Rizzoli Education for gender equality and plurality

The educational publishing house is promoting a manifesto and a series of concrete actions to offer schools more inclusive models

Rizzoli Education, the Mondadori Group educational publishing house, long engaged in providing educational content and innovative products for learning, is adopting an awareness programme that aims to give schools increasingly inclusive models.

Conscious of the responsibility involved in the production of teaching materials, Rizzoli Education is also promoting a series of concrete actions that place increasing attention on issues such as gender equality, which is also at the heart of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Starting from these inspiring principles, the project aims to bring the educational community, both female and male students, their families and teachers closer to the values of gender equality, multiculturalism and inclusion, precisely because plurality of thought is able to offer new opportunities.

Based on these keywords, Rizzoli Education has developed a manifesto, a declaration of values and intentions that was outlined today by Alessandra Porcelli, the editorial director of Rizzoli Education.

“We present a manifesto that is an expression of the values we believe in and the inspiring principles that guide our entire business and that we have matured thanks to our many years of collaboration with Irene Biemmi, a specialist in gender pedagogy at the University of Florence.

As publishers, we constantly deal with such issues, which are of increasing interest, not only in the media and in everyday life, but, in particular, in the world of education and textbooks. Issues on which there is still a long way to go and to which we want to contribute. We do it and we will continue to do so, thanks to the opportunities that we have every day to work alongside with teachers in the development path of new generations. Citizens that we hope will learn to be aware, free from prejudices, and stereotypes of any kind and able to respect and enhance difference,” said Alessandra Porcelli, editorial director of Rizzoli Education.

The manifesto will be presented during a live streaming event organised by Rizzoli Education featuring the participation and testimonies of a range of voices from the worlds of journalism, research, publishing, business, the arts and sport.

They include, the sociolinguist Vera Gheno, the journalist Francesca Mannocchi, the swimmer Federico Morlacchi, the professor of pedagogy Dario Ianes and Francesca Rigolio, Chief Diversity Officer and Head of Human Resources for the Book Division of the Mondadori Group, who underlined:

“Education has always been a fundamental lever for the redistribution of skills and for the best allocation of talent in the labour market and the Rizzoli Education project fully perceive this spirit and interprets its role in a proactive and innovative way,” said Francesca Rigolio, Chief Diversity Officer and Head of Human Resources for the Book Division of the Mondadori Group. “The organisation that a community, and so a company, gives itself has significant consequences on the structure of the opportunities, not only material, that are available to the people who are part of it. By creating a specific Diversity&Inclusion function, the Mondadori Group aims to improve the balance of opportunities offered to its staff, while promoting an inclusive culture against discrimination”, concluded Rigolio.

The event organized by Rizzoli Education will be an opportunity for a reflection and an exchange of the inspiring principles of the publishing house’s project:

Saying no to stereotypes and prejudices.
Valuing people and not their gender. There are no predetermined roles, only female or only male. Women and men are equals in society and in any other context in which they can express their skills and personality.

Looking at plurality and inclusiveness.
Conscious of the changes taking place in society, Rizzoli Education aims to stimulate an inclusive and respectful vision of differences, in line with the principles of fairness and equality, equal opportunities and non-discrimination, adopting an attitude that values differences and reflects a plural and multifaced world.

Language affects reality.
Language and the way we express ourselves are the tools that affect the perception of oneself and others. This is why Rizzoli Education has undertaken to use both verbal and visual language in textbooks that contributes to deconstructing the stereotypes conveyed by language through the research of inclusive and neutral solutions and that do not express prejudice.

Helping to reconfigure the imagination of younger generations.
This commitment is aimed at proposing non-sexist female and male representations and avoiding other forms of prejudice, stereotypes and discrimination, providing more open, aware and free models for both female and male students. The hope of Rizzoli Education is that younger generations, to whose education the company’s books contribute, will be able to expand the possibilities of building their own identity and planning their future, in both educational and professional contexts, as well as in their life choices.

