Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. today announced – as per Art. 2.6.2 of the regulations governing markets organised and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. – the corporate events scheduled for 2017:

  • Tuesday 21 March 2017: meeting of the Board of Directors for the approval of the Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2016;
  • Thursday 11 May 2017: meeting of the Board of Directors for the approval of the 1st Quarter Report to 31 March 2017;
  • Thursday 27 July 2017: meeting of the Board of Directors for the approval of the Interim Report to 30 June 2017;
  • Thursday 9 November 2017: meeting of the Board of Directors for the approval of the 3rd Quarter Report to 30 September 2017.

The Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders for the approval of the Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2016 will be held on Thursday 27 April 2017.

Analysts’ presentations of the results for the full year to 31 December 2016, the interim report to 30 June 2017 and the reports on the first and third quarters of 2017 will be held on the dates, as indicated above, of the respective meetings of the Board of Directors.

Any eventual changes will be promptly communicated to the market.

Mention should be made that Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A., as a company listed on the STAR segment of Borsa Italiana, will publish the interim reports on operations at 31 March 2017 and at 30 September 2017 – pursuant to art. 2.2.3, par. 3, of the Borsa Italiana Regulations – within 45 days after the end of the first, third and fourth quarters of the year (with exemption from the publication of the interim report on the fourth quarter if the annual financial report, together with the other documents referred to in art. 154 – ter, par. 1, of the Finance Consolidation Act, is made available within 90 days after year end). The interim reports on operations will be made available, in accordance with current regulations, at the Company’s registered office, on the Company’s website www.gruppomondadori.it (Investors section), and through the authorized storage mechanism (www.1info.it), together with the relating press releases.

The new Starbene

The Mondadori Group brand leader in the health and wellbeing segment starts the year with much that is new for the more than 3.6 million of contacts in its system


The magazine is celebrating its 40th anniversary with a new design and an editorial line that aims to be a point of reference in the world of health and wellbeing

Starbene Podcast: for the first time, audio clips demand about diet, health and general wellbeing

Starbene, to coincide with the title’s 40th anniversary, the Mondadori Group brand, that is a point of reference in the health and wellbeing segment, a new look has been given to its media system with increased attention to diet, health and fitness.

Thanks to an even more positive approach, the new Starbene will offer even easier to use solutions, making it – thanks to both the print and digital content – “personal wellbeing coach”, an authoritative and accessible consultant to guide the readers towards a healthier day-to-day life.

«The authoritativeness comes from the professionalism of the journalistic staff, the network of over 100 experts and 40 years of experience, making Starbene a safe haven in a time of disinformation and post-truth. An authentic point of reference to help you make the right choices, concerning health and wellbeing», declared Annalisa Monfreda, the magazine’e editor.


With a view to further expanding the multichannel nature of its system – which comprises the magazine, web, TV, radio, events and social media – Starbene has launched a number of new features offering new services to an increasingly broad total audience, which already accounts for over 3.6 million total contacts per month (source: Audiweb November 2016 + Audipress 2016/II print and/or replicas).

The magazine will change in a number of ways, starting from the way in which content is presented. The issue on newsstands from tomorrow, Tuesday 17 January, will include articulated dossiers with background information and a focus on  news, diet, health, fitness, beauty and psychology, with the reliability and guaranteed competence of a range of experts that have long been a hallmark of the brand.

Moreover, for the first time, the brand is also launching the Starbene Podcast, short audio clips, produced by the staff in collaboration with MyVoxes, that can be accessed on smartphones, tablets and PCs from the web site Starbene.it: with news, every day, about diet, health and wellbeing. While, every Tuesday, there will be a closer look at one of the articles in the magazine with the voices of experts on issues of greater interest to the Starbene community.

Every morning Starbene users will receive a daily newsletter con with brief news items, updates and links to the podcast.

Finally, also the collaboration with Radio Monte Carlo continues on Mondays to Fridays, at 12.15, as part of the section RMC DOC providing daily health tips and suggestion from the experts of Starbene.

The system is also active with a series of events around the country. For example, Starbene is the media partner of “Winter Village”, the first of its kind organised in Milano, from 18 to 22 January in the area around Via Pagano. The magazine is present every day with a showcooking demo, during which the chefs, assisted by the title’s nutritionists, put together a menu that combines taste with wellbeing. There is also a desk where visitors can seek personalised advice, offered for free, about diet and nutrition, food allergies and healthy eating in general.

