Disclosure on the purchase of treasury shares in the period 13-17 September 2021


Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. (LEI Code 815600049A1F9AFE6666) announces the purchase on the MTA (Electronic Stock Market), in the period from 13 to 17 September 2021, of no 113,780 ordinary shares (equal to 0.044% of the share capital) at an average unit price of €1.8336 for a total amount of €208,627.85.

These transactions were made under the authorization to purchase treasury shares approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting of 27 April 2021, and as part of the purchase programme to service the 2021-2023, 2020-2022 and 2019-2021 Performance Share Plans, the start of which was approved by the Board of Directors on 13 May 2021 (as per the disclosure made on the same date also pursuant to Article 144 bis of CONSOB Regulation 11971/99, and to Article 5 of EU Regulation 596/2014).

The following table details the purchases made per day in the above period of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. ordinary shares, ISIN Code IT0001469383:

DateQuantityAverage price (euro)Amount (euro)
13/09/2021                            15,879                                 1.8229                              28,945.83
14/09/2021                           32,048                                 1.8457                               59,150.99
15/09/2021                            32,070                                 1.8270                               58,591.89
16/09/2021                              7,824                                 1.8359                               14,364.08
17/09/2021                            25,959                                 1.8327                               47,575.06

The purchases were made through the authorized intermediary Equita Sim S.p.A. (LEI Code 815600E3E9BFBC8FAA85), independently and with no influence from the Issuer as regards the timing of the purchases.

Following the purchases made so far, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. holds no 783,657 treasury shares, corresponding 0.300% of the share capital.

Purchases in detail in the complete pdf.

Macabre, the new Sperling & Kupfer terror inspired book series

Sperling & Kupfer  has conceived this new fiction series that explores a territory where the macabre and eerie, horror and gothic and supernatural and fantastic suspense converge. Authored by Italian and foreign writers.

As Stephen King – the absolute master of terror for over forty years – says in Danse Macabre: «Stranger makes us nervous… but we love to try on his face in secret»;. What is alien and dark scares us, but we are inevitably drawn to it. Because it speaks to the least acceptable part of our being that we don’t want to admit exists. Because it embodies our personal and collective fears. Because looking him in the face – or reading about him – is the only way to exorcise him. And here lies the allure of the terror narrative: the power to create demons and then destroy them.

There will be contemporary, still unpublished stories, but also modern classics to be rediscovered, introduced by well-known Italian writers or critics. To enrich the book offering, covers will be designed by highly influential illustrators and cartoonists whose task will be to give visual form to
what’s eerie and scary.

And, as a tribute to the Master, we could only call it Macabre.

The first releases in the series:

The first Italian novel will be:

Nel buio della casa by Fiore Manni and Michele Monteleone: release date 12 October

A new Italian horror novel, an under-represented genre in Italy, co-authored. Set over two time planes, the novel is a horror story, underpinned by a strong love and family narrative.

Fiore Manni is the author of several novels for children (Rizzoli). Michele Monteleone is a well-known comic book writer. Both authors are passionate about horror stories

Some save-the-name later releases:

The last house on needless street (original title) by Catriona Ward.

Listed by the Guardian (and not only) among the most anticipated books of 2021. It debuted (in March) in fourth place on the Times ranking, and first in ebooks. Sold, for now, in 20 countries.

Chasing the boogeyman (original title) by Richard Chizmar.

It will be released in a month’s time in the US. Chizmar (publisher of the Cemetery Dance and editor of the magazine of the same name, specialising in particular in the horror genre) has penned a solo novel, not co-written with his friend, Stephen King, as his previous fiction.

Icon presents a special issue “That’s Entertainment”

A special issue of the magazine with four exclusive covers that looks at the world of entertainment and its protagonists.

Icon, the Mondadori Group’s male fashion and lifestyle brand is publishing a new special issue entitled brand “That’s Entertainment”. On newsstands from 21 September, the special issue is dedicated to all forms of entertainments, from cinema to TV series, music to art, as well as leisure and social media, with the aim of discovering what is entertainment today and who are the real protagonists of contemporary show business.