These are the inspiring principles that Rizzoli Education carries out in its daily activity as a publisher of books for schools, making use of the scientific advice of experts on issues of gender and plurality.

Through its collaboration with Erickson, Rizzoli Education has also implemented a series of guidelines focused in particular on issues of gender equality developed by Irene Biemmi.

These indications have resulted in a handbook that has been shared with all the people involved in the creation of textbooks: authors, illustrators, picture researchers, and editors. The overall focus is on a balanced representation of genders, i.e. the protagonists and authors, with a specific focus on textual and visual language through inclusive solutions which leave no space for stereotyped or conventional visions in textbooks.

This project is the result of Rizzoli Education’s many years of experience, both in the development of guidelines on gender equality issues and on content supervision aimed at ensuring compliance with the publishing house’s inspiring principles.

In fact, in 2018 Rizzoli Education, again in collaboration with Erickson and Irene Biemmi, launched the Obiettivo Parità (Objective: parity) project for primary schools: a programme specifically monitored and overseen by Irene Biemmi for the selection of anthological content, language, illustrations and of gender balance in entire works in general.

Five years after the launch of Obiettivo Parità, Rizzoli Education has decided to extend its attention to the principles of gender equality to all of its production, broadening the spectrum of values with a more general reference also to plurality, as featured in the manifesto.

The full presentation of the Rizzoli Education manifesto will be available in live streaming today on the Rizzoli Education YouTube channel https://rizzoli.page.link/41021 today from 4:30 pm.

The Rizzoli Education illustrated manifesto for gender equality and plurality has been realized by Nicolò Canova.

Disclosure on the purchase of treasury shares in the period 27-30 September 2021

Completion of the buyback program to service the 2021-2023, 2020-2022 and 2019-2021 performance share plans


Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. (LEI Code 815600049A1F9AFE6666) announces the purchase on the MTA (Electronic Stock Market), in the period from 27 to 30 September 2021, of no 132,499 ordinary shares (equal to 0.051% of the share capital) at an average unit price of €1.8311 for a total amount of €242,623.46.

These transactions were made under the authorization to purchase treasury shares approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting of 27 April 2021, and as part of the purchase programme to service the 2021-2023, 2020-2022 and 2019-2021 Performance Share Plans, the start of which was approved by the Board of Directors on 13 May 2021 (as per the disclosure made on the same date also pursuant to Article 144 bis of CONSOB Regulation 11971/99, and to Article 5 of EU Regulation 596/2014).

The following table details the purchases made per day in the above period of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. ordinary shares, ISIN Code IT0001469383:

DateQuantityAverage price (euro)Amount (euro)
27/09/2021                            36,095                                1.8468                              66,660.25
28/09/2021                            45,665                                1.8405                              84,046.43
29/09/2021                           35,000                                1.8088                              63,308.00
30/09/2021                            15,739                                 1.8177                              28,608.78

The purchases were made through the authorized intermediary Equita Sim S.p.A. (LEI Code 815600E3E9BFBC8FAA85), independently and with no influence from the Issuer as regards the timing of the purchases.

Following the purchases made so far, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. holds no 1,049,838 treasury shares, corresponding 0.402% of the share capital, of which 860,000 purchased in execution of the Program, which was completed on 30 September 2021 after reaching its maximum reference amount.

Purchases in detail in the complete pdf.

“Leggere ci fa crescere”: Mondadori Store launches a wellbeing and environmental campaign

From 1 to 17 October events with authors and experts, an exclusive book oh healthy diets and lots of good green ideas

Mental and physical wellbeing, the promotion of sustainable lifestyles and care for the environment are the focus of a series of special Mondadori Store initiatives that will take place in the bookstores around Italy, on Mondadoristore.it and its social media channels from 1 to 17 October.