The first issue of the new Starbene will be on newsstands from 17 January with a cut price of €1. The launch is supported by a media campaign developed by Hi! Comunicazione in the press, on TV, radio, the web and at large-scale retail outlets.

Starbene is part of the Mediamond health hub, a multi-brand and multi-channel network that reaches some 6.7 million contacts every month (total audience print + digital, source: Audiweb November 2016 + Audipress 2016/II print and/or replicas).


The new Casabella: a re-design between tradition and the new

The new year starts with much that is new for Casabella,
the architectural magazine of the Mondadori Group. In fact, from this month the magazine, edited by Francesco Dal Co, will appear with a new look and new content, while remaining faithful to the character that has made it successful since 1928, as, for example,  the unusual 28 by 31 centimetre format.

“From 1996 the design of Casabella has been updated on a number of occasions,” the editor Francesco Dal Co explained. “After some twenty years we decided it was time for a more marked update. However, redesigning the magazine without taking a new look at the content wouldn’t have made much sense. Consequently, the changes that we decided to make should be clear from the issue that readers now have in their hands. Only a single section of the magazine has remained essentially the same. These are the pages dedicated to the presentation and discussion of books, until now introduced by a celebrated photograph of and great architect who was also an assiduous reader, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. In place of this photograph readers will now find an impassioned plea on behalf of reading written at the beginning of the 16th century by one of the greatest publishers of all time, Aldo Manuzio, an exhortation that remains surprisingly apt, also today,” the editor concluded.

The changes to the other parts of the magazine can be seen right from the first pages, in which information for professionals about what the industry is making available and what is happening in the profession itself, will be progressively refined in order to provide and effective and critically oriented service.

The inside pages will also be changed to make Casabella a printed magazine (but not only) that pays attention to the design, the writing and particular attention to the way in which architectural works takes form, in other words, to the drawings and design plans. Even more attention will be given to the combinations and quality of images, as well as a tighter critical approach, in order to live up to the expectations of readers.

In addition to news, there will be a new focus also on history, given that “without looking at the past design is an incomplete activity: a weak exercise conducted in a state of illusory lightness, just as it is an illusion to discuss current affairs without reference to the past,”  the editor Dal Co explained.

But Casabella is not just a highly prestigious national and international magazine. It is also a web site casabellaweb.eu, and is also present on a range of social media that integrate the content in an increasingly refined and functional way also for those who interested in talking about production, products and the realisation of designs.  The brand also lives through a space in the heart of Milan, the Casabella Laboratorio, that hosts exhibitions, meetings and events.

And, finally, Casabella, in collaboration with ProViaggiArchitettura, a company that specialises in organising architectural tours and itineraries, has developed the “Casabella Formazione” project. Conferences, tours, visits to construction sites and factories, exhibitions, courses and meetings, are just some of the activities organised by Casabella and ProViaggiArchitettura, and aimed at extending the magazine’s cultural offer and responding to the needs of readers and the obligations of keeping up to speed with professional requirements.

28×31 Casabella 2017 will be available on newsstands from 14 January at a cost of €12.

David Bowie – The Real face

Until 6 February 2017 an exhibition of work by Andy Fluon, Giovanna Fra, Bianca Lodola, Marco Lodola and Sergio Pappalettera interpreting the star on the anniversary of his death will run at the Mondadori Megastore di Piazza Duomo in Milan

  • Mondadori Megastore – Milano, piazza Duomo 1
  • 10 January > 6 February 2017
  • From: 9 am – 23 pm| admission free

On the anniversary of the death of David Bowie and 40 from the release of the film “The Man Who Fell to Earth”, Mondadori Store celebrates the great artist with a special event and exhibition, entitled “DAVID BOWIE – THE REAL FACE”.

On 10 January 2017 at 6.30 pm in the Events Space on the 3rd floor of the Mondadori Megastore in Piazza Duomo in Milan there will be an exceptional display of the original cast of the face of David Bowie made in 1975 during the shooting of “The Man Who Fell to Earth” (1976): the film in which Bowie wore a number of masks and the cast was used by costume designers to ensure a perfect fit. An extraordinary piece that Red Ronnie, after buying it at Sotheby’s in the 1990s, had autographed by David Bowie during a Roxy Bar interview.