“Recent years have seen a revolution in the world of entertainment and beyond. Cinemas, theatres and stadiums have all been closed and all kinds of social event have been cancelled, as collective experience was substituted for the individual. As with all upheavals, something has been lost but something has also been created, and today the old and the new are not mutually exclusive but coexist. The only certainty we have is that there will always be someone who will want to entertain us, and we will always be happy to say yes,” said Andrea Tenerani, the editor of Icon.

To celebrate the world of entertainment, Icon has chosen four special personalities for its covers.
The actors Miguel Herrán and Jaime Lorente, stars of Money Heist, the most acclaimed Netflix series of recent years which is now in its fifth and final season. The two actors, who play the characters Rio and Denver respectively, reveal to Icon how a series that began so spectacularly can end: “By rediscovering the essence of the characters, what viewers fell in love with at the beginning: so, character. The war came later,” Lorente told the magazine.

And then the actor Adriano Giannini who talks about himself in an exclusive chat with Icon: from his 20-year career to the film with Nanni Moretti, love, friends and future projects.

The face of one of the other four covers is that of American actor Ethan Cutkosky. Born in 1999, he grew up with the character he plays in the TV series Shameless, maturing and changing with him to become one of the best-loved faces of his generation.

We also have the model and singer-songwriter Arsun Sorrenti, son of the famous fashion photographer Mario Sorrenti, who tells Icon about what it is like to be the only person who wants to make his living with music in a family dedicated to the visual arts.

The core of the magazine is fashion and style, which have always been the central focus of Icon: with exclusive interviews, insights and columns through which the magazine has become the spokesperson for the sector, its traditions and the values it embodies. A story based on Made in Italy with an always attentive eye on the emerging and artisan talents that make our country an example of excellence.

And don’t not miss the meeting with the designer Valentino, an authentic fashion icon who in an exclusive interview with Icon talks about his lucid vision of the present: “Today the internet and social media are at the centre of everything, conveying both the beautiful and the ugly. In my day, newspapers and magazines acted as a filter and helped to create the big names. I don’t think today’s blogs or Instagram do quite the same thing. I even doubt that in 50 years anyone will remember the talents discovered through them,” explains a designer that was always very careful not to crash and burn in his youth.
Plus Lawrence Steele, the new creative director of the Aspesi fashion house, is also among the personalities featured in the issue.

In the autumn there will be other news for Icon and – under the guidance of the editor Andrea Tenerani and Angelo Pannofino, Icon‘s new editor-at-large – coverage will expand from fashion to culture, art and society offering readers increasingly sought after and focused insights on male passions.

“My new assignment will start in October and I am looking forward to making a contribution to Icon. I like stories that surprise by connecting seemingly distant worlds, and it is this kind of surprise that we will try to give to our readers,” said Angelo Pannofino, editor-at-large of Icon.

The entertainment issue will also feature on Instagram and the Icon website, where the brand will continue to talk about the world of entertainment and the most important events with specials such as that created for the 78th edition of the Venice Film Festival, with interviews with protagonists, exclusive content and real-time updates, and the one dedicated to design and the new edition of the “Supersalone”.

Disclosure on the purchase of treasury shares in the period 6-10 September 2021

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. (LEI Code 815600049A1F9AFE6666) announces the purchase on the MTA (Electronic Stock Market), in the period from 6 to 10 September 2021, of no 129,225 ordinary shares (equal to 0.049% of the share capital) at an average unit price of €1.8319 for a total amount of €236,724.17.

These transactions were made under the authorization to purchase treasury shares approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting of 27 April 2021, and as part of the purchase programme to service the 2021-2023, 2020-2022 and 2019-2021 Performance Share Plans, the start of which was approved by the Board of Directors on 13 May 2021 (as per the disclosure made on the same date also pursuant to Article 144 bis of CONSOB Regulation 11971/99, and to Article 5 of EU Regulation 596/2014).

