Casafacile stars in the reality show “Cambio Casa, Cambio Vita” broadcast by La5

Andrea Castrignano and CasaFacile have produced the first “four-handed” before & after, transforming the home of a young couple

For its 20th anniversary CasaFacile s going on TV. In fact, the Mondadori Group magazine will be the star of an episode of the docu-reality show Cambio Casa, Cambio Vita which is broadcast on the Mediaset channel La5.

In February CasaFacile began an exceptional casting initiative among its readers, a great many of whom put themselves forward as candidates for a complete relook overseen by Andrea Castrignano and the CasaFacile team. An authentic four-handed ‘before & after’ that will be on newsstands in the July issue of CasaFacile and on air on La5 with Cambio Casa, Cambio Vita.

“The ‘before & after’ format has been a CasaFacile classic for more than 10 years and we are delighted to be able to take it on TV: it has been a wonderful opportunity to collaborate with Andrea and the Cambio Casa, Cambio Vita! team,” said the editor of CasaFacile  Giusi Silighini.

Andrea Castrignano and Vanessa Pisk (a special correspondent of CasaFacile) transformed a dated apartment belonging to the grandparents of a young couple into their ideal home. and the result is an unusual mix of  surprising country chic, and a combination of the inimitable taste of Andrea Castrignano and the  ‘CasaFacile style’.

The episode of Cambio Casa, Cambio Vita, which will air in primetime on 27 June on La5 at 11.15 pm (and repeated on 1 July at 1.00 pm; 2 July at 3.30 pm; and on 4 July at the end of the subsequent episode), well tell the story of the apartment – and that of the lucky protagonists. And in the issue of CasaFacile on newsstands from 5 July the Prima&Dopo feature will be completely given over to the restyling of the apartment, with extensive details and curiosities for readers.

Spy, the magazine “that puts its nose in other people’s business”, launches in Italy

  • An idea of Alfonso Signorini, to be edited by Massimo Borgnis
  • A total print run of 2 million copies for the first 4 issues

On newsstands from tomorrow, Friday 23 June, Spy, a new magazine that will reveal the secrets of the Italian star system.

This new launch will expand the Mondadori Group’s portfolio of brands with a popular weekly characterised by a distinctive formula and positioning compared with what is currently on the market. Spy will be the only magazine to reveal the un-confessed and un-confessable secrets of celebrities, in a tantalising and biting style.

“The recent months have been a very exciting period for our magazines. We are the market leader, with a market share of around 32% and our portfolio of brands is continuing to expand,” declared Carlo Mandelli, the Mondadori Group’s general manager of Magazines Italy. We have launched a new magazine – Giallo Zafferano – re-launched others, alongside growth in digital where we are now Italy’s leading publisher with around 17 users per month. Spy will further extend our offer with a new product, aimed at a broad base of readers, interested, as the magazine’s claim clearly states, in “a magazine that puts its nose into other people’s business”, and discovering, in a tantalising and biting style, what goes on behind the scenes in the lives of TV personalities, the stars of TV series and the protagonists of reality and talent shows.

Spy is the result of a project that we have developed with the aim of offering, in addition to Chi – Italy’s leading people magazine –  an innovative new weekly with a strong identity, but always faithful to the editorial quality that characterises all of the Group’s brands,”  Mandelli concluded.

Spy is based on an idea by Alfonso Signorini, the editor of the weekly Chi: “Spy has a dual mission: to inform and entertain. It is a decidedly well informed magazine, thanks to an editorial team and collaborators that have spent their lives behind the scenes or working also, though not only, in the entertainment world, though not only,  and hearing, every day, news and “rumours” from the inside. The news and rumours that fill the magazine, from the first to the last page. And doing so in an entertaining way, not taking itself too seriously and not being the fountain of absolute truth, clear in the knowledge that the world is never just black and white, but an infinite range of colours,” said Signorini.

