent the past seven years preparing and in which we rediscover the sincerity, the irony and originality that we have come to know through his songs.

He tells us about his childhood in Freehold, New Jersey, a place full of poetry but also of potential risks, destined to feed his imagination, until the moment that Bruce calls the “Big Bang”: Elvis Presley’s debut on the “Ed Sullivan Show”. He describes his unbridled desire to become a musician, his beginnings as the king of the bar bands in Asbury Park and the birth of the E Street Band. With disarming candour, for the first time Bruce Springsteen talks about the inner torments that inspired his greatest songs, beginning from Born to Run, a track that turns out to be even more complex than we imagined.

It is an enlightening read for anyone who loves Bruce Springsteen, but it is much more that the memoir of a legendary rock star: it is a book for practical spirits and incurable dreamers, for parents and children, couples in love and lonely hearts, for artists, hippies and anyone who wants to be baptized in the sacred river of rock. It is rare that an artist tells their story in such an intensely detailed way. As in many of his songs (Thunder Road, Badlands, Darkness on the Edge of Town, The River, Born in the USA, The Rising and The Ghost of Tom Joad, to name just a few), the autobiography of Bruce Springsteen outlines the inspiration of a unique artist and the wisdom of a man who has thought deeply about his own experience.



The album Chapter and Verse

Chapter and Verse, is the album that accompanies the autobiography, released on 23 September by Columbia Records/Sony Music four-days ahead of the publication of Born to Run. The collection, which spans the artist’s entire career, includes six songs that have never been heard before. It is available on CD, double LP, digital download and streaming. The CD and double LP contain the lyrics of the songs and some rare photos.

The songs on in Chapter and Verse, 18 in total, reflect the themes and sections of the book Born to Run. The collection begins with two tracks by the Castiles, with the teenaged Springsteen on vocals and guitar, and closes with the title track from 2012’s “Wrecking Ball”. The track list of the album traces Bruce’s musical history, from its beginnings and tell a story that runs in parallel with the narrative of the book.

The recordings by the Steel Mill and the Bruce Springsteen Band feature musicians who would later enter the ranks of the E Street Band. The solo demos “Henry Boy” and “Growin’ Up” were made in 1972, shortly before Springsteen began recording his debut album, Greetings From Asbury Park, N.J.


The Mondadori Store competition

Mondadori Store, Italy’s most extensive chain of bookstores, in collaboration with Mondadori Libri and Sony Music Italy, has organised a competition for which the prize is a Fender Telecaster American Standard tested and signed by Bruce Springsteen himself. Fans can take part in the competition by pre-ordering or buying the book along with the CD or LP) exclusively at participating Mondadori Stores or on the web site mondadoristore.it,

All you have to do then is to got to the web site eventi.mondadoristore.it before 20 October 2016 and follow the instructions to participate in the draw. The prize will be presented to the fortunate winner along with a certificate of authenticity.

The guitar, on display from today at the Mondadori Megastore in Piazza Duomo, will also travel to the Mondadori Stores in Bologna, Padua and Turin as part of three events dedicated to Bruce Springsteen, and finally it will remain on show at the Mondadori Megastore in Piazza Duomo in Milan until the end of the competition.

For full details please go to eventi.mondadoristore.it.


The events

A total of 5 events have been organised to celebrate the publication of the autobiography Born to Run and the release of the album Chapter and Verse, starting with Eataly and two exceptional events. The first, in Milan, on Thursday 29 September at Eataly Smeraldo from 8 pm and the second in Rome, on Sunday 2 October at Eataly Ostiense from 6 pm. Two unique occasions, with special guests. At the heart of th event will be a reading from the autobiography Born to Run by the great Giuseppe Battiston. Taking part in Milan will be the journalist Marina Petrillo and I Rome Gino Castaldo.

But that’s not all, because from 3 to 6 October the Fender Telecaster American Standard signed by Bruce Springsteen will tour the Mondadori Stores in Bologna, Padua and Turin, where it will be on display for a whole day. In each city a special event dedicated to the autobiography Born to Run and the album Chapter and Verse, has been organised and the protagonists of these three events will be the comic actor Antonio Ornano, authors, artists and special fans. For full details. please go to librimondadori.it.

“Interni Café” at The Cersaie 2016 Fair in Bologna

The interiors and contemporary Design magazine will take part in the first edition of the pres Café with three encounters

INTERNI will take part in the first edition of Press Café organised during the Cersaie 2016 fair in Bologna (26-30 September), the international trade exhibition for ceramics for architecture and bathroom fittings. On this occasion, the interiors and contemporary design magazine  edited by Gilda Bojardi, has prepared an exclusive space “INTERNI Café” (Pad. 21 – Stand B77) which will be the stage for a cycle of three encounters with some of the leading exponents from the world of architecture and design.