The following table details the purchases made per day in the above period of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. ordinary shares, ISIN Code IT0001469383:

DateQuantityAverage price (euro)Amount (euro)
06/09/2021                              3,705                                 1.8841                                6,980.59
07/09/2021                            30,557                                1.8896                                57,740.51
08/09/2021                            31,087                                1.8330                               56,982.47
09/09/2021                            31,236                                1.8060                               56,412.22
10/09/2021                           32,640                                 1.7956                              58,608.38
The purchases were made through the authorized intermediary Equita Sim S.p.A. (LEI Code 815600E3E9BFBC8FAA85), independently and with no influence from the Issuer as regards the timing of the purchases.

Following the purchases made so far, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. holds no 669,877 treasury shares, corresponding 0.256% of the share capital.

Purchases in detail in the complete pdf.

A school of writing and publishing for high school students in Mantua

A school of writing and publishing for high school students in Mantua

In October 2021 an initiative for young people will get under way in Mantua: a School of writing and publishing entitled Il libro dalla A alla Z (“The Book from A to Z”), promoted by the City of Mantua (Office for Culture and Tourism and Councillorship for Education, in partnership with Teresiana Library), conceived and implemented by publisher Electa in partnership with Fondazione Arnoldo e Alberto Mondadori, to mark the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Arnoldo Mondadori’s death.

With the goal of fuelling the love of reading and writing among the young people of generation Z, as part of the schools’ Life Skills and Orientation programme (PCTO or Percorsi per le Competenze Trasversali e per l’Orientamento), the project involves one year of training with lessons guiding and directing students toward various careers in publishing. Twenty lessons for 110 students in Mantua’s secondary schools will be held over 9 months (October 2021 through June 2022) at the Teresiana Library, presented by well-known professionals in the field such as Edoardo Brugnatelli, Lucia Tilde Ingrosso and Michela Tilli.

Before the school programme begins, two special lessons will be held, open to the general public, in Atrio degli Arcieri at the Palazzo Ducale on September 8 and 9, during Festivaletteratura: philosopher Ilaria Gaspari and sociolinguist Vera Gheno will invite the kids and everyone in the audience to “catch their wishes by the tail”, to paraphrase Picasso. A call for free exploration and expression of oneself and one’s thoughts, through the power of language.

In June 2022 the kids’ studies throughout the school year, from the city’s deepest historical and artistic roots to major issues of our times, will come together in the creation of a new Sentimental Guide to Mantua, featuring text, photographs and cover art by participants in the programme.

Mantua, a city with a great literary tradition, is also the place of origin of Arnoldo Mondadori (1889 – 1971), who passed away fifty years ago this year. The initiative also offers an opportunity to discuss and celebrate Mondadori’s publishing career: from his success in school textbooks to his experimentation with new editorial genres and formats. The heritage he left behind for the city will also be celebrated, such as the modern art collection featuring the paintings of Federico Zandomeneghi and Armando Spadini donated by the Mondadori family in the ‘70s and permanently displayed at the top floor of Palazzo Te since 1983.

Information on the events

An atlas of desires with Ilaria Gaspari

Wednesday, September 8, at 11:30 Mantua,
Mantua, Palazzo Ducale, Atrio degli Arcieri

Living comfortably in language: considerations about a universal right with Vera Gheno
Thursday, September 9, at 11:30
Mantua, Palazzo Ducale, Atrio degli Arcieri

Free admission, reservations required

The Beatles: Get Back, the story of the origins of one of the best- known albums in history

Starting on October 12, a new book will be available in Italy, and all over the world, entitled The Beatles: Get Back, published by Italian publisher Mondadori. 240 pages telling the story behind the recording of the album Let it be, with hundreds of previously unpublished images and transcriptions of almost 120 hours of the band’s studio recording sessions.

