Webboh Lab and Z Power: the two big news for Gen Z announced at IAB Forum 2023 from the stage “Regeneration from Z to Alpha”

The two big news: Webboh Lab, the observatory dedicated to the younger generation, and Z Power, the “spin-off” for Gen Z from Power Talent Agency

At the IAB Forum 2023, Mondadori Media enlivened the Vision Arena with a rich schedule focused on Gen Z and with two inspirational speeches, by Andrea Santagata and Benedetta de Luca, on the future of digital media and inclusive communication.

Mondadori Media, the leading Italian multimedia publisher on social media and in the digital world involving Gen Z, was the protagonist with the stage “ReGENERATION from Z to Alpha” in the Vision Arena of the IAB Forum 2023, the main event in Italy dedicated to digital innovation, which was held in Milan on November 8 and 9. Building on its experience of social and new generation issues, Mondadori Media took advantage of the valuable setting provided by IAB Forum to announce two great new products dedicated to Gen Z: Webboh Lab and Z Power.

Webboh Labis the first permanent digital observatory of Gen Z, which gives back to the world the authentic photograph of this new generation: a privileged vantage point to know up close and in real time the thoughts, opinions, expectations and interests of young people, thanks to the centrality of Webboh, the first Italian community dedicated to Gen Z, and the authority of the Istituto di Ricerca Sylla.

In less than 48 hours, 24,000 teens between the ages of 12 and 20 responded to the first instant survey launched in community stories on Instagram. The results showed – as professor Furio Camillo, Professor of Business Statistics at the University of Bologna and Sylla’s Scientific Director, had the opportunity to illustrate – that Generation Z is not a monolith, but is made up of five profiles of social media users: Meme Maestro, comprising 40% of young people surveyed, Creative Explorer (18%), Like Lover (17%), Social Soul (14%), and Digital Dreamer (11%).

The Meme Master uses social media through entertainment and virality, while the other four clusters use the platforms for more value-based purposes, such as exploring interests, promoting social causes, obtaining support and sharing their creativity. Another piece of evidence that emerged debunks  the belief that young people without social media are  lonely: when asked to imagine a world without social media, the fear of loneliness scored 4.3 – on a scale where 1 equals “not at all” and 10 equals “maximum” – and is one of the last most important markers (the highest marks were obtained by “I would be bored” and “I would do more sport”). A further interesting result shows that, in a world without social media, the younger generation would miss WhatsApp and Instagram, followed by TikTok and YouTube, while they would not miss Facebook, in the last position behind Twitch, Discord, and X. To learn more about all the results of the survey and the survey possibilities offered by Webboh Lab, visit webbohlab.it.

There are also important news about Power Talent Agency. Z Power is the new agency’s spin-off dedicated to young talents who relate to Gen Z and with whom they share values and themes. A roster of ordinary young creators who speak about what they believe in, including ACapoDelGlobo (aka Giulia Berettini), Ella’s Book, Webboh talents as Claudia Mariani, Arianna Madonna and Christian Candela, and so many others. Z Power aims to create a bond between creators and brands that want to connect with their audiences, creating an ecosystem of mutual collaboration and growth. Its launch enriches Mondadori Media’s proposal for communicating the world of the younger generation, thanks in part to synergies with the Webboh publishing brand.

The IAB Forum 2023 hosted, among others, the plenary panel titled “Generazioni e Rigenerazioni,” an inspirational moment held by IAB Italia President Carlo Noseda and Andrea Santagata, Managing Director of Mondadori Media Area Digital and Polo MarTec. The panel was focused not only on digital evolution in the last 20 years but also on future and its applications, starting with AI.

On the same stage Benedetta De Luca, Disability Advocacy, Gender & Inclusion Editor for The Wom and creator of Power Talent Agency, attended too. She addressed the theme of inclusion within the world of communication together with Martina Fuga, Communications Manager of CoorDown, and Nicola Acampora founder of PizzAut.

Mondadori Media enlivened the Vision Arena with a rich schedule and many guests with the moderation of Giampaolo Colletti, journalist contributor to Il Sole24Ore and StartupItalia Director: 25 professionals in this sector, 65% of them women, delved into topics related to the new generations, such as communication strategies (thanks to the intervention of media and advertising agencies Open Influence, Ogilvy, Omnicom Media Group and Dentsu Creative) and the evolution of trends, thanks to the intervention of the main social platforms such as Meta, TikTok and YouTube. The values and creativity that characterize Gen Z with panels by The Wom and Webboh were outlined too.