The format for these encounters is based on the tradition of the  literary café, but focused on the current issues and culture of design, from an account of surface space to virtuous relationships between designers and companies.

The cycle begins on Monday 26 September at 2.30 pm with Il Design delle relazioni (Design relationships)Matteo Ragni in conversation with Paolo Cesana, both actively engaged in design, the former as a well-known designer and the latter as a business leader in his role as marketing director of Ceramiche Refin. But, interestingly, they have never met before. INTERNI, in line with its role as an activator of “creative short-circuits” between the design and business worlds, will give them an opportunity to get to know each other and to discuss issues of common interest for the first time.

The second event, on Tuesday 27 September, at 10 am, meanwhile, will feature a conversation Un racconto che parte dalle superfici (A story that begins from surface areas)  that will bring together face-to-face  the designer Diego Grandi and the chief executive of Lea Ceramiche Emilio Mussini: a tried and tested duo (whose association began back in 2003), and a demonstration that a harmony of intention and curiosity, combined with reciprocal respect, can give rise to daring solutions and great success.

The final of the three events will take place at 3.30 pm, again at INTERNI Café, on the theme of Il senso del design (The Sense of Design). In this case the guests will be Giulio Iacchetti, one of the most renowned names in the new Italian design, and Alberto Cristina, chairman and chief executive of Cristina Rubinetterie. Together they will attempt to highlight the human, intimate and affective aspect of design: the thing that has enabled Italy to achieve cultural and manufacturing excellence by virtue of the system of fruitful relations that has been built up, also at the personal level,  between designers and industrialists.

The walls of INTERNI Café will reproduce an interpretation of Diego Grandi by Type 32, a surface design project for Lea Ceramiche. Meanwhile, Plust Collection, the Euro3plast design brand will provide the furnishings and fittings for the space.

For more information, please go to www.internimagazine.it


Mondadori Store celebrates 150 years of relations between Japan and Italy with “Splendido Sol Levante”

An exhibition and calendar of events with leading authors, Japan Talks and illustration lessons, from the Mondadori Megastore in Piazza Duomo in Milan to other big Italian cities

Mondadori Store celebra i 150 anni di relazioni tra Giappone e Italia con Splendido Sol Levante

To mark the 150th anniversary of relations between Japan and Italy, Mondadori Store presents “Splendido Sol Levante”, a project involving artists, writers and experts in a rich series of events aimed at helping the public to discover the culture of Japan.

From the pop art of Tomoko Nagao, to the quarters of Tokyo protagonists of the novel by Mario Vattani;  and from lessons in manga illustration to the sake ritual and the Zen philosophy, the cities, food, art of contemporary and traditional Japan will feature in a cycle of events to be held at the Mondadori Megastore in Piazza Duomo in Milano and other big Italian cities, from 22 September to 31 October, with the support of the Italy-Japan Foundation (Fondazione Italia Giappone).

In addition, for the whole month of October, 70 Mondadori stores across the country will dedicated to the Land of the Rising Sun a selection of books, with an offer ranging from bestsellers to niche titles.

Among the many events on the calendar the opening of a one-man show by the Japanese artist Tomoko Nagao The new wave of Tomoko, ONDA POP, curated by Christian Gangitano, in collaboration with the Deodato Arte gallery will take place on Tuesday 4 October, at 7 pm, at the Mondadori Megastore in Piazza Duomo in Milano.

Born in Nagoya in 1976, Tomoko Nagao is the heir of the great Nara Yoshitomo and Takashi Murakami, founders and theorists of the Superflat style, and has gone on to develop his own particular artistic language that explores, cites and re-interprets classical art in a contemporary vein. Hi is now considered the leading exponent of MicroPop and Superflat in Italy, where he currently lives. ONDA POP is also a homage to the historic work of Hokusai, the subject of an important exhibition currently running at the Palazzo Reale in Milan “Hokusai, Hiroshige, Utamaro. Luoghi e volti del Giappone” (“Hokusai, Hiroshige, Utamaro. Places and faces of Japan“).

The Tomoko Nagao exhibition will be open to the public until Sunday 6 November as part of the, “St-Art: artist of the months. The masters of yesterday and tomorrow on show” cycle, a cultural project conceived and promoted by Mondadori Store.

For a complete programme of  “Splendido Sol Levante” please click below: eventi.mondadoristore.it.



With Mondadori Store win an exclusive guitar signed by Bruce Springsteen

To mark the much awaited autobiography by Bruce Springsteen, Born to Run, and the accompanying album, Chapter and verse, Mondadori Store today launched a world exclusive competition with as the prize a Fender Telecaster American Standard guitar, tested and signed by Bruce Springsteen himself.