The Beatles: Get Back is a special addition to the documentary of the same name, in three parts, directed and produced by Peter Jackson, who also wrote the introduction to the book. The series will air exclusively on Disney+ on November 25, 26 and 27, 2021.

The book takes readers back in time to January 1969, the band’s last year together. Readers of the new volume enjoy the privilege of participating in the Beatles’ first practices, their mistakes, their boredom and excitement, and in the improvisations that led to the creation of the album Let It Be.

The Beatles: Get Back is the definitive book about the band, documenting these historic sessions. It reports their conversations, transcribed by John Harris, accompanied by never- before published photographs taken by two people who had privileged access to their get-togethers: Ethan A. Russell and Linda Eastman, the future wife of Paul McCartney.

In the same way, Peter Jackson’s documentary tells the story of the recording sessions with 55 hours of original video recordings and 120 hours of audio recordings, most of which have never been heard before. A number of frames in high resolution, stills from the same restored film clips, are featured in the book.

On October 15 Universal Music will be releasing new special editions of “Let It Be”, the Beatles album that came out on May 8 1970, in digital form and in five physical formats on CD and vinyl, including a Super Deluxe version with a 105-page book.

The Beatles: Get Back, in bookstores starting on October 12 (Mondadori, 39 euro, 240 pages), may be pre-ordered at the link below:

After sales of 14 million sandwiches, McDonald’s and GialloZafferano present the third edition of McChicken Variations. With the introduction of Il Ricercato and the return of Il Goloso

This year’s protagonist is Parmigiano Reggiano: an ingredient of the new Il Ricercato sandwich, a continuous addition to the McDonald’s menu that enhances salads and Wraps

The success of the McChicken Variation project, in partnership with GialloZafferano, Italy’s best loved food media brand, is now in its third edition: added this year to the McChicken Original recipe are Il Ricercato and Il Goloso, conceived with quality ingredients from around Italy. With this project, McDonald’s Italia also announces the reinforcement of the inclusion of the outstanding Parmigiano Reggiano DOP on its menu.

The new recipes, created together by McDonald’s and GialloZafferano, are available in all of the 615 restaurants in Italy until 19 October.
The McChicken Variations on offer include the “great return” of Il Goloso, the sandwich with 100% Italian chicken breast, 100% Italian bacon, salad and yellow tomatoes from Campania, introduced last year, again along with the chefs of the Mondadori Group brand. And new this year is Il Ricercato, an exclusive recipe with 100% Italian chick breast, rocket, tomatoes, mayonnaise, Italian basil and Parmigiano Reggiano.
This recipe will involve the acquisition of some 32 tons of Parmigiano Reggiano flakes, an authentic “princely” ingredient for this edition of McChicken Variations.

The relationship between McDonald’s and Parmigiano Reggiano is a long-standing one. The first DOP product offered by McDonald’s was a limited edition sandwich in 2008, and marked the first stage in a growing use by McDonald’s of the excellence of our country’s products, and in 2011 it was the first and only DOP product to find a permanent place among the assortment, with the Parmigiano Reggiano snack. From this year, Parmigiano Reggiano has expanded its presence on the McDonald’s menu as a continuous ingredient in salads and Wraps.

The McChicken Variation shows that McDonald’s is confirming and strengthening its Italian-ness. In fact, for the preparation of these recipes, the company will buy more, in addition to 32 tons Parmigiano Reggiano da Parmareggio, 15,5 tons of rocket from Bonduelle Italia, 30 tons of tomatoes and 20 tons of batavia lettuce from Bonduelle Italia and Sab, 300 kg 100% Italian basil for its basil mayonnaise, 18 tons of yellow Campanian tomatoes and 48 tons of bacon from Fratelli Beretta and Italia Alimentari.

All of these ingredients are in addition to the 100% Italian chicken breast supplied by Amadori and the bread produced by Bimbo at its plants in Modena and Rome.

This shift towards greater Italian-ness is a confirmation of McDonald’s commitment to the country’s agri-food sector, from which every year the company buys 94,000 tons of raw materials, with a value of over €200 million.