A unique event with the extraordinary participation of Red Ronnie and the screening of extracts from “The Man Who Fell to Earth”, a musical performance by Andy Fluon from the Bluvertigo and contributions from the protagonists of the exclusive exhibition “DAVID BOWIE THE REAL FACE” in which artists Andy FluonGiovanna Fra, Bianca Lodola, Marco Lodola and Sergio Pappalettera interpret Bowie each in their own style.

The exhibition, part of the St-Art, artist of the month cycle (the cultural project created and promoted by Mondadori Store in collaboration with Milo Goj’s Art Relation), will run until 5 February before continuing at the Teatro Ariston during the Sanremo Festival.

Icon: January’s Classic Style Issue brings the annual total to 8

For the first time a special issue coinciding with Pitti di Firenze and the Milan men’s fashion week

Icon’s new “Classic Style Issue”, is published on 10 January with a special focus on fashion and tailoring, and coinciding with the 91st edition of Pitti Immagine Uomo in Florence (from 9 to 13 January) and the Milan shows.

A special issue, published for the first time in the month of January to mark the two essential appointments for male fashion which will feature Mondadori Group’s up-scale male title, edited by Michele Lupi, among the protagonists.

This brings to 8 the number of issues of Icon during the year, reinforcing its role in the segment of reference with excellent results in terms of advertising,  up by 8% (print and digital) in 2016 compared with the previous year, confirming the positive trend of the last 3 years.

The new issue includes important fashion features, interviews and services celebrating, as never before, the style of the contemporary man and the whole universe of trends and details surrounding it. “We have chosen an authoritative approach for a fashion that is too often depicted in terms of pure habit, rather than as one of the drivers of our country, from the fashion houses to the catwalks and retail,” declared the editor, Michele Lupi.


The content of the new issue incudes a detailed examination of the role of the shop of the future, thanks also to Tommy Hilfiger who opened the doors to their Digital Room: a concrete evolution of the classic boutique formula formula in which there is a dialogue between the real and the virtual in close contact with the needs of the consumer where made-to-measure style becomes available at a click.

On the cover is Ewan McGregor, who returns to the big screen in early 2017 in the sequel to the film that made him a star: Trainspotting 2. He talks to Icon about twenty years in cinema and his debut as a director with American Pastoral, based on the novel by Philip Roth. Another leading protagonist of this special issue is the astronaut Maurizio Cheli, the first Italian to have travelled on the Space Shuttle as Mission Specialist, who accompanies us into space on an incredible journey to the limits of known reality with highly emotional anecdotes and stories of his adventures.

In an issue dedicated to style, there had to be a big fashion feature produced by the magazine’s fashion director, David St. John-James, who re-interprets the outdoors among the lunar rocks chameleon colours behind the lens of photographer Daniel Riera. As always, of course, there is the fashion portfolio dedicated to the leading designers who in the January issue offer a preview of the spring fashions in a sophisticated mood that recalls the atmosphere of the cinema of the past.


The role of the magazine is enhanced by the contribution of events and extra-sector initiatives. During the 91st edition of Pitti Immagine Uomo in Florence, the new issue of Icon will enjoy a special distribution, conducted on 10 January at the Central Station in Milan, on the platform from which the high-speed Frecciarossa leaves for Florence. This is a special initiative that confirms the reinforcement of an increasingly targeted distribution system across the territory.

Special efforts have also been made on the communication front with the use of high-impact visibility formats at the S. Maria Novella station in Florence and the distribution of copies at the city’s 4 and 5 star hotels.

The issue will be presented on 16 January during the Milan Men’s Fashion Week at a lunch in the Armani Hotel. also with the participation of Icon Spain.

Happy birthday CasaFacile

On newsstands from 10 January a special issue with 70 pages dedicated to the ideal home

The CasaFacile brand confirms its success also on the advertising front: in fact, 2016 advertising sales were +6% on the previous year

CasaFacile is 20 years old, years well spent among creative ideas, before & afters, inspiration, smart solutions and background details that have made the title of Mondadori Group an authentic “magazine-community” that has grown along with its readers, both on and offline.

“It’s already 20 years since CasaFacile made its first appearance on newsstands: an in twenty years we have made some homes!” declared Giusi Silighini, editor of CasaFacile. “Since I became the editor of this monthly I have only had one thought in mind: to show not just dream corners and hyper-functional solutions, but to enable readers to change their homes, take them by the hand and explain the whys and wherefores of choosing furniture and the combinations of materials and colours. In other words, to enable them to reproduce what they see (and appreciate) every month as they flick through CasaFacile. We are, after all, an aspirational, but accessible monthly, with a touch of the unconventional,” concluded the editor.