For the entire period, Mondadori Store will present a rich programme of events with authors and experts, tutorials and social columns with ideas and advice for their health and that of the environment and launches an exclusive at the bookstores.

Among the personalities who will meet the public live on the Mondadori Store Facebook and Instagram channels: the green influencer Camilla Mendini, alias Carotilla, author of (Im)perfetto sostenibile. Gesti quotidiani per una sostenibilità alla portata di tutti ((In)perfectly sustainable: Daily gestures for sustainability within everyone’s reach), on 6 October at 6.30 pm; Paolo Borzacchiello, expert in linguistic intelligence and author of Basta dirlo. Le parole da scegliere e le parole da evitare per una vita felice (Just say it. The words to choose and the words to avoid for a happy life), on 11 October at 6 pm; the psychologist and travel journalist Giulia Lamarca, author of Prometto che ti darò il mondo (I promise that I will give you the world), on October 12 at 6 pm. The travel TikToker Giovanni Arena will present his new book Benvenuti in economy class (Welcome to economy class) on October 5 at 6 pm, at the Mondadori Megastore in Piazza Duomo in Milan.

Also, every day, new ideas for concrete actions with the social snapshots by popular scientist Mariagiovanna Luini, nutritionist Silvia Goggi, economist Luciano Canova, forests and wildlife expert Daniele Zovi and many others. The full programme is available on Mondadoristore.it.

Plus, Mondadori Store is launching a new title in the bookstore: Cucina green. Ricette buone e genuine per una vita in sintonia con l’ambiente (Green kitchen. Good and genuine recipes for a life in harmony with the environment) is a new cooking and wellness manual created with exclusive contributions by Mondadori authors, readers and booksellers, which offers an answer to two issues that are deeply felt and requested in these years. On the one hand, increasing attention to the nutritional value of food, with a preference for the choice of natural and seasonal ingredients, and, on the other hand, greater sensitivity to environmental problems and the waste of both food and resources: 250 pages with recipes for all seasons, with a range of useful tips for tasty zero km dishes, to minimise the impact on the environment. This previously unpublished volume will be on sale from 1 October in Mondadori bookstores and on the website Mondadoristore.it at the special price of €2.90.

At all the points of sale and on Mondadoristore.it, readers can also find all the latest and greenest news: essays, novels and short stories to help the earth, books and fairy tales dedicated to the little guardians of the planet, manuals for all-round well-being, from physical activities to food, gift ideas in recycled paper and much more.

Mondadori Store has also signed up to “Più raccogli, più semini” (“The more you collect, the more you sow”), the project promoted by Payback with Treedom which transforms the promotional points that readers accumulate with their purchases in the bookstore into trees, and thereby contributing to the planting of 3,000 trees.

The new Mondadori Store initiative will be accompanied by a communication campaign developed by the agency Canali&C. with the claim “Leggere ci fa crescere” “Reading makes us grow”, activities in all the stores, national radio and press, the web, social media and DEM.

A conference on the future of publishing, in memory of Arnoldo Mondadori

Fifty years after the death of Arnoldo Mondadori, the Fondazione Arnoldo e Alberto Mondadori, in collaboration with our publishing house, is organising a conference on the present and future of publishing, taking the figure of the publisher as its starting point. A day to reflect on today’s publishing business, with an analysis of structure and characteristics, and on the changes and challenges to be met in the coming years.

Participants at the event, coordinated by journalist Mario Calabresi, will include some of the leading names in Italian and international publishing, who will attend in person or through video contributions.
During the morning, the conference will be addressed by Luca Formenton, Enrico Selva Coddè, Nùria Cabutí, Antonio Sellerio, Morgan Entrekin and Eleonora Andreatta. The speakers at the afternoon session will be Achille Mauri, Carlo Feltrinelli, James Daunt, Stefano Mauri, Helena Gustafsson, Andrea Gentile and David Grossman.