“We are delighted that our collaboration with GialloZafferano is now in its third edition,” said Dario Baroni, chief executive of McDonald’s Italia. “The McChicken Variation project is really a very important one for us, as it enables us to tell our customer about our commitment to flavour and the quality of the ingredients that we use in our recipes, and, above all, the search and selection of the best Italian suppliers. And it is a splendid opportunity to announce, with these new proposals, the continuous presence of Parmigiano Reggiano on our menus, and with which we will continue to pursue our mission of bringing to a large public the excellence of Made in Italy, traditionally considered a niche, and ‘educating’ consumers about the quality of Italian products and making them accessible to everyone.”

“Once again this year we are really excited to renew this important collaboration with McDonald’s,” declared Andrea Santagata, general manager of Mondadori Media. Enhancing the taste and quality of the excellence of our country is a commitment that we bring every day to the homes of the millions of Italians who follow our brand. Values that we present through exclusive content and innovative languages, created thanks to our team and a group of over 50 top creators who collaborate with GialloZafferano. A winning formula that we use across all social media to actively engage an increasingly wider audience and become a point of reference even for younger users, thanks in particular to TikTok, where the brand has reached extraordinary numbers in just over a year.”

The McChicken Variations produced in partnership with GialloZafferano will be the protagonists of a rich programme of content, developed together with Brand On Solutions, the Mediamond project development area, and will involve all the brand’s digital channels – the website, app and social media. The visibility plan, developed together with the advertising sales company, will be live for the entire period of the initiative, with new recipes available on GialloZafferano.it on a dedicated hub, accessible from the site’s main menu. In support, a campaign of launches and advertising launches that will also involve the magazines GialloZafferano, Focus and Donna Moderna, has also been planned.

The story will continue across all of the brand’s social media platforms with exclusive content, created specifically for the different channels, and the collaboration of 6 creators, who will share the preparation of the recipes on TikTok.

The McChicken Variations will also be featured in a live cooking session to be held on the 23th of September on the GialloZafferano Facebook, Instagram and YouTube channels. An event dedicated to the brand’s entire community, in which Manuel, the face of the site, will guide users through sandwiches recipes.

Disclosure on the purchase of treasury shares in the period 30 August – 3 September 2021


Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. (LEI Code 815600049A1F9AFE6666) announces the purchase on the MTA (Electronic Stock Market), in the period from 30 August to 3 September 2021, of no 33,589 ordinary shares (equal to 0.013% of the share capital) at an average unit price of €1.8674 for a total amount of €62,724.10.

These transactions were made under the authorization to purchase treasury shares approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting of 27 April 2021, and as part of the purchase programme to service the 2021-2023, 2020-2022 and 2019-2021 Performance Share Plans, the start of which was approved by the Board of Directors on 13 May 2021 (as per the disclosure made on the same date also pursuant to Article 144 bis of CONSOB Regulation 11971/99, and to Article 5 of EU Regulation 596/2014).

The following table details the purchases made per day in the above period of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. ordinary shares, ISIN Code IT0001469383:

DateQuantity Average price (euro)      Amount (euro)
 03/09/2021                            33,589                                 1.8674                               62,724.10


The purchases were made through the authorized intermediary Equita Sim S.p.A. (LEI Code 815600E3E9BFBC8FAA85), independently and with no influence from the Issuer as regards the timing of the purchases.

Following the purchases made so far, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. holds no 540,652 treasury shares, corresponding 0.207% of the share capital.

Purchases in detail in the complete pdf.


To coincide with the Venice Film Festival, a special issue of Grazia entitled “Io sono il cinema”

This extraordinary issue of the magazine is developed on the brand’s website and social media channels to celebrate the rebirth of the cinema

Grazia.it features Grazia Gazette, a section dedicated to the Venice Film Festival with stories about all the protagonists, the looks and the events surrounding this edition of the festival

To coincide with the Venice Film Festival, Grazia, the leading 100% Italian fashion brand, with 21 editions around the world, presents “Io sono il Cinema” (I am cinema).

