GialloZafferano confirms its position as the top destination for italians in the kitchen and makes its debut abroad

Online now a new multi-touchpoint platform that takes the GialloZafferano offer also to an international audience

2020 was a year full of initiatives of the digital brands of the Mondadori Group: a successful portfolio that ranges from GialloZafferano to Donna Moderna, and from MyPersonalTrainer to Grazia and Studenti.it, and that confirms its role as a point of reference for the interests and enthusiasm of Italians online.

In December, with a +7% increase on the same month of the previous year, the digital network of Mondadori Media reached 29 million unique users per month (Source: Audiweb), confirming in particular its position as the publisher of reference for female users, with almost 17 million visitors.

A competitive positioning with, at the top, GialloZafferano, Italy’s most popular food media brand, which, again according to Audiweb, is visited by more than 20 million users per month.
In fact, in December, Italians spent over 7 million hours on GialloZafferano, which is equal to 70% of all the time spent by Italians across all cookery sites.
And with this result Giallozafferano also confirms its position as the fourth most used publishing brand overall, and the first excluding news sites.

This leadership should then be added to the brand’s position on social media where it is followed by over 18 million fans on six platforms, from Facebook to Instagram, YouTube to TikTok, as well as Twitter and Pinterest.
Particularly interesting is the brand’s success on TikTok, where in just over six months from the launch, the brand has gained more than in 650,000 followers, and is continuing to grow, also among the younger target.
The growth trajectory of GialloZafferano continues also in 2021 with the launch of a new multi-touchpoint platform in English, already available online and on the main social networks, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

Thanks to this initiative the brand will give added impulse to its development and aim to become an essential destination, not only for Italian users, but also for a global audience of cooking enthusiasts who want to learn about and try traditional Made in Italy dishes, and becoming an authentic world ambassador of Italian cooking.

“For more than fifteen years GialloZafferano has been recognised by food lovers for the quality of its content and the continuous one-to-one care that it gives to all its users, across all media. With the launch of the English-language version of GialloZafferano and its social media, marks the beginning of the brand’s international expansion which will enable us to spread the best of Italian cooking around the world: in fact, along with fashion and design, food is one of the Italy’s most important assets and the Mondadori Group is active all of these sectors with outstanding brands,” declared Andrea Santagatageneral manager of Mondadori Media.

For its international debut GialloZafferano has developed a communication system that starts from the web with GialloZafferano.com dedicated to “The best Italian recipes”. The new site offers and extensive selection of the best dishes from the Italian kitchen with over 200 step-by-step recipes produced or translated into English and accompanied by videos and photos, and the aim is to arrive at 500 video-recipes by the end of 2021.

The multi-touchpoint approach is ranged across social media, from Facebook and Instagram pages, and dedicated YouTube channels, with a total initial fanbase of 4.5 million fans, of which 170,000 followers on Instagram, over 4.1 million fans on Facebook and 200,000 subscribers on the “GialloZafferano Italian recipes” YouTube channel. In fact, for many months Giallozafferano has been curating and growing its presence on social media in English. On YouTube the brand already offers around 500 video-recipes, while on Facebook and Instagram a unique and distinctive positioning had been developed that brings together and promotes, not only the best of Italian cooking, but also the best of Italy in general, in order to allow users to discover the “best and the beauty” in which the country excels.
The brand will also take advantage of the collaboration of creators that will focus on the inimitable classic recipes of our country.

The new GialloZafferano platform in English is an ideal opportunity also for Italian companies in the food sector who want to aim their campaigns at a global audience.


For more details:

–        https://www.giallozafferano.com/

–        https://www.facebook.com/GialloZafferanoLovesItaly

–        https://www.instagram.com/giallozafferanolovesitaly/

–        https://www.youtube.com/user/yellowsaffron

Donna Moderna launches the project “Modern relationships”: a four-part look at love, the family, friendship and sex

To coincide with Valentine’s Day part one is dedicated to love

Donna Moderna, the brand that is a point of reference in the women’s magazine segment, launches a special on love to coincide with Valentine’s Day.
The issue on newsstands tomorrow features more than 40 pages with moving stories, surprising interviews and ideas to from which to draw inspiration. And at the heart of the magazine an exclusive illustration, inspired by love, to pull out and keep.