During the two intense days of IAB Forum 2023, there were many workshops signed by Mondadori Media: in the first one, “The Social Big Opportunity,” Andrea Santagata presented Mondadori Media’s development strategy and, in the second one, Edoardo Rettori, Sales Account Manager of AdKaora, and Betty Lasjuilliarias, Digital & Omni-Channel Manager of Alcon, illustrated the successful case study for the Alcon brand thanks to the new Impact Video format of AdKaora.

You can view the full program at this link.


Mondadori Media is Italy’s leading multimedia publisher, with a distinctive positioning and audience on the editorial market. Through its brands, the Mondadori Group’s social multimedia company caters for the passions of the Italians – food, beauty, fashion, health and wellness, science and tech – and reaches more than 26 million unique users every month (source: Audiweb Jan-Aug 2023) and a total fanbase of 100 million (source: Comscore Shareablee + Pinterest insight October 2023).

Webboh is the flagship media of Gen-Z. Founded in April 2019, it has been part of Mondadori Media since February 2023. It currently has a fanbase between TikTok, Instagram and YouTube of 3 million users of which 70% are under the age of 24, a website of 2.5 million monthly unique users (source: Audiweb Average Month 2023) . It is in the top ten most influential Italian media on social, as well as the first in target generation Z for engagement and video views (source: Top Italian Media Rankings of Prima Comunicazione made by Sensemakers). The topicality, authenticity and interest aroused by the content is guaranteed by the bottom-up editorial model: the community is involved in every part of the creative process.

Power Talent Agency is Mondadori Media’s agency that manages a roster of talents with different artistic paths. The variety of profiles makes Power a unique reality in the Italian digital world, in which the talent of influencers and creators is transformed into value for brands, reaching over 30 million video views per month.The projects developed can also benefit from integration opportunities with Mondadori Media brands, from The Wom to Mypersonaltrainer to Webboh, for the creation of content with a strong impact in message, language and style. The goal is to create authentic stories for all target segments, especially for the genZ and young millennialZ public.

The Board of Directors approved the Interim Management Statement at 30 September 2023

Sharp increase in profitability EBITDA Adjusted +12%

  • Consolidated revenue € 679.9 million, up on € 678.2 million at 30 September 2022
  • Adjusted EBITDA: € 129.3 million, +12% compared to € 115.5 million at 30 September 2022
  • EBIT positive at € 90.5 million, up by 16% versus € 78 million at 30 September 2022
  • Group net result at € 66.3 million, up by € 8 million compared to the result at 30 September 2022 (approx. +14%)
  • Solid cash generation confirmed, with LTM Free Cash Flow positive for € 51.4 million
  • Strengthened capital structure: Net Financial Position excluding IFRS 16 at 30 September 2023 improved by over € 20 million, to € -152.3 million (€ -173.4 million at 30 September 2022)
  • IFRS 16 net financial position of € -223.9 million (€ -235.7 million at 30 September 2022)
  • The Group reiterates ability to self-finance its external growth policy

Confirmed 2023 outlook

  • Single-digit growth of revenue
  • Adjusted EBITDA increased high single-digit/low double-digit, with margins expected to range between 16% and 17%
  • Net profit up by around 20%
  • Ordinary Cash Flow expected to be between € 65 and 70 million, an increase of up to 15%
  • Group net financial debt (IFRS 16) expected at 1.0x Adjusted EBITDA at the end of 2023

Today, the meeting of the Board of Directors of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A., chaired by Marina Berlusconi, reviewed and approved the Interim Management Statement at 30 September 2023 presented by Chief Executive Officer Antonio Porro.

“The Mondadori Group has recorded excellent results and a sharp increase in profitability in the first nine months of 2023, attributable to the pursuit of a meticulous management of operations, the contribution of recent acquisitions and the synergy arising from their integration, which allowed for an improvement in the performance of all business areas and a capital strengthening of the Group. We can therefore confirm what was announced on 29 June in terms of expected results for the ongoing year, namely an economic and financial improvement”, said Antonio Porro, CEO of the Mondadori Group.

Performance at 30 September 2023

Consolidated revenue for the first nine months of 2023 amounted to € 679.9 million versus € 678.2 million in the first nine months of 2022, growing by 0.3%. Like-for-like, organic revenue growth came to 1.1%.

Adjusted EBITDA for the first nine months of 2023 was € 129.3 million, an increase of around € 14 million on the € 115.5 million recorded for the same period in 2022.

Netting the results for the respective periods in question of the reliefs and contributions respectively paid, the growth recorded by Group’s EBITDA would exceed € 17 million.