This unmissable opportunity reserved for Italian fans is organised in collaboration with Mondadori, the Italian publisher of the autobiography, and Sony Music Italy.

From today, by pre-ordering or buying the book (on sale from 27 September) along with the CD or LP (on sale from 23 September) exclusively at participating Mondadori Stores or on the web site mondadoristore.it, fanshave the chance of winning an absolutely unique object: the guitar that is the symbol of the musician.

All you have to do then is to got to the web site eventi.mondadoristore.it before 20 October 2016 and follow the instructions to participate in the draw. The prize will be presented to the fortunate winner along with a certificate of authenticity.

The guitar, on display from today at the Mondadori Megastore in via Marghera in Milan and subsequently at the Megastore in Piazza Duomo, will also travel to the Mondadori Stores in Bologna, Padua and Turin as part of three events dedicated to Bruce Springsteen, and finally it will remain on show at the Mondadori Megastore in Piazza Duomo in Milan until the end of the competition.

For full details and information about the regulations, please go to: eventi.mondadoristore.it.

The Piacenza & Vigevano Foundation, the magazine Interni and the city of Piacenza announce the exhibition “Interni Open Borders Piacenza”

The Piacenza & Vigevano Foundation, the magazine Interni and the city of Piacenza announce the exhibition “Interni Open Borders Piacenza”

Some of the installations presented during the FuoriSalone 2016 on display at three key locations in the city: Palazzo Rota Pisaroni, Palazzo Farnese and Galleria d’Arte Moderna Ricci Oddi

The exhibition-event INTERNI OPEN BORDERS, presented during the FuoriSalone 2016, moves to Piacenza. From today to 16 October 2016 three of the city’s key locations – Palazzo Rota Pisaroni, Palazzo Farnese and Galleria d’Arte Moderna Ricci Oddi – will host 9 installations, macro-objects, micro-constructions and exhibitions that explore how the boundaries between different disciplines have been overcome. The issue is treated as the extension of a design vision towards new synergies and the application of architecture and design to evolving sectors such as technology and research into sustainability.

INTERNI has involved Italian designers of international calibre with different backgrounds and experience with a view to creating a mosaic of styles and visions and to compare the different character and interpretations of design. They include: Stefano Boeri Architetti with Filiera del Legno FVG and Consorzio Innova FVG; Patricia Urquiola with Cleaf; Carlo Ratti Associati, Marco Ferreri with Cacciati Costruzioni Restauri, Tom Vack with Moroso, Davide Groppi, Vito Di Bari with Metalco Active, Emiliana Martinelli with Martinelli Luce and Leucos.

THE PIACENZA & VIGEVANO FOUNDATION supports innovation, research and creativity. And it is in this light that with INTERNI the Foundation has activated a strong synergy that has led to the realisation of original projects and the presentation of a cultural vision that aims to have a significant impact on the city of Piacenza and the upcoming Festival del Diritto (23-25 September 2016).

The INTERNI OPEN BORDERS PIACENZA exhibition is open from Monday to Thursday, from 9 am to 6 pm, and from Friday to Sunday, from 9 am to 10 pm. Moreover, on 24 September, on the occasion of the “Giornate del Patrimonio”, the exhibition sites will remain open until midnight with free guided tours of the installations in the Palazzo Farnese at 9 pm, 9.45 pm, 10.30 pm and 11.15 pm.

For more information, please go to: www.lafondazione.com e www.internimagazine.it

Interni Open Borders Piacenza

The grand finale of the “Chi Summer Tour 2016” in Capri

Chi, the weekly edited by Alfonso Signorini, has chosen Capri to celebrate the grand finale of the Chi Summer Tour 2016” (#chisummertour), the event that during the summer months has taken the magazine to many of Italy’s best-known beaches, with talk shows featuring stars form the world of entertainment, designers cafés, showcooking, fitness lessons and DJ sets.

After the success of Forte dei Marmi, Porto Cervo and Milano Marittima, Italy’s most widely read weekly people title reached the blue island on Saturday 10 September for the final stage of the tour and said farewell to summer 2016.

Participating at the even were: Fabio Basile, Olympic gold medalsi in Rio 2016; Raffaella Fico; the queen of social media Greta Menchi; Antonella Mosetti and her daughter Asia from Grande Fratello Vip; Marcello Sacchetta, coach of Amici and presenter of Maria De Filippi’s daytime talent show; and the psychotherapist Ilaria Squaiella.

The “Chi Summer Tour” has been a unique opportunity to experience close up the exclusive world of Chi animated by the editor, journalist from the team and a range of special guests at the four stages. Chefs, writers and celebrities brought to life a programme of encounters that all had a full house and offered  readers an opportunity to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the brand.