This special is the first part of a “Modern Relationships” project: a four-part series focused on discovering how love, the family, friendship and sex have changed.
A new format that is developed in the magazine, on social media and the web site in a circular, multichannel and complete communication.

“We asked our readers to tell us their love stories and we could not have imagined that we would be flooded with stories. Love remains the strongest driver of our existence and relationships have changed profoundly and Covid, like everything else, has accelerated these changes. And that is what we examine in this issue. Without forgetting, however, that we are dealing with a sentiment that, more than any other, gives direction to our lives and that the best way to understand it is to speak about it,” declared Annalisa Monfreda, editor of Donna Moderna.

The Donna Moderna special
Featured on the cover are Giorgia Palmas with her partner Filippo Magnini. The TV presenter and swimmer talk in an interview about their story, crowned last September with the arrival of little Mia, and they are also photographed in an exclusive fashion feature inside the magazine.

This special issue dedicated to relationships will also feature the stories of three couple who have who have experienced complementarity in work and in life: the chefs Isabella Potì and Floriano Pellegrino, who started a restaurant together, the philosophers and writers Maura Gancitano and Andrea Colamedici, founders of Tlon, a cultural project, and the architects Cristiana Favretto and Antonio Girardi, rewarded by Time with the inclusion of their green project among the 100 most innovative.

The pages of Donna Moderna also include an important survey on the dematerialization of feelings. The divorce lawyer and expert on sentimental relationships Ester Viola and the psychologist, psychotherapist and analyst Stefania Andreoli discuss the issue of imaginary relationships and virtual betrayals, explaining why it is so difficult to love today.
These two important voices will also take part in a live event on Facebook on Friday 12 February at 5.30 pm.

At the heart of this special issue is an illustration inspire by love, produced for Donna Moderna by the artist Giò Pastori and a double-page with the most beautiful and romantic verses, chosen by readers on social media: the most voted, by Rupi Kaur, with “Il modo in cui ti ami è il modo in cui insegni ad altri ad amarti” (The way you love yourself is the way you teach others to love you), followed by Alda Merini with her words “Ieri sera era amore, io e te nella vita fuggitivi e fuggiaschi con un bacio e una bocca come in quadro astratto” (Last night was love, you and I fugitives in life and fugitives with a kiss and a mouth as in an abstract painting).

The protagonists of the issue are also the stories of the readers who flooded the editorial office with their stories, selected by Donna Moderna and entrusted to the pen of the writer Sara Rattaro

Of course, there will also be beauty tips. With a feature dedicated to red passion products and a shopping column about jewellery to give as gifts for Valentine’s Day.

On social media and the web site
With this initiative, the Mondadori Group brand once more wants to engage its audience, which today has 12.2 million net users every month (Source: Nielsen Media Impact data Fusion May 2020), to which should be added almost 3 million fans on social networks (Source: Shareablee plus TikTok and Pinterest sources January 2021).
The project will also feature on the web site donnamoderna.com, in  special that brings together some of the most significant content from the issue and on the brand’s social media profiles with daily storytelling dedicated to  love.
On the Donna Moderna Instagram profile, there is an interactive survey #parliamodamore (Let’s talk about love) which identified the most voted verses tin the week of Valentine’s Day through cards and stories, together with readers stories and the most beautiful phrases among the many suggested by users on the social media channels.

Grazia Usa: Jillian Maxwell appointed chief revenue officer of the american edition of Grazia

Grazia USA, the new international edition of Grazia, the result of a licensing agreement between the Mondadori Group and Pantheon Media LLC, has appointed Jillian Maxwell chief revenue officer and executive vice-president. In her new position, Jillian Maxwell will work in close collaboration with editor-in-chief and creative director David Thielebeule.