The conference will be held on Thursday 7 October starting at 10:30 am and will be visible to everyone in live streaming on the YouTube channel and the Facebook page of Fondazione Mondadori, as well as on the LinkedIn page of the Mondadori Group (divided into the first half and the second half, at 2:30 pm).

The latest edition of #CasaChi is here

The social entertainment format, developed by Chi, returns with exclusive content, previews, special guests and curiosities about Grande Fratello VIP


The start of the new season of Grande Fratello VIP coincides with the launch of a new edition of #CasaChi, the social entertainment format developed by the magazine Chi, that every week brings opinion leaders and exceptional guest to the Instagram and Facebook channels of the brand with comments on the most successful reality show and the personalities of the moment.

An unmissable appointment which, following the huge success of 2020, with more than 100 special guests and more than 14 million video views on Instagram, this year too will feature VIPs, influencers and the competitors of the reality show, with the host and master of ceremonies, Alfonso Signorini, editor of Chi, and journalists from the title Azzurra Della Penna, Valerio Palmieri and Gabriele Parpiglia and deputy editor Massimo Borgnis the curator of the format. A team ready to transport readers and users to the very heart of the debate about Italy’s most spied on house with video shows, original and exclusive content, revelations, curiosities and unexpected twists.

WHAT’S NEW – The new season of CasaCHI #GFVIP 2021 Edition starts with a new face: Rosalinda Cannavò, for the first time as a talk show host.

“This is definitely my first experience as a host, as I have had never had a role like this and, I confess, I was terrified at the beginning. But the CasaChi team made me feel at ease and I’m melting, indeed, I’m really getting a taste for it and think, maybe one day, I could be a presenter! Last year I was inside the House, and this year I’m at CasaChi and have to be impartial: I would like to make judgments, but I try not to step too far out of my role. Certainly, having been in the game, I can identify nuances that others might miss so I can share them with our followers. Obviously, I have my favourites, but you will find this out in the course of the episodes, I’ll find a way to make you understand … “, said Rosalinda Cannavò.

However, the presence of the former contestant is not the only novelty. For this edition, the talk show schedule has been enhanced with even more dynamic and engaging formats and content: Chi Backstage, which shares with the public the previews, the background and the highlights of #GFVIP in the form of short videos on Instagram and TikTok; Chi è Chi #stories, with presentations of all the show’s contestants curated by the editorial staff, which in just one week reached 1 million views; and the exclusive #Copia il look (Copy the look), to replicate the outfits of both stars and commentators.

And then there is also space for guests from the world of show business and entertainment, such as the new commentators Adriana Volpe and Sonia Bruganelli, and unpublished content and interviews for this new edition of CasaChi, which in the first two weeks has already recorded a doubling of video views on its social media channels compared with 2020.

The episodes of CasaChi #GFVIP 2021 Edition will be broadcast from Tuesday to Friday, with daily appointments in video talk or live social formats, on Chi’s Instagram and Facebook channels – where Italy’s most widely read people magazine has a fan base of 850,000 users (Source: Shareablee, August 2021) – and, thanks to an exclusive agreement, is also available on the Mediaset Infinity platform.

A sponsorship format has been developed for advertisers which guarantees visibility in the social media content published by Chi and which includes media planning with guaranteed reach. In addition, it is also possible to develop ad hoc communication projects with the involvement of influencers, selected for a tone of voice that is in line with the brand.

Disclosure on the purchase of treasury shares in the period 20-24 September 2021

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. (LEI Code 815600049A1F9AFE6666) announces the purchase on the MTA (Electronic Stock Market), in the period from 20 to 24 September 2021, of no 133,682 ordinary shares (equal to 0.051% of the share capital) at an average unit price of €1.8226 for a total amount of €243,654.57.