All business areas contributed to the result, especially the Trade BOOKS Area, due in particular to the effect of the consolidation of the results of the recently acquired companies, the Education BOOKS Area and the RETAIL Area.

Group EBITDA for the first nine months of the current year amounted to € 131.5 million, compared to € 114.5 million at 30 September 2022, an improvement of approximately € 17 million attributable to the operating dynamics and the recognition in the current year, in the MEDIA Area, of the net capital gain resulting from the sale of the titles Grazia and Icon (and the related international network).

Thanks to the positive performance of all business areas, the Mondadori Group’s EBIT for the first nine months of 2023, positive for € 90.5 million, showed an improvement of € 12.5 million compared to 2022. The result was achieved despite the booking of approximately € 4 million in higher depreciation/amortisation resulting from the greater investments made in the last 12 months, the consolidation of new companies (€ +1.0 million) and the accounting effects of the PPA (Purchase Price Allocation) process (€ +1.2 million compared to the first nine months of 2022).

Neutralising extraordinary items and the impact of the PPA process related to the companies acquired in the last 24 months, Adjusted EBIT would amount to € 92.1 million, up by more than € 10 million (+12.9%) compared to the same period of the previous year.

Financial expense grew by over € 3 million, of which around € 2 million as a result of the higher cost of debt.

The consolidated result before tax was positive at € 87.1 million, an improvement of about € 11 million compared to € 75.8 million in the first nine months of 2022. The over € 2 million improvement in the profits of associates, in addition to the information already noted, contributed to this performance, particularly as a result of the update in the fair value measurement of the investment in the company A.L.I. and the recognition of a capital gain of € 0.4 million from the sale of the residual investment in SEE, the publishing company of Il Giornale.

The Group’s net profit at 30 September 2023, after minority interests, was positive for € 66.3 million and showed a significant improvement of € 8 million (around 14%) versus € 58.3 million recorded in first nine months of 2022.

Tax costs in the period totalled € 20.5 million versus € 17.6 million at 30 September 2022 due to the higher pre-tax result.

The Group’s capital structure grew stronger still: the Net Financial Position excluding IFRS 16 at 30 September 2023 amounted to € -152.3 million (net debt), an improvement of over € 20 million versus € -173.4 million at 30 September 2022, as a result of the relevant cash generation of the business and despite the cash-out relating to acquisitions made during the last 12 months and the distribution of dividends in May 2023 for around € 29 million.

The IFRS 16 Net Financial Position came to € -223.9 million, from € -235.7 million recorded at 30 September 2022, including an IFRS 16 component of € -71.6 million.

At 30 September 2023, cash flow from ordinary operations in the last 12 months came to € 64.6 million, while cash flow from extraordinary operations was negative for € 13.2 million.

Consequently, LTM Free Cash Flow at 30 September 2023 was positive for € 51.4 million, confirming the Group’s capacity to finance its growth policy by external lines.

Performance of Business Areas

Trade Books Area

Following the consolidation phase of 2022, 2023 showed further growth in the book market for 2.3% (in terms of value) and a substantial stability in terms of volume compared to 2022. The third quarter in particular showed a 1.6% increase in terms of value (source: GFK, September 2023).

In this context, the Mondadori Group’s publishers recorded growth of 2.2% in the first nine months, which is in line with the reference market, despite the third quarter of 2022 having benefited from a strong publishing plan. Thanks to this performance, Mondadori has consolidated its national leadership position, with a market share which, in September 2023, remained stable at 27.3%.

Revenue in the first nine months of 2023 in the Trade BOOKS Area stood at € 268 million, increasing by 14% compared to the same period in 2022.

Adjusted EBITDA in the first nine months of 2023 amounted to € 41 million: net of reliefs relating to Electa’s museum activities (€ 6.4 million), which had benefited in 2022, the area recorded growth of 23% (€ 7.6 million), largely attributable to the contribution of the newly acquired companies in the current year.

The profitability at 30 September 2023 achieved by the Trade BOOKS Area was approximately 15%, showing improvement on the same period in 2022, excluding the contribution of the reliefs (14%).

Education Books Area

The Mondadori Group’s publishing houses in the context of school textbooks achieved a market share (adoption) of 32%, substantially stable compared to the figure reported in the previous year, with growth in the secondary school segment (upper and lower secondary schools) and a decrease in primary, characterised by higher volatility and lower profitability.

In the first nine months of 2023, the school textbooks business reported overall revenue of € 215.5 million (€ 213.7 million in the corresponding period of 2022), increasing by 0.8% despite a partial delay in the distribution activities.