As chief revenue officer, Jillian Maxwell will be responsible for defining and executing the marketing strategy and brand partnerships, with a focus on identifying new categories of interest and the creation of an ad hoc audience, with a view to reinforcing retail sales through innovative editorial initiatives, live and virtual events, videos and social media.

“Luxury brands want to find new and niche audiences,” declared Jillian Maxwell. “Few partners today can claim that 50% of their audience is made up of women between the age of 24 and 34. Grazia USA is one of them. The growth recorded in October 2020 – when the title made its debut on one of the world’s leading luxury markets – is without question extraordinary. This fact, alongside the vision of David Thielebeule, offers additional advantages to clients seeking to intercept a new audience and draw on figures able to ensure a solid future for their business. I am delighted to be joining such an innovative a team, with which I share the objective of creating significant and engaging opportunities for clients.”

With over 16 years of experience behind her, before taking on her new role Jillian Maxwell was executive director of international fashion at the WSJ Magazine. Before which, as brand director of the founding team of the WSJ Magazine, she contributed to the creation of its well-known platform WSJ Innovators, where she developed the magazine’s global business strategy. She has also been director of marketing strategy at Harper’s BAZAAR and sales director of international fashion & luxury and American fashion & retail at Refinery29, where she expanded digital partnerships in the fashion and luxury sectors. She began ger career at Condé Nast as merchandising editor for the magazine Glamour.

“There are very few professionals in this sector with the skills that Jillian in the media, both digital and print, in marketing and advertising and with her proven track record of experience in helping both small and medium-sized brands to grow. She has worked with top manager, corporate marketing directors and advertising agencies for years and become a figure of reference for various brands,” explained David Thielebeule, editor-in-chief of Grazia USA. “Jillian is also able to understand the challenges and opportunities for publishers, having been at the top of the WSJ Magazine, where, year by year, she drove profitability and grew revenues through new channels. Jillian is an undisputed leader that knows how to consolidate high performing teams and is able to create strategic partnerships while ensuring growth for clients. Her arrival at Grazia is exceptionally good news and we are extremely confident in our approach that aims to fully enhance and valorise our audience.”

Present in all of the most important fashion and luxury markets, Grazia is the leading 100% Italian fashion brand to have exported its successful formula around the world, from Italy to the United States, creating a dynamic network with a total of 21 editions and a global audience of 15 million readers, 35 million unique users and more than 20 million followers on social media.

A year full of novelty for CasaFacile: special issues and brand new digital initiatives to talk about new ways of home living

In April the first digital Festival digital dedicated to Dream Homes

CasaFacile, the magazine edited by Francesca Magni, continues to evolve along with the needs of its readers and to present new ways of living and designing the home, which, in recent months has become even more central as our living habits have been transformed.

These issues will be at the heart of special issues, features and digital initiatives that the Mondadori Group brand will launch this year and running themes across the upcoming issues of the magazine and developed from the print edition to the web site, and including the first digital festival dedicated to homes.

An offer of continuously evolving multiplatform content that responds to new desires and trends, and once again confirms the cross-media nature CasaFacile, which brings together around the brand a constantly growing community of enthusiasts.

CasaFacile is a bit like an orchestra: for more than 10 years print, the web and social media have been integrated like the sections of a musical ensemble, each with its own tone, but playing together to produce a ‘sound’ that brings together a growing community that follows us every month on newsstands and every day online. We have always talked about a home that changes around us, aspirational but accessible, well organised but always attentive to style, customised, joyous, and friendly, where ‘upscale’ and democratic design mix in a highly personal style, just like in fashion. And following the experience of the pandemic, CasaFacile can’t but lead its readers towards the design of a dream home, of the kind we have realised are absolutely vital. Multifunctional, super organised, and from natural light to an authentic contact with nature and the outdoor, we listen to new needs and lead the way to a movement towards a re-design of the houses around us,” declared Francesca Magni, editor of CasaFacile. 