The whole of 2017 will be a ‘celebr-active year: in which CasaFacile will organise ad hoc courses, new workshops and creative laboratories. There will be many opportunities to meet to share the passions that unite both the magazine’s staff and its readers: those of homes and their stories. Over the years the  CasaFacile team has been enhanced: 24 young creative bloggers, over 100 CF style professionals (including architects and interiors stylists) across Italy who have all passed a casting and become available for those who need personalised advice: all at the service of the readers who every month buy the magazine and the more than 245,000 fans active every day on Facebook and the 75,000 followers on Instagram, a total audience (print and digital) of 1,486,422 monthly contacts (Source: elaboration by MCube based on Audipress 2016/II – Audiweb View October 2016),

The special initiatives start this week with a special collectors’ edition on newsstands: the CasaFacile stylists have designed and created the ideal home, one that responds to today’s dreams and needs, and in which everyone would like to live. Over 70 pages are dedicated to this “home of homes” that will also feature at the Fuorisalone 2017, in an exceptional location in the heart of Milan during this year’s Design Week.

And, of course, there will also be increasingly rich supplements and on and offline advice to find the most practical solutions to create your own style in a useable, smart and amusing way. There will also be new features on the web site casafacile.it, with new video-clips, curated by journalist and TV presenter Giorgio Tartaro, with accounts and explanations, in perfect ‘CF style’ on the icons of design.

The CasaFacile brand also confirms its success also on the advertising front: in fact, 2016 advertising sales were +6% on the previous year, a result achieved also thanks to the special initiatives organised in collaboration with important clients both within and outside the sector. The positive trend of the last two years continues in 2017: this first anniversary issue for celebrating magazine’s first 20 years, as with subsequent issues, will have an even more prestigious look and be fully bound.

A communication campaign to mark the first 20 years of CasaFacile has been organised by the agency Hi! Comunicazione and planned across various media: TV, print, web and social.

CasaFacile will be on newsstands from 10 January at a cost of €1.50.

Follow all of the anniversary events also on social networks: #casafacile20anni

Mondadori Group: Daniele Sacco new director of Human Resources and Organization

Effective today, Daniele Sacco is the new Director of Human Resources and Organization of Mondadori Group, reporting directly to CEO Ernesto Mauri.

Born in Milan in 1961, Sacco earned a degree in political science at the Università Cattolica in 1986.He started his professional career at HP Italiana S.p.A. as HR coordinator (1986-1990). Following a stint at Cedborsa S.p.A. (1990-1993) as HR and Organization Director, in 1993 he returned to HP, holding increasing responsibilities until becoming HR Director of Hardcopy Division and HP Italy (1994-1997).From 1997 to 2004, Sacco worked with the Kraft Food Group, initially as HR Director of Kraft Jacobs Suchard Italia S.p.A. (1997-1999), then as Management and Organizational Development Director E.U. Region at Kraft Food International.From 2004 to 2011, he held positions of increasing responsibility at Ferrero International, becoming Director HR and Organization Global Commercial, reporting directly to the CEO, and board member of various group companies (2010-2011).From 2011 to 2016 he was at Rio Tinto, until 2013 as Vice President HR Diamonds and Minerals, then as Chief Operating Officer HR.

Donatella Versace: for the first time a woman on the cover of the men’s magazine Icon

The January issue, dedicated to style, comes out in conjunction with the opening of Pitti Uomo and the Milan men's fashion week.

“I struggled to win. And I won “, there is all the pride of an extraordinary woman behind Donatella Versace’s words, the first female face ever to end up on the cover of Icon, the Mondadori Group’s men’s magazine, edited by Michele Lupi. To whom the vice-president of the Milanese fashion house tells the story in his new issue on January 9th, just a few days after the award ceremony as Fashion Icon Award by the British Fashion Council, and forty years after the company was founded.

The new issue of Icon – which on January 9th will be distributed with a special activity at the central station of Milan and that of Firenze S. Maria Novella in favour of the departing and arriving trains in Florence for Pitti – confirms the continued growth of the magazine, which recorded a 10% increase in advertising sales in 2017 compared to the previous year (source: Nielsen Jan-Oct. 2017). A positive result in contrast to the market of reference (men’s magazines) which marks almost -3%. Advertising sales were also very good for the new issue, which stood at around +10%, with a consolidation of special projects and digital performance.