Edited by Massimo BorgnisSpy digs into the life of celebrities, revealing unexpected stories that focus on the personalities of the moment who most enthuse the Italian audience. Among the topics in the first issue: Stefano De Martino is the new sex symbol of the summer and Kate’s red light friendship that is making the Queen tremble. But also: The media war between Maria De Filippi and Stefano Gabbana and Corona is released from prison, marries Silvia Provvedi and changes his life.

In addition to the news, inside Spy, readers will find columns and features dedicated to cooking, fashion, beauty and TV programmes.

A massive launch plan has been put together to support the new magazine: for the first four weeks, Spy will have a total print run of 2 million copies, alongside a communication campaign starring Alfonso Signorini.

The TV commercial – which will be aired throughout the summer – with a surprising and ironic tone, sees Alfonso Signorini during an original “confession”, that he feels the need to reveal, in the new Spy, all of the VIPs’ most hidden secrets.

The campaign, developed by Twin Studio, is articulated across various media.

Spy will enjoy major communication support with a multi-brand approach on all media: in addition to TV (Mediaset channels), an important radio campaign (R101, Virgin, Radio Italia, 105) is planned, as well as the Mondadori Group’s print titles, and promotion at points of sale, on the web and social networks.

Digital communication is strong with a video strategy with a display campaign on Mondadori’s women’s websites with 24 million impressions and buzz marketing activities on Facebook with a number of celebrity teaser videos.

Videos, revelations, and previews will be shared on the Spy fanpage www.facebook.com/SpyMagazineIT

After the launch. at €0.50 €, the cover price of Spy will be €1.

“With Spy, Mediamond, the advertising sales company, will extend its offer also to the most popular product categories, which occupy a highly active segment,” said Davide Mondo, chief executive of Mediamond. “The market has responded very positively to the launch of Spy. The first issue has collected 54 advertising pages and we already have a great response for the 3 subsequent issues. This confirms our idea that Spy is the right product to complete our already extensive portfolio,” Mondo concluded.

Nasce Spy, il magazine che si fa i fatti degli altri

Palazzo Niemeyer: a new permanent illumination marks Mondadori’s 110th anniversary

  •  Artistic restoration by Mario Nanni
  •  This evening a preview for the staff and collaborators of the Mondadori Group with the poetry of light Sospeso, leggero ma non troppo
  •  Francesco Dal Co presents the new edition of the book Oscar Niemeyer. Il Palazzo Mondadori

The Mondadori Group has chosen the summer solstice to inaugurate the permanent artistic restoration of the illumination of Palazzo Mondadori, the building designed by Oscar Niemeyer.

An important renovation project on an iconic example of contemporary architecture, at both the national and international level, with which the Mondadori Group wants to celebrate 100 years of history.

“In recent years, the Mondadori Group has changed, embarking on a new solidity with new prospects, by focusing on the “fundamentals”, the activities related to the publishing of books and magazines, in both traditional and digital forms. And I like to seen an analogy in this capacity to innovate, without forgetting our roots, with the building that Niemeyer designed for Mondadori,” underlined Ernesto Mauri, chief executive of the Mondadori Group, “and that everyday surprises us by its visionary modernity, comprised of solid and traditional architectural elements that are in harmony with extraordinarily creative forms; an architecture that is new each time we look at it, but is, at the same time, history, and, with this new feature, increasingly the future.”


The building, which is owned by Gruppo Generali and has been the headquarters of the Mondadori Group since 1975, was built according to three fundamental Vitruvian principles as a way of providing large working spaces for a business that is a symbol of Italian excellence, Mondadori (utilitas or utility): a building constructed on water and on the earth, with strong and solid pillars (firmitas or durability) with a suspended body for the work areas; and, above all, a building with the capacity to express a beauty that aspires to the sublime (venustas or beauty and delight).

Thanks to the permanent illumination designed by the master of light Mario Nanni, the Palazzo Mondadori will be seen in a new light, an intense narrative able to express the life of the building and the structure of its arches.