In particular, an analysis of the trend by school level shows how revenue from first- and second-level secondary school – accounting for 80% of the area’s revenue – has grown by around 3%, with a trend offset by the decrease recorded by primary school (-7.9% compared to the same period in 2022), in line with the adoption trend reported. As expected, the sales of third-party publishers distributed by Rizzoli Education fell by 7%.

Adjusted EBITDA of the Education BOOKS Area in the first nine months of the year stood at € 73.9 million, a clear improvement compared to € 68.1 million in the corresponding period of financial year 2022 (+8.5%), mainly due to a different and more favourable mix of revenue and a lower percentage of product cost and promotional costs.

Retail Area

As already mentioned, the book market in Italy in the first nine months reported a 2.3% growth compared to the same period in 2022; in this context, the physical channel grew by +4.8% while the online channel declined (estimated at -1.6%), even if gradually recovering in the third quarter of 2023 compared to the figure from the corresponding period of 2022.

In the first nine months of 2023, Mondadori Retail recorded a 5.7% increase in book sell-out in stores; thanks to this overperformance, driven by excellent performance reported by physical stores, Mondadori Retail’s market share stood at 13% of the total market, +0.4% on 30 September 2022, and almost came to 20% of the physical market.

In the first nine months of the year, the RETAIL Area reported revenue of € 133.4 million, up by € 7.4 million (+5.9%) versus the same period of the prior year. The ongoing development and renovation of existing stores and the focus on the core business of books have enabled the Mondadori Store network to consolidate its role in the market, as demonstrated by the solid growth in revenue from the book product.

An analysis of sales by channel shows a further increase in revenue from directly-managed bookstores (+12.8% compared to the same period in the previous year) and franchisee bookstores (+4.0% compared to 30 September 2022) and, at the same time, a decline in the Online and Bookclub channels.

As far as the product categories are concerned:

  • the book area was the main component of revenue (more than 80% of the total), up comprehensively by +6.6% compared to 2022, driven by the excellent performance of physical stores;
  • Extra-Book sales were on a positive trend (+14.7% versus the first nine months of 2022) confirming the excellent signs arising in the last year, due to the growth in the stationery, games, gifts and music.

The RETAIL Area had a positive Adjusted EBITDA of € 8.3 million, a value that has doubled compared to the figure for the first nine months of 2022 (€ +4.2 million).

Media Area

In the first nine months of 2023, the MEDIA Area recorded revenue of € 101.5 million, a reduction of approximately 25% on the same period of the previous year. On a like-for-like basis (thus excluding the effect of the deconsolidation of the titles sold at the beginning of 2023 and of Press-di’s distribution activities), this reduction is smaller by around 6% thanks to the performance of near stability achieved in the third quarter of the year and shows different trends in the two digital and print components.

The Digital Area, which accounts for over 37% of the area’s overall revenue, showed an increase in advertising revenue of around 20%, deriving in particular from the positive performance of MarTech; the Print Area fell by around 16%, mainly due to the significant drop in add-on sales in the period.

In the first nine months of 2023, the Mondadori Group retained its position as Italy’s top multimedia publisher: in print with 13 titles and 9 million readers; on the web with 12 brands and approximately 27.7 million average unique users per month; on social media with 100 profiles and a fanbase of around 100 million.

In the magazine segment, the Group’s market share (in terms of circulation) stood at 20.3%, up slightly – with a like-for-like portfolio of titles – versus the figure in the same period of 2022 (19.8%), due to improved performance on that of the reference market.

Adjusted EBITDA in the MEDIA Area amounted to € 10.3 million, up by around 10% compared to the first nine months of 2022, mainly attributable to the traditional activities – which benefited from a contribution to offset the costs incurred by the publisher for the distribution of periodicals (€ 2.8 million) – which more than offset the decrease in the margin on sales of collateral items; in the Digital Area, Adjusted EBITDA is essentially stable on the same period in 2022 thanks to higher advertising revenue, despite the higher costs incurred for launching new initiatives tied to the influencer marketing segment and the deconsolidation of the result related to the digital activities of the titles sold.

Performance in Third Quarter 2023

Consolidated revenue for the third quarter of 2023 amounted to € 317.6 million (versus € 323.1 million the prior year), showing a slight decline compared with the same period of 2022 (-1.7%). Like-for-like, organic revenue performance recorded -1.2%.

Adjusted EBITDA for the third quarter of 2023 was € 91.1 million, an increase of almost € 3 million on the € 87.9 million recorded for the third quarter of 2022.