A formula rewarded by an enthusiastic audience and the sponsors that signed up to the initiative: Capri Watch, with their highly coloured watches and Caffè Borbone, who followed all stages of the tour.

An absolute exclusive by Mondadori COMICS

Available in bookshops, on newsstands and online from 9 September 2016

To mark the 15th anniversary of 11 September 2001, Mondadori Comics is publishing for bookstores, newsstands and online “McCURRY, NY 11 SEPTEMBER 2001”, a previously unpublished collection of photographs by the world-famous photographer Steve McCurry and the support of two exceptional talents from the world of international comic illustration Jean-David Morvan and Jung Gi Kim.

The special volume in the Mondadori Comics series Historica includes a selection of 76 original photographs by Steve McCurry, 8 of which have never been published before, provided directly from the Magnum archive.

The illustrations, in a large-format of 136 colour pages,  reproduce the most memorable and dramatic images from the professional life of Steve McCurry: from Afghanistan to India, and, of course Ground Zero in New York.

Narrated by the great photographer himself, with the support of two exceptional talents from the world of international comic illustration, “McCURRY, NY 11 SEPTEMBER 2001” provides an account of how Steve McCurry captured the tragedy of 9/11.
It is a volume without equal: illustrations, cartoons and photographs alternate in a narrative stream that takes in the historic events that led to the biggest ever terrorist attack, using the lens of an undisputed photographic master and the illustrations of two great talents of the ninth art, to recount decades of history from the farthest corners of the earth, united by the indefatigable will of Steve McCurry to bear witness.

It was an epoch-changing event in world history. Our vision of the world changed: we now have a pre-9/11 and a post-9/11 world. We will never be the same again, and we couldn’t have imagined what would happen after. Life is changing.”
Steve McCurry

It was very clear to me that that was my duty, that I had to do it, that it was my responsibility as a photographer and a human being, all these things. I had to photograph what happened to create a memory of the events…”
Steve McCurry

The book also contains sections dedicated to his most important travels, from  the Afghanistan of the Mujahidin to New York under attack in 2001.

McCURRY, NY 11 SEPTEMBER 2001” will be on sale in bookshops, specialised comics stores, on newsstands and online from 9 September 2016.

Mondadori COMICS presenta McCurry, NY 11 settembre 2001

The series:

Historica is a month series by Mondadori Comics that covers great historical events and their protagonists using extraordinary illustrations by many of the world’s leading illustrators.
Every month, in bookshops, specialised comics stores and on newsstands, Historica offers the best large-format colour illustrated history books.
Unpublished masterpieces and international success to relive the most epic moments of history at the accessible price of €12.99.

Historica brings together the best illustrated stories, mainly coming from France. Wars, battles and adventures are the main themes, all set in their rigorously documented context, and drawn by celebrated masters of illustration noted for the artistic quality of their work that has met with popular success around the world.
Historica is a series that appeals both adult readers with an interest in history and fans of illustration and comics who want well-produced, up to date and high-standard value thanks to titles that are either unpublished  or difficult to find, or published in formats that do not do justice to the artistic quality.
Great history as told by master illustrators.


Digital School: the 2nd edition of the courses organised by the training school of Donna Moderna, CasaFacile and Sale&Pepe gets under way in collaboration with Piano C

Enrolments are now being accepted for lessons in content and social media management starting on 15 October in Milan

Following the success of the first edition, on 15 October the new courses will start in Milan of the Digital School, the training school created by Donna Moderna, CasaFacile and Sale&Pepe, a year ago on the experience of the three brand leaders in the women’s, interior design and food sectors.

The three Mondadori magazines will make available their experience and skills in the digital field and social media for the second edition of the course in content and social media management, this year in collaboration with Piano C, the social innovation laboratory that brings together women and work. A space in the centre of Milan that produces digital and other projects to combat female unemployment in Italy.

The course in content and social media management enables students to acquire and expand their digital skills through 42 hours of lessons organised in two levels: a base module to learn what, how and where to communicate in order to be discovered on the web – from the construction of an editorial plan to the secrets of social media management, and from online writing to strategies for the analysis of SEO results – and an advanced module, aimed at those with a good knowledge of the web and a desire to become autonomous in online brand development, content planning, data analysis and the business management of the activity.

The course includes classroom lessons and the testimony of the editors and digital professionals from the three Mondadori magazines, in class tutoring for the entire duration of the course, case history studies and a final workshop for both modules.

The lessons of the course in content and social media management will be held in Milan at Piano C, via Simone D’Orsenigo 18, from 15 October 2016 for the basic module and from 28 January 2017 for the advanced module.

The training offer of the school of Donna Moderna, CasaFacile e Sale&Pepe is also available in e-learning mode, with 19 courses and programmes for different needs.

For information about enrolment and costs, please go to: www.digitalschool.it.

Digital School