These transactions were made under the authorization to purchase treasury shares approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting of 27 April 2021, and as part of the purchase programme to service the 2021-2023, 2020-2022 and 2019-2021 Performance Share Plans, the start of which was approved by the Board of Directors on 13 May 2021 (as per the disclosure made on the same date also pursuant to Article 144 bis of CONSOB Regulation 11971/99, and to Article 5 of EU Regulation 596/2014).

The following table details the purchases made per day in the above period of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. ordinary shares, ISIN Code IT0001469383:

DateQuantityAverage price (euro)Amount (euro)
20/09/2021                            34,292                                 1.8176                               62,329.14
21/09/2021                            34,276                                 1.8182                              62,320.62
22/09/2021                            29,104                                 1.8262                               53,149.72
24/09/2021                            36,010                                1.8288                              65,855.09

The purchases were made through the authorized intermediary Equita Sim S.p.A. (LEI Code 815600E3E9BFBC8FAA85), independently and with no influence from the Issuer as regards the timing of the purchases.

Following the purchases made so far, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. holds no 917,339 treasury shares, corresponding 0.351% of the share capital.

Purchases in detail in the complete pdf.

TV Sorrisi e Canzoni launches a new supplement Consigli

Every month 100 ideas to simplify everyday life

An initiative that enhances the editorial system of the brand leader in the entertainment segment

On newsstands from tomorrow TV Sorrisi e Canzoni Consigli, a new supplement to Italy’s biggest selling and most widely-read weekly.

Every month Consigli will propose 100 creative and easy to realise ideas, to have solutions within reach. Each issue will feature a personality from the world of entertainment on the cover who will share with readers do-it-yourself tricks and solutions. With space for the home and wellbeing, as well as beauty tips and ideas to try out in the kitchen, and, of course, for looking after our gardens and plants and pets. There is even a section dedicated to cars, with solutions for the maintenance of both four and two-wheeled vehicles and an agenda with extensive information for effective domestic administration.

Inaugurating the first issue is Bianca Guaccero, a successful actress and presenter of the TV program with tutorials and advice, Detto Fatto.

“This new supplement extends our offer to readers with a magazine that aims to provide help for a whole range of daily activities: from the home to the car, from the garden to wellbeing, and from the kitchen to pets. Our aim is to create a useful and engaging read to solve, with simple and effective advice, the little problems of everyday life and, perhaps, to gain some extra time for ourselves, time which, unfortunately, is never enough,” said the magazine’s editor Aldo Vitali.

The launch of Consigli further enhances the offer of TV Sorrisi e Canzoni, adding to the existing supplements that every week enrich the brand’s content with new and detailed content related to topics of interest and entertainment: Cucina, created in collaboration with GialloZafferano to offer quick and easy recipes; Storie di Fede, which talks about the events and personalities that mark the history of religion; and Enigmistica, published in the summer months with more than 100 quizzes and games, including crosswords, rebus, sudoku and much more.

A continuously evolving editorial system, ranging from the print magazine to the web, to reach an overall audience of 6.1 million readers and users per month (Source: Nielsen Media Impact Data fusion, March 2021) and social media, with a constantly growing fanbase of 950,000 (Source: Shareablee and Insight, August 2021). It is here, from Thursday 7 October that the new season of Sorrisi Live will take place: a calendar of events conceived to bring the biggest names from the world of entertainment straight to the homes of readers and users, with interviews, talks and music. The guest of the first event, live on the weekly’s Instagram and Facebook channels, will be the artist Francesco Gabbani.

Grazia USA launches brand’s first US print edition

Digital platform audience continues to grow

Grazia USA, the international edition of Grazia born out of the licensing agreement between the Mondadori Group and Pantheon Media Group LLC, launches today the first US print edition of the Mondadori Group brand.

The debut strengthens the presence of the first 100% Italian fashion magazine on one of the world’s largest and hottest fashion markets.