New in the magazine
Among the new features in the magazine in 2021 are two ne columns: New Home, tp tale a closer look at emerging trends in living styles that have taken shape as a result of the pandemic in order to design space on the basis of new needs, and Bello e possibile with ideas and solutions to create a complete corner of the home on a limited budget.

The March issue will also include a special feature dedicated to small homes: 6 beautiful apartments of between 25 and 92 square metres with innovative designs that make it possible to ‘live bog’ also in small spaces, with particular attention to what we feel we need right now: more light, better organisation of space, a comfortable kitchen and a dialogue with nature and the outdoors. Exceptionally, there will also be two ‘before and after’ (Prima & Dopo) projects exclusively created by CasaFacile, the only magazine in Italy that every month creates and photographs the re-invention of a real home.

The digital festival
This focus on new ways of living will culminate in April with “La Casa dei sogni by CasaFacile”, the magazine’s first digital festival dedicated to the home. From 7 April to 7 May, a combination of initiatives that will be developed across the brand, from the magazine to the web site and social media.

Starting with the April issue: a special issue of the magazine that, thanks to an innovative thematically organised range of content, will examine what we are currently dreaming about for our homes and respond to the new living needs in the unmistakably joyous, smart and friendly style of CasaFacile.

Five dreams that will be realised in five design projects presented in the pages of the magazine: from the need for more green space at home, with innovative ideas and solutions to ensure that our apartments are never without a green corner, to the desire for more natural light with detailed information and advice about windows and light sources. But there will also be a home where the protagonist is colour with ceilings and furnishing in bold tones, as well as a home that gifts relaxation, thanks to easy-to-use automation and spaces that area accessible and adaptable to everyone. And finally, there will also be a design for a functional home, with tips on how to create organised spaces, with solutions that are variable and suitable also for a home office.

The storytelling of the special issue extends also to the Facebook and Instagram pages of the brand with posts and original and dynamic videos to innovatively engage users. These features include Scuola di stile (Style School) to learn how to use, place and combine a product, Instaquiz and Gare di styling competitions And then Provato per voi (Tried for you) an engaging way to present products with video tutorials, and the Ufficio cortesia format in which the editorial team and blogger of CasaFacile answer questions and requests from users.

In addition to the April special issue and the calendar of video clips and live events on social media, there will also be a special on the CasaFacile.it web site.

The initiative provides a unique opportunity for partner companies of the project to present and talk about new products and trends, along with the stylists and the team of 61 bloggers that share with CasaFacile the desire to write about and promote their passions and skills in the area of décor and furnishing.

The initiative also confirms the role of CasaFacile as leader in its segment, with a 53% share of advertising pages % (Nielsen data, January-September 2020).

Thanks to a unique mix of content, initiatives and practical advice, CasaFacile is constantly at the side of its readers and their needs and every month reaches a total audience (magazine and web) of 778,000 users (Nielsen Media Impact Data Fusion – May 2020), to which should be added the a highly active social media community of more than 1 million fans, that has grown by 64% since January 2020 (Source: Shareablee plus Pinterest).


GialloZafferano brings its partner onboard Amazon Alexa

The first cooking brand at an international level to provide vocal content created in cooperation with its commercial partners

GialloZafferano, Italy’s leading food media brand, with 18.8 million unique users (Source: Audiweb, November 2020) and 13 million fans, continues to evolve and expand the user experience it offers to its audience across all channels: from the web to print, social media and events, and through all of the available interfaces on the market, including the most innovative such as virtual assistants.

Since the launch of Alexa and Echo devices by Amazon in Italy, GialloZafferano has offered its users the possibility of conduction searches and cooking with instructions delivered by Amazon’s virtual assistant, using a dedicated Skill. In fact, in many kitchens, Alexa has become an ideal ally able to provide suggestions for an evening meal and to help in the preparation of all kinds of dishes. And the number are the proof: in the last 12 months more than 5 million recipe requests have been made using the vocal service. A figure that is destined to continue to grow as more devices equipped with Alexa enter the homes of customers in Italy.