A special issue of the magazine edited by Silvia Grilli dedicated to the rebirth of the world of cinema: from the stories of the most popular actresses and actors al who talk about their burning passion for the set to the mythical red carpet and the most glamorous fashion.

“Today Oggi Grazia is out with an extraordinary issue dedicated to a vibrant passion for the cinema. The 16 personalities involved in the putting together of this issue talk about their love for the set and how it has given an added dimension to their lives. All of them also remind us that art is freedom. Among the 16 is Sahraa Karimi, the only Afghan woman with a degree in film-making. In her piece she talks about how the Taliban, with their medieval cruelty and cultural vandalism, are against art, against the cinema and against women. Indeed, they consider educated and independent people like Sahraa a threat. I hope that in these pages you can identify with the passion that animates the protagonists of the issue. Let’s all appreciate the infinite value of freedom. I invite you all to become a threat” declared the editor Silvia Grilli.

Accompanying the readers and followers of Grazia through the pages of this issue is the actress Serena Rossi, the ‘godmother’ of this year’s Venice Festival and featured by Grazia on the cover.

Among the many personalities who have contributed to the pages of this special issue are: Stefano Accorsi, Cristiana Capotondi, Luca Zingaretti, Claudia Gerini, Valeria Solarino, Sergio Rubini, Claudio Santamaria and Gianmarco Tognazzi. As well as the directors Gabriele Salvatores and Elisa Amoruso and international stars Ester Acebo and Thimothée Chalamet. 16 protagonists that will allow readers and users to discover the relationship that each of them has with the cinema. Plus, the issue also includes testimonies by previous ‘godfathers’ and ‘godmothers’ of the festival, from Vittoria Puccini to Alessandro Borghi.

There is also extensive coverage of fashion and beauty, with a focus on diva styles as well as columns on jewellery, the look of various celebrities, and, of course, the red carpet clothes and make-up. Enriching the issue even more is a feature on the style of the stars, with all the looks of the actresses arriving on the Venetian lagoon.

This storytelling about the world of cinema and the Venice Film Festival is developed from the magazine on to the website, as well as the brand’s social media channels, where the content of the issue is expanded and enhanced.

And, new with this issue, the launch of a special Venice edition of Grazia Gazette, a dedicated section on Grazia.it to keep up with everything that’s happening during the Venice Film Festival. From fashion, with the most exclusive looks, from the red carpet and special events, to beauty, with looks, trends and hairstyles. There is also an unmissable column on people, with curiosities, tips & tricks about the Festival’s locations and events, and the Grazia film club, a closer daily discussion of the films selected by our cinema expert @julietvampire.
A special on the site that Grazia readers can access directly, using the QR code on the cover of the issue of on the homepage of Grazia.it.

An extensive daily selection of live coverage and news from Venice will also animate the Instagram profile of @Grazia_it where, each day, the protagonists of the Festival will talk to our correspondents with the hashtags: #iosonoilcinema, #graziawalkstheredcarpet.

An exhaustive range of content that confirms the capacity of Grazia to engage the brand’s 3.7 million readers and users (Source: Nielsen Media Impact Data Fusion, March 2021) with a circular, complete and multichannel offer.

The initiative has two main partners: Lexus, confirming its presence with Grazia at the Venice Film Festival for the second year, and Xiaomi that will be present with its smartphones to immortalise the looks of Venice in real time.
On the advertising front, there has been double-digit growth across the entire Grazia system compared with 2020.

Mondadori Group: publication of the half-year financial report at 30 june 2021

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. hereby informs that the Half-Year Financial Report at 30 June 2021, comprising the Independent Auditors’ report, is now available at the Company’s registered office, at the authorized storage mechanism 1info (www.1info.it) and on the website www.gruppomondadori.it (Investors section).