In the third quarter of 2023, EBIT closed with a positive € 76.5 million, showing an improvement of € 1.8 million.

Neutralising extraordinary items and the impact of the PPA process, Adjusted EBIT would stand at € 77.8 million, up by around € 2 million from € 75.9 million in the third quarter of 2022.

Outlook for the year

The forecasts previously communicated to the market on 29 June 2023 are confirmed, and reported in full below.

Income Statement

  • single-digit revenue growth;
  • high single-digit/low double-digit growth in Adjusted EBITDA, with margins expected to range between 16% and 17%;
  • approximately 20% growth in net profit.

Cash Flow and Net Financial Position

  • ordinary cash flow is expected to range between € 65 and 70 million, showing an increase of up to 15% compared to the figure from 2022;
  • the Group’s net financial debt (IFRS 16) is confirmed to come in, at end FY 2023, as 1.0x adjusted EBITDA, down from 1.3x at end 2022.


The presentation of the results at 30 September 2023, approved today by the Board of Directors, is available on 1Info (www.1info.it), on www.borsaitaliana.it and on www.gruppomondadori.it (Investors section). A Q&A session will be held in conference call mode at 4.00 pm for the financial community, attended by the CEO of the Mondadori Group, Antonio Porro, and the CFO, Alessandro Franzosi. Journalists will be able to follow the meeting in listening mode only, by connecting to the following phone number +39.02.8020927 or via web at: https://hditalia.choruscall.com/?calltype=2&info=company.
The Financial Reporting Manager – Alessandro Franzosi – hereby declares, pursuant to Article 154 bis, paragraph 2, of the Consolidated Finance Law, that the accounting information contained herein corresponds to the Company’s records, books and accounting entries.


Annexes in the complete pdf:

  1. Consolidated Statements of Financial Position
  2. Consolidated Income Statement
  3. Consolidated income statement – III quarter
  4. Group cash flow
  5. Glossary of terms and alternative performance measures used

Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni presents the Telegatto Award to Antonio Ricci

Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni, the entertainment world’s landmark brand, has awarded Antonio Ricci, the inventor of the Tapiro (a small golden tapir statue awarded to politicians and celebrities satirised by the show), with the Telegatto.

The entertainment world’s most coveted award was presented to the creator of Striscia la Notizia’s editor-in-chief, Aldo Vitali, during the show’s 35th anniversary: “We’re very happy to celebrate our friends at Striscia on this special anniversary with a Telegatto that adds to Antonio Ricci’s already rich and well-deserved collection. He’s a real TV star”, said Vitali while presenting the award.

The statuette was presented to the creator of Channel 5 satirical news program in Striscia’s Mediaset studios in Cologno Monzese, where the program’s museum is also located, which contains a great deal of memorabilia and documents, the collection of special Tapirs, and, on the walls, the lawsuits (all settled without damages) he has received over the past 35 years.

Photos of the award ceremony can be found not only on the brand’s social media pages and their website, sorrisi.com, but in the magazine on newsstands from Tuesday, 7 November, with a cover dedicated to Antonio Ricci and a long interview with Striscia’s creator, in which he recounts the long, extraordinary history of one of Italian television’s most watched and loved programs.

A new Mondadori Bookstore opens its doors in the heart of Pomezia

Mondadori Store, the largest network of bookstores in Italy, will open a new bookstore on Saturday, 4 November in the heart of Pomezia, making a hub dedicated to the world of books, culture and entertainment available to the public. The new Mondadori Bookstore will expand the already extensive network of Mondadori Stores in the area, in line with the network’s strategy to spread culture and promote reading during leisure time.

“The Mondadori Bookstore in Pomezia meets the goal of offering an interactive meeting point, especially for the inhabitants of the city centre, and to represent a true cultural stronghold for the whole area, thanks also to collaboration with schools and initiatives aimed at students such as Alunni in libreria (Pupils in the Bookstore) and Scrittori in classe (Writers in the Classroom)”, said Mondadori Store affiliate, Alessandro Caracuzzo.

The new 90-square-metre Mondadori Bookstore offers a wide selection of over 10,000 titles, ranging from best sellers to great classics, including fiction, non-fiction and miscellaneous, not forgetting young readers with the We are Junior format, which includes educational and illustrated games to stimulate the imagination with interesting stories, and the innovative department dedicated to manga and comics, Just Comics. Also expanding the store’s offerings are areas dedicated to stationery, toys, music, gift cards and gift boxes.

The Mondadori Bookstore