The new issue of Grazia USA – 356 pages, released quarterly – features three different exclusive covers that flesh out the “Evolution” concept, celebrating three prominent women on the American cultural and social scene: nine-time Olympic medalist Allyson Felix, British supermodel and designer Alek Wek, hailed for her influence on the idea of beauty in the fashion industry, and Canadian singer-songwriter and actress Jordan Alexander, an advocate of LGBTQ+ and coloured people’s rights. The content from the three cover stories also unfolds on social channels, on Grazia USA’s website and through dedicated newsletters, creating a contemporary and unique platform.

Grazia USA will count a total circulation of 400,000 copies, reaching an audience hungry for fashion, art, culture and beauty, as well as for design, entertainment and travel, leveraging on the signature cosmopolitan mix of the brand. The first issue has received a great response from the market in terms of advertising sales, with advertisers including major luxury brands such as Armani, Etro, Loro Piana, Tiffany, Dior, Vuitton and Harry Winston.

Positioned in all the major fashion and luxury countries, Grazia is the first 100% Italian fashion magazine to have exported its successful formula worldwide, from Italy to the United States. The Mondadori Group brand, which currently counts a total of 21 editions in 23 countries, reaches a global audience of 15 million readers, 45 million unique users and over 30 million followers on social channels. 

The US edition of Grazia made its debut in October 2020 through the global digital-first platform graziamagazine.com featuring Kim Kardashian West. Since then, Grazia USA has enjoyed an unprecedented online growth, peaking at 5.2 million monthly active users, with a readership that is predominantly female, 50% under 30 years old.

The new quarterly issue of Grazia USA will be distributed at all Barnes & Noble bookstores, selected retail outlets in the U.S. and Canada, online at https://www.magazinecafestore.com/products/grazia-usa-magazine and on graziamagazine.com/subscribe.

Donna Moderna launches “#Restart”: a collectors’ issue dedicated to restarting and women’s desires and plans

A special issue, based on a survey carried out by the brand in collaboration with Doxa, to inspire and assist women to reinvent their lives, find new stimuli and to realise their dreams

Featured on the cover Arisa, photographed in a symbolic pose reflected in a mirror

What do today’s women want, what are their dreams and plans? Donna Moderna, the Mondadori Group brand that is a point of reference in the women’s segment, offers some answers to these questions in its new issue #Restart, on newsstands from tomorrow.

A collector’s issue that the magazine edited by Annalisa Monfreda, that has always listened to its community – and today has over 9 million readers and users (Source: Nielsen Data Fusion Mar 2021) – dedicates to what women would like and plan for themselves and for their future at this moment of rebirth.

The special issue is based on the results of a survey developed by Donna Moderna, in collaboration with Doxa, Mondadori Lab and the philosopher Ilaria Gasparri, from which new ideas emerged regarding female desires, including first of all a desire to feel good in one’s own skin and knowing how to take life more lightly.

“Women’s desires have changed profoundly in recent months. The survey gave us surprising answers: there is also a strong desire to know the world and for itinerant travel, to transform passions into work, and to recover time for oneself. A need for lightness. This wish list has been the guide for the construction of an issue that is both a practical guide and a collection of reflections,” declared Annalisa Monfreda, editor of Donna Moderna.

Featured on the cover of this special issue is the singer Arisa chosen by Donna Moderna as an example of a woman who has made change one of her characteristics. Because Arisa gets along well with herself, knows how to transform any experience into music and always loves starting again, though never from scratch.

For the cover of this issue Donna Moderna has chosen a symbolic shot of the artist who, reflected in front of a mirror, invites all women to search for their own desires within themselves. An important message that the brand wants to share with the whole community also on social networks, asking users to post a photo of themselves using Donna Moderna’s special mirror effect Instagram filter.

The #Restart issue is divided into five sections dedicated to the five themes investigated in the survey. The common thread of each section is the stories of women and entrepreneurs who tell readers about their experience. Testimonials and interviews that will combine with practical advice and columns to inspire and help all women to reinvent their lives and make their dreams come true.