The experience offered by GialloZafferano in vocal applications for cooking are recognised as best case in terms of the continuous innovation, is now taking a further step ahead by bringing its commercial partners onboard its Alexa Skill.

After specially adapting hundreds of content items to be used by voice and having redesigned its search engine, GialloZafferano will be able to continue to provide vocal recipes produced in collaboration with the brands with which it works in the realisation of dishes. It is an operation through which Italy’s best loved cooking site can evolve its user experience on Alexa, by perfectly integrating into the recipes the companies that invest in the brand, in a completely new, immediate and innovative approach.

Everyone who has an Amazon device with Alexa can therefore continue to interact with the voice service to find inspiration for their dishes, automatically consulting all of the GialloZafferano recipes, which are now richer than ever thanks to the collaboration of GialloZafferano with its commercial partners. All you need to say is “Alexa, find me a recipe for …” to enter the GialloZafferano world of tasty ideas and get help in all phases of the preparation. Users can interrupt the process at any time and start again from where they left off, without ever having to use their hands, which, in any case, in the kitchen, are normally busy doing other things. So you can carry on cutting, mixing and kneading, while Alexa explains the next step.

With this initiative, GialloZafferano will enhance the communication system which every day reaches the homes of millions of people and offers a catalogue of 5,500 recipes and 1,650 high-definition videos and the extraordinary participation of over 10 million hours spent in the kitchen on the site.



Mondadori Group grows digitally with acquisition of tech advertising player Hej! S.r.l

The Mondadori Group further strengthens its foothold in the digital world with the acquisition of Hej! S.r.l., a company that specializes in tech advertising, a sector where Mondadori already operates successfully through AdKaora, a leading media agency in the field of mobile advertising and proximity marketing.

The deal allows Mondadori – Italy’s top multimedia publisher, leader on the web with 33 million unique users per month and on social media with over 36 million followers – to create a major hub around AdKaora dedicated to the development of tech advertising.

“Through this acquisition, we aim to grow further and increase our presence in the digital area, where we have invested for some years now in a targeted manner in order to consolidate our leadership”, said Ernesto Mauri, CEO of the Mondadori Group. “The entry of Hej! in the scope of our Media area will allow us to strengthen our position in a high-potential segment, as well as further develop specific added-value skills, thanks to the integration of a team that boasts specialist expertise in artificial intelligence and new technologies”, Mauri concluded.

Hej! S.r.l., established in 2017 by the two founders Stefano Argiolas and Paolo De Santis, who will retain their role of managing directors, has stood out in recent years for its continued double-digit growth rates both in terms of revenue and profitability: a growth confirmed even in such a challenging year for the advertising market as the last, thanks to innovative advertising and marketing solutions that leverage on the use of AI technologies and chatbots.

The synergies and the pooling of the assets of Hej! with AdKaora’s will help expand the range of solutions and increase strength on the tech advertising market by providing companies also with conversational mobile marketing projects. Additionally, Hej!’s specific know-how will allow for the development of new digital campaign models to complement the current range of services, completing a portfolio that is becoming richer, more innovative and more effective.

Focus presents the new Academy and webinars dedicated to the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN Agenda 2030

A full house for the first three digital workshops of the Focus Junior Academy 2021

Focus, the Mondadori Group brand, leader in popular science and a point of reference for science and current affairs, is launching new initiatives for students, teachers and users in 2021.

Next month sees the launch of Focus Academy, a new project by Focus and Focus Storia aimed at attracting kids from second level high schools to science and history with online training activities, in line with the alternating school/work programmes outlined in the relevant convention.

At the heart of this year’s programme are the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN Agenda 2030, a 360° awareness building plan that will involve the magazine, with special detailed coverage, the web, with the multimedia content of Focus.it, and, from February, a series of monthly webinars open to all with scientists and experts, to stimulate debate and develop awareness among the young about the actions necessary for our future and based around six issues identified by the editorial team: the risks to biodiversity; health; discrepancies in the distribution of energy; more sustainable cities; food for all; the risks to oceans; climate change.

“For Focus adopting the UN goals is only natural, given that they are about saving our planet, scientific and technological development, and the quality of human life,” explained Raffaele Leoneeditor of Focus and Focus Storia. “The issues we have selected are part of the magazine’s DNA given our long-standing support for environmental sustainability, medical and technological research and the protection of biodiversity. That all of this coincides with the launch of the Academy is an added value. Kids are extremely aware of these issues. Indeed, they are an authentic driving force for governments and research. They expect that we adults commit to reducing our environmental impact and outline new ways of pursuing these aims. To discuss these issues with them will provide an added stimulus also for us.”

The classes that enrol at the Academy will connect once a week, for four weeks, with the editorial teams of Focus and Focus Storia, to experience, live, the creation of a popular science and history magazine. The students will be actively involved and will have the opportunity to try writing articles or conducting interviews that will then be selected by the team for eventual publication in subsequent issues of Focus.

Also Focus Junior, the brand for children between the ages of 8 and 12 who want to have fun discovering the world in a new and intelligent way, has adopted the UN Agenda by proposing for the Focus Junior Academy digital workshops dedicated to eight of the 2030 goals: health and wellbeing; quality education; clean and accessible energy; industry, innovation and infrastructure; sustainable cities and communities; underwater life; life on earth; and the partnership for goals.

The project, now in its third year, is designed to provide additional tools to assist the syllabus of primary and middle schools, in line also with recent directives which from this year include inter-disciplinary civic education. During the encounters, pupils will work in class on a detailed multimedia journalistic project with the editorial team that will be published on the Focus Junior web site and magazine. The January, February and March appointments of the Focus Junior Academy are already fully booked, with the participation of more than 150 pupils for each workshop.

Finally, for teachers, a series of webinars and monographs have been put together by Focus Scuola, the monthly magazine that supports primary and middle school teachers with the best teaching advice and suggestions to look more closely at the issues related to the UN Agenda 2030 and innovative teaching practices, though ideas, and best practice from experts in the sector.

“In this period of great uncertainty and social upheaval, Focus Junior has decided to reinforce its role in support of children and early teens in an effort to accompany them in their progress towards being future citizens,” said Sarah Pozzoli, editor of Focus Junior and Focus Scuola. “Our objective has become that of trying to ensure that education goes beyond knowledge and skills and is a method for creating a new forma mentis in order to imagine a more sustainable world, that is also more peaceful and free of social, gender and racial discrimination, in line with the guidelines of the UN’s Agenda 2030. And we will do this in our usual style and learning-by-doing approach, while stimulating curiosity and a sense of irony.”

This is how the Focus system is further reinforcing its offer in the education sector: from collaboration with institutions and companies, to school-based projects involving students, families, schools and teachers, and successfully developing activities and events that speak directly to the protagonists of the world of education thanks to an innovative and engaging didactic vision.
Focus is Italy’s most widely read magazine, with a total audience of 7 million readers and users (Source: Nielsen media impact data fusion, April 2020) and 2.9 million followers on social media channels (Source: Shareablee, November 2020).
Focus Junior is a point of reference in the world of kids, with an average monthly circulation of 100,000 copies (Source: Ads, Jan-Sep 2020), 589,000 unique users per month on its web site (Source: Audiweb, Jan-Oct 2020) and a community of 140,000 fans on social media (Source: Shareablee, November 2020).


For information and enrolments:



Mondadori Group: corporate calendar 2021

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. today announced, as per Art. 2.6.2 of the regulations governing markets organised and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A., the corporate events scheduled for 2021:

  • Thursday 18 March 2021: meeting of the Board of Directors for the approval of the Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2020;
  • Thursday 13 May 2021: meeting of the Board of Directors for the approval of the Interim Management Statement at 31 March 2021;
  • Thursday 29 July 2021: meeting of the Board of Directors for the approval of the Half-Year Report at 30 June 2021;
  • Thursday 11 November 2021: meeting of the Board of Directors for the approval of the Interim Management Statement at 30 September 2021.

The Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders for the approval of the Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2020 will be held on first calling on Tuesday 27 April 2021.
Presentations to the financial community of the results for the full year at 31 December 2020, the Half-Year Report at 30 June 2021 and the Interim Management Statements at 31 March 2021 and at 30 September 2021 will be held on the dates, as indicated above, of the respective meetings of the Board of Directors.
Any changes will be promptly communicated to the market.
Mention should be made that Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A., as a company listed on the STAR segment of Borsa Italiana, will publish the Interim Management Statements at 31 March 2021 and at 30 September 2021 – pursuant to art. 2.2.3, par. 3, of the Borsa Italiana Regulations – within 45 days after the end of the first, third and fourth quarters of the year (with exemption from the publication of the interim report on the fourth quarter if the annual financial report, together with the other documents referred to in art. 154-ter, par. 1, of the Finance Consolidation Act, is made available within 90 days after year end). The Interim Management Statements will be made available, in accordance with current regulations, at the Company’s registered office, on the Company’s website www.gruppomondadori.it (Investors section), and through the authorized storage mechanism (www.1info.it), together with the relating press releases.

Coming soon to newsstands Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni Cucina

Coming soon to newsstands Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni Cucina

The new monthly from Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni in collaboration with GialloZafferano

On newsstands from today Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni Cucinaa new monthly supplement to Italy’s most widely read weekly, produced with the exclusive collaboration of the website of GialloZafferano, the food media brand that is a point of reference for Italians in the kitchen.

Every month Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni Cucina will offer readers 50 fast and east recipes, explained step-by-step, in the classic GialloZafferano style. Each issue will feature on the cover a TV personality, or a star from the world of music or the cinema, who will share with readers their own specialities in the kitchen. Plus, starters, main course, fish and eggs, tasty ideas with vegetables side dishes, as well as chocolate desserts, creams and fruit. And not forgetting advice on how to vary dishes with alternative ingredients and on easy storage.

Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni Cucina brings together two worlds much loved by the public, entertainment and cooking, with the aim of giving our readers even more service content, thanks to the experience of GialloZafferano, while maintaining a central focus on quality content, new ideas within the reach of everyone and entertainment for the whole family,” explained Aldo Vitali, the editor of Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni.

The first issue features the Neapolitan actor and director Vincenzo Salemme, with his recipe for spaghetti with tomatoes and basil. “A dish that only seems simple, but the requires the use of high quality, fresh ingredients,” says Salemme. Adding that, “Though I am not a chef, I kow how prepare food. And I like to eat well.” 

Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni is the brand leader in the world of entertainment, with a total audience of over 5.1 million readers and users (Source: Nielsen Media Impact data fusion, May 2020) and more than 900,000 fan (Source: Shareablee, December 2020), thanks to a system that ranges from the magazine, to the web site, social media, and events such as Sorrisi Live, a programme of appointments with leading figures from the entertainment world live on social media every Wednesday, which, since the launch in October, has reached a total of almost  quasi 4 million users. Forthcoming guests include, the actor Serena Rossi on 13 January and the singers Emma and Alessandra Amoroso on 20 January.
The editorial offer of Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni is completed by the supplements Storie di fede, which covers issues related to religion with exclusive stories; Oroscopo, a monthly overview of what is written in the stars, Enigmistica, with 100 games including crosswords, puzzles, sudoku and much more, and special collections of CDs, DVDs, books and gifts, with 2.7 million add-on products sold in 2020.

The launch of Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni Cucina, on newsstands from today with a cover price of  €0.50 plus the weekly, will be supported by a  TV commercial, planned on Mediaset channels.