Mario Nanni has designed a total work that brings together light, cinema, music and publishing; a work dedicated to the daytime and the night-time, for a day-to-day homage to life, thought and beauty. A work for both those who work in the building and those who will see it only from a distance: a work for everyone.

Palazzo Niemeyer: a new permanent illumination marks Mondadori's 110th anniversary


Mondadori’s 110th anniversary and the realisation of the permanent artistic restoration of the illumination of Palazzo Mondadori, also offer the perfect occasion to present – with the words of Professor Francesco Dal Co, editor of CASABELLA – a new edition of the book Oscar Niemeyer. Il Palazzo Mondadori, by Roberto Dulio (Electa).

The book, which has been completely re-designed since the first 2007 edition, published to mark Mondadori’s 100th anniversary, retraces the story of the conception and construction of the company’s headquarters between 1968 and 1975: a precise and accurate study that aims to reconstruct the commissioning of the building to the Brazilian architect who went on to place it within a broader cultural context.

«The Palazzo Mondadori is the son of Itamaraty, the Foreign Ministry building completed by Niemeyer in Brasilia in 1964, and much admired by Giorgio Mondadori. The light of the arches of Itamaraty is the same; whereas in the Palazzo Mondadori it varies: a monument in one, a “symphony” in the other, commented Professor Francesco Dal Co, editor of Casabella. Moreover, in the Palazzo Mondadori the floors hang to the cover and float on empty space. But if Niemeyer completed in Milan an exploit that he had only touched upon in Brasilia, this is also due to the companies that produced the special materials used in its construction and the Italian engineers that calculated the static.»

Oscar Niemeyer. Il Palazzo Mondadori includes documents, original and unseen sketches by Niemeyer, plans, photographs of the site and the completed building, as well as a photographic campaign by Gabriele Basilico and a more recent one by Roland Halbe, made after the restoration of the building, that make it possible to retrace the various steps that led to the realisation of the building in a philological, visually enthralling and engaging manner, not only for fans of contemporary architecture, but also for normal readers.


The new lighting project for Palazzo Mondadori will be presented this evening after sunset with “Sospeso, leggero ma non troppo”, a poem of light dedicated to all those, staff and collaborators,  who work everyday inside this iconic construction.

A story in light and music that will transform Palazzo Mondadori into a canvas on which the illumination will depict the passage of time and offering a new interpretation of its architecture in the night-time. To ensure that real architecture enthusiasts – and others, too – won’t miss the show, the event will be broadcast live this evening on the Mondadori Group’s Facebook page.

«Faced with a monumental building, made of imposing material and with an historical existence, necessarily requires study, respect and listening to the place. A syncretic intervention of high symbolic value which, comprising architecture and landscape, solar phases and chronobiology, brings you up against the infinite rules of natural light through a background that generates light and shadow, that celebrates the beauty of the complex, even after sunset, and making it eternal,» said Mario Nanni.

The twenty-three pillars of the facade will be matched by as many minutes, plus one, the twenty-fourth vertical element that completes the rhythmic composition of the building. The meridian light will caress the building like the page of a book, in a composition that brings together different and complementary knowledge, reaching out beyond time, paying homage to the beauty of the Palazzo Mondadori.

The dialogue between architecture, light, water and fire will last for a total of thirty minutes: twenty-four minutes of poetry, followed by a pause of six minutes, during which the light will stay on to enhance the architecture as a whole, in the magic of the night.

«The choice of the summer solstice to inaugurate my work of light is because it is a special night,” – explains Mario Nanni – “indeed, it is the shortest night of the year, in which we enter the sign of Cancer, whose constellation, during the presentation of the project, will become a great fire that will illuminate the night, with a unique and unrepeatable image of the building,» Nanni concludes.

Sospeso, leggero ma non troppo

Watch the video of the event

Mondadori Retail: new bookstores to open in Puglia

From 21 to 29 June a series of Open Days to discover franchising opportunities in collaboration with the Banca Popolare di Bari in the Puglia region

Mondadori Retail, Italy’s most extensive network of book shops with 600 outlets. is aiming to grow further with a development plan for the opening of new Mondadori Bookstores across the country, and offering opportunities to become an affiliate of the  chain.

The business model that characterises the Mondadori Group’s is franchising. With over 550 affiliated outlets across Italy, Mondadori Retail offers a capillary coverage able to reach customers even in the smallest towns. The core assortment of books, is supported by a range of other products, such as music, films, stationery and toys, for an all-round cultural offer.

The Mondadori Retail affiliation proposal is aimed at entrepreneurs with a great passion for books and reading, and who want to become protagonists of the cultural life of their town and able to enhance the relationship with customers and the surrounding area.

“Our franchisees can rely on a prestigious brand, consolidated know-how and all of the experience of the leading bookstore group with a solid image built up over the years that is a reference point for culture and entertainment. Our bookstore development plan foresees the expansion of our presence to the most interesting locations, including the region of Puglia, with the aim of bringing our offer even closer to the public,” declared Leonardo Gazza, Mondadori Retail’s sales director for both directly managed and franchised stores.

Affiliates in Puglia will receive all-round support from Mondadori Retail, from the search for and selection of locations to the layout, the definition of the assortment and training, as well as a framework agreement with banks.

To this end, a collaboration arrangement for the region of Puglia has been organised with the Banca Popolare di Bari, which has very deep roots in the area in which Mondadori Retail wants to develop, in order to provide a tailor-made offer, and making use of all of the location-specific financing opportunities.

The Mondadori Retail affiliation proposal will be presented during four Open Days: on Wednesday 21 June in Altamura (c/o Hotel Fuori Le Mura​ – via Maestri del lavoro, 5); Thursday 22 June in Barletta (c/o BEST WESTERN Hotel dei Cavalieri – via Foggia, 40); Wednesday 28 June in Santa Maria al Bagno – Nardò (c/o Grand Hotel Riviera – CDSHotels – via E. Filiberto, 172-174); and Thursday 29 June in Brindisi (c/o Grande Albergo Internazionale – Viale Regina Margherita, 23.). The events will take place between 5 and 7 pm.

For information and bookings: roberta.sambinello@mondadori.itwww.mondadoriretail.com

Icon: “Style Rock”, a special edition to celebrate 10 years of Virgin Radio

The new issue is on newsstands to coincide with Pitti Firenze and the men’s fashion shows in Milan

A 52-page special featuring style, music, places and stories with an entirely rock-based focus; a portrait of a giant of world cinema, Christoph Waltz; an unexpected and exclusive visit to the Vatican’s historic tailors, an exploration of the secrets and rituals of the Papal dress code. All this, and much more, in the new issue of Icon, on newsstands and in digital from 13 June, and coinciding with the 92nd edition of Pitti Immagine Uomo in Florence (June 13-16) and the fashion shows of Milano Moda Uomo (from 16 to 20 June 2017).

A special issue, during the two unmissable appointments for men’s fashion, where the Mondadori Group’s upscale men’s magazine, edited by Michele Lupi, will be among the protagonists.

STYLE ROCK – Virgin Radio’s historic pay-off is also the name of the radio’s playlist that has revolutionised Italian radio broadcasting with an unmistakable style and is now preparing to celebrate its first 10 years. But on 13 June, “Style Rock” will above all be the name of an exclusive supplement with the new issue of Icon, that as a stand-alone takes an “iconic” look at the world of rock. A world that has “influenced everything in the past 40 years, from fashion to design, to cinema and photography, as well as cars,” says Icon editor Michele Lupi, explaining the genesis of the Special Issue. “When we realised that Virgin Radio was about to celebrate its 10th anniversary, we immediately thought of a collaboration that would be good for both of us. I talked to the whole radio team, with my old friend Ringo and Paola Maugeri. It seemed clear to everyone that the combination of Icon and Virgin could be a natural evolution of a common way of interpreting style.”

“When Mondadori asked us what we thought of a new project involving our Virgin Radio brand with Icon,” said Paolo Salvaderi, chief executive of RadioMediaset, “we immediately saw an opportunity to further strengthen our leadership in the radio market through the most successful male-oreinted editorial product in the print media market. I want to thank Michele Lupi and Mondadori for having created a product that is truly consistent with our positioning, with the established quality and innovation for which Icon is known.”

The cover of the first issue of Style Rock celebrates the legendary “stud”, an element that has come in and out of fashion from the 1950s to the present day, without ever losing its somewhat fetishist appeal for entire generations dedicated to the cult of rock. Inside the magazine, an event exhibition celebrating the great years of Guns N’ Roses, the band currently on a successful and historic reunion tour. But also an exclusive interview with Paul Weller, an authentic British national institution and cross-over composer; a portrait of Thurston Moore, the “serial experimenter” far from the mainstream and historic guitarist of Sonic Youth; and a  focus on vinyl, with the most popular records and stores where to find cult classics.

The advertising sales company Mediamond has attracted a large number of companies and brands, who share the magazine’s and its readers rock spirit, and who themselves represent style icons in their respective segments, including Moto Guzzi and Woolrich. “Style Rock is an idea that we really liked from the start and on which we have worked closely with the publisher,” commented Davide Mondo, chief executive of Mediamond. “It’s a project that has enabled us to experience a happy contamination between media of great editorial consistency and to offer our customers a new and unique product. Thanks to targeted distribution, Style Rock is also perfectly in line with clients’ communication needs. Indeed, we are already working on a second issue.”

The main cover of Icon, meanwhile, features Christoph Waltz, the Austrian actor who conquered Hollywood thanks to Tarantino, with two Oscars as the best actor not in a leading role, two Golden Globes for supporting actor and two BAFTA awards, for Inglorious Basterds and Django Unchained. Inside the magazine there is also an unusual visit to three historical Roman tailors that make clerical clothes and vestments, a discovery of the key figures in the Vatican boutiques and the secrets and rituals of the papal “dress code”.

To mark the 92nd edition of Pitti Immagine Uomo, the new issue of Icon will have a special distribution on 13 June at the Central Station in Milan on the platform for the Frecciarossa trains departing for Florence, confirming the important role of events for the brand’s identity.

“st art. Art for all” presents Pao – Penguin heroes

On show at the Mondadori Megastore in Milan’s Piazza Duomo, from 13 June to 9 July

They are now famous, a constant, a distinctive sign as well as an authentic signature. They are Pao’s (Paolo Bordino) penguins, the protagonists of the “Penguin Heroes” exhibition, from June 13 to July 9 at st art. Art for all, the new artistic project conceived and promoted by Mondadori Store and curated by Angelo Crespi at the Mondadori Megastore in Piazza Duomo. Penguins that are cheerful, simple and full of life, who inevitably provoke a smile and have already “invaded” Italy: in Bologna, Turin, Milan and many other cities.

Born in Milan in 1977, Pao’s first “gym” was the theatre where he trained as a machine operator, sound engineer and stage technician with the company of Franca Rame and Dario Fo. After studying and working at the Teatro alla Scala workshops in Milan, from around 2000, he ventured into street art, which he has never left: urban artwork, created out of curiosity, became more and more frequent, and led to the famous “Panettoni” (road blockers) in the form of penguins, aliens and characters from popular culture, from Star Wars’ R2D2 to the superhero Iron Man.

“In 2000 I was just drawing cartoons for my personal pleasure, then one day I saw a coloured kerbstone. It was a light bulb moment and made me think that it could become one of my characters. From the preparatory drawings, a penguin emerged that said, “draw me”. That was how I started drawing a whole population on the street. In fact a friend of mine said that my name, Pao, stands for Pinguini ad Oltranza (Penguins forever). Since then penguins have become my trademark, almost a totemic animal,” the artist recalls.

2005 saw the creation of the Paopao Studio, the creative and operational base of Pao and Laura, a graphic designer who, with Pao, created and developed graphics and communication projects. Various ventures with big companies led to Pao expanding production and to look for new media, which led to experimentations with materials, prospective research, visual distortions and a study of curved geometry that resulted in the development of his art on canvas and three-dimensional fiberglass. His works do not just form part of the urban context, but become an integral part of the urban environment, and also of mass society, which is reflected in some of his works. To date, Pao’s work has been exhibited at various art exhibitions, including the Milan Contemporary Art Pavilion, the Triennale of Milan and the Venice Biennale.

That Pao’s art is for everyone is also reflected in his words: “My sources of inspiration are varied, ranging from pop art to comics, as well as video games and cartoons. Using elements that are familiar to everyone to express concepts is a good way of creating art that people can understand. Today, Homer Simpson is more famous than the President of the United States, and superheroes are the new saints. So it’s normal to use this new iconography.”

Pao’spenguin heroes” exhibition is the first of the new cycle of st art for all. It will be followed by “stencil mood story” by Mr Savethewall (from 11 July to 10 September), Giacom’s “contemporary comics mix” (from 12 September to 8 October) and “pop up flowers” by Cardeña (from 10 October to 12 November). The first four artists are among the best examples of street or pop art, starting from Pao, one of the most recognisable, having worked in both the urban context and the broader world of communications. His show will be followed by exhibitions of Mr Savethewall, Massimo Giacon, by Felipe Cardeña, each of whom represents in a personal way the contemporary art in this genre.

All of the exhibitions feature original work and the creation of copies and gadgets available to the public at affordable prices. In addition, installations and performances will also feature, making the exhibition space a moment of entertainment and communication.


In June a cycle of conferences will begin with the “Understading Contemporay Art”, in which artists, curators and authors will have a chance to discuss, with book and catalogue presentations, the much discussed issue of how to approach contemporary art, alos in its more eccentric and surprising manifestations.

Initially conceived for the two Mondadori Megastores in Milan (Duomo and Marghera), the “st art”, project wants to involve the entire Mondadori Retail area, which now has some 600 outlets across Italy, as well as though online communication and e-commerce, points of excellence for the Group, by creating an new short circuit between books and pop art, physical and online exhibitions, original work and multiple copies, digital and traditional communication, to encourage and stimulate the dissemination and contamination of art and the public.

st art is an artistic project curated by Angelo Crespi, and has been made possible by the invaluable contribution of Sergio Pappalettera, visual artist and expert in marketing and communication strategies. st art is produced in partnership with Deodato Arte.

st art. Art for all
Mondadori Megastore, Piazza Duomo Milan
Open: 9 am – 11 pm | Entrance: Free
www.mondadoristore.it | #StartInStore


Panorama Auto: a new concept for the brand dedicated to the world of cars

• A new design, more content and integrated communication solutions
• Optimised usability for new styles of mobile consumption

Panorama Auto, the digital brand of the Mondadori Group targeted at car enthusiasts and all those interested in changing their car or motorcycle, is coming to the market with a completely revamped product.

The strong points include the design, offering a heightened user experience, a broader offer of content and advertising formats and an even more interactive price list for those looking for the best products on the market.

A new design and user experience  Panorama Auto is online (www.panorama-auto.it) with a new logo and a new design for mobile first use, optimised for smartphones. A cleaner layout for easier reading not only on a desktop PC that makes it possible to enhance content with a focus on the details of products and to offer extensive visibility also to the advertising offer.

Moreover, the introduction of a video carousel and responsive smart headers make it possible to optimise the organisation of the content across all devices and screens.

New content – A point of reference for car enthusiasts, with a reach of 400,000 unique users (Source: Audiweb View, average in the period February – April 2017– Total Audience Digital), the new Panorama Auto aims to intercept the interests and needs of a growing number of new users who want to buy a new car or motorcycle and who can rely on the brand’s authority.

Added to the wealth of the content that has always distinguished the brand – with all the previews and updates on what’s new on the market, reports from the leading international car shows, a buyers guide and video road tests of new models – is a production increasingly focused on video and social media with detailed lifestyle and travel features able to attract more and more users to the world of cars and motorcycles.

A large number of new features will appear before the summer, starting with a trip to the region of Alsace to discover the European city par excellence, Strasbourg, and the Mosel wine region.

New price lists – The new Panorama Auto will also feature new interactive price lists for cars and motorcycles with a range of search functions by make, model and market segment, as well as the possibility of configuring accessories and extras in order to have a personalised quotation or to request a test drive from the nearest showroom.

New advertising formats – On the occasion of the launch new advertising formats will be presented, including inread, optimised for modern use on mobile devices while ensuring the native visibility of the advertiser. Audi is the exclusive Partner of the restyling with Trust Race, a race between two A5s based on futuristic assisted driving technologies.

The revamped Panorama Auto reinforces the automotive offer of the Mediamond portfolio with a system that also includes Extraurban, the printed supplement to Panorama dedicated to cars and lifestyle that, as well as providing a detailed picture of what’s new in the sector, also covers subjects ranging from culture to sport, entertainment and fashion.


Divine loves at the MANN

From 7 June until 16 October 2017 at the National Archeological Museum of Naples (MANN)

Opening on 7 June 2017, the Amori Divini (Divine loves) exhibition is curated by Anna Anguissola and Carmela Capaldi, with Luigi Gallo and Valeria Sampaolo. It is promoted by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism and by the National Archaeological Museum of Naples, organised by Electa.
The exhibition offers a journey into the world of Greek myth and into the changing fortunes of stories with two narrative ingredients: seduction and transformation.
It includes more than 20 paintings and sculptures, with a particular focus on those from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Artists such as Baccio Bandinelli, Bartolomeo Ammannati, Nicolas Poussin, Giambattista Tiepolo and many others allow us to follow the fortunes of Greek legends through to much more recent times, but also to understand the role played by ancient images and literary sources in this tradition.

With the Amori Divini exhibition, on the initiative of Paolo Giulierini, the National Archaeological Museum is continuing an exhibition programme, promoted together with the Archaeological Site of Pompeii, that examines the relations and trade between Pompeii, the Roman world, and the ancient Mediterranean. Until 27 November 2017 it will be possible to visit the Pompei e i greci (Pompeii and the Greeks) exhibition in the Large Palaestra in Pompeii.
Amori Divini is accompanied by a catalogue that retraces and examines the key issues of the exhibition, with both theoretical essays on the function and significance of the myths of love and transformation in the Graeco-Roman world, and analyses of the individual mythological subjects and settings the works on display come from. The items of show are examined in detailed entries drafted by experts in the field.

Il Mio Papa: a Spanish edition for the world’s first weekly magazine dedicated to Pope Francis

Il Mio Papa, the world’s first weekly magazine entirely devoted to Pope Francis is coming to Spain, thanks to an agreement with the publishing house Romana Editorial.

The new international edition of the Mondadori Group title, now available also in Spain, will be monthly and will retain the vibrant, high impact and colourful layout, with a rich selection of photographs, that characterises the Italian edition of Il mio Papa, edited by Aldo Vitali.

The editor of the Spanish edition Carmen Magallón commented: “I am thrilled by the magnificent collaboration with Mondadori, that I thank for the realisation of this project. I am convinced that, together, we will do a great job and serve the aim of spreading the message of Pope Francis by taking it not only to an audience that loves printed magazines, but also, thanks to the digital format, to young people.”

The Spanish edition of Il mio Papa is published under licence by Romana Editorial, with the collaboration of UCV, Università Cattolica in Valencia, that has supported the publishers in a project that already includes a number of books about Pope Francis.