We start from the section dedicated to what women want to be: from the survey conducted by Donna Moderna it emerged that more than half of interviewees see themselves in a minimal style that allows them to enhance their beauty. The content of the section includes a beauty special dedicated to eyes, a detail of their appearance that, as highlighted by the research, more than 40% of women want to enhance. Among the most common new trends adopted by women is the kitten eye, followed by the new frontier of pro-aging, and grey power, the focus of an article dedicated to all the actresses who show off their very well-tended grey hair.

There is also a section dedicated to what women would like to be: in the survey more than one in three women said that she wants to feel well in her own skin and learn to enjoy the person that she is. A trend that combines with the desire to take better care of one’s body (55%), to which Donna Moderna dedicates a feature with beauty tools, practical advice and an in-depth study on supplements for self-care, without forgetting the importance of mental well-being.

In the third part of the special issue of Donna Moderna, women talk about their aspirations for both their jobs and their free time. In the first place is a desire to carve out time for themselves (52%), followed by the courage to cultivate their passions (39%), with almost a third of women who say they would like to feel appreciated at work (31%).

The survey also revealed a marked sense of gratitude among interviewees for their own lives (47%), even if in the last year and a half they have suffered from a lack of physical contact (30%). A result that is at the heart of the fourth section, where Donna Moderna looks at what women are committed to giving to future generations.
Here the stories include that of Luciana Littizzetto, who retraces her life as a former teacher and mother of two foster children.

The special issue concludes with a section dedicated to what women would like to receive from themselves and from others: more than 40% of interviewees would like to learn to take things more lightly, and to receive a bit of pampering and gratification from others.

In addition to the magazine, the storytelling of the issue will also be available digitally on the website www.donnamoderna.com and on the brand’s social media channels which already have over 2.2 million fans (Source: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). In particular, video stories and inspirational cards will be published on Instagram with stories about women who have managed to satisfy their desires.

The launch of the new special issue of Donna Moderna is supported by an advertising campaign developed by Casiraghi&Greco and planned on print media, radio, the web, social media and DOOH.

The positive trend in advertising continues for the special issues of Donna Moderna, up by around 30% compared with the special issues of last year.


SmartWorld, leader in the tech information segment, is online with a new website

On the web and social media with an even more immersive design and an updated visual brand identity

SmartWorld, Italy’s biggest technology network, relaunch its website, now online with a new visual brand identity.

Leader in the tech information segment, with over 2 million unique users every month (Source: Audiweb, January-June 2021), SmartWorld is an articulated communication system based on  3 digital properties (www.smartworld.it, www.androidworld.it, www.mobileworld.it) that provides the market with a privileged overview of the technological innovations destined to revolutionise our everyday lives: from traditional consumer electronics to home automation, and from gaming to home entertainment, the internet and gadgets.

Over the years, SmartWorld has been able to evolve into an authentic content factory, becoming the leading “brand influencer” in the tech market, thanks to its ability to provide effective coverage across all platforms: from articles on the web to YouTube content, as well as podcasts, news about the best offers on Telegram, reels on Instagram and short videos on TikTok (where the brand has attracted more than 350,000 followers in just one year).

A single hub that places users at the centre, presenting new products and services, reviews and ratings, product profiles and a buying guide divided by category with a clear and simple language, suitable for both straightforward and complex devices and conceived with the aim of engaging not only tech addicts, but also the public at large.

THE NEW SITE – From today, the new SmartWorld site will provide users with a more immediate and easy-to-use interface, making it easier to make full use of the offer.

The new visual brand identity focuses on modern and appealing logos, while the web design is even more suited to access from mobile devices and social media, in addition to being more practical and offering faster download speeds.

The new look is completed with a new homepage, where news and video content will be given new prominence and a special section will be dedicated to partners’ promotional offers with buying guides just a click away, a new proprietary semantic algorithm for content management and an even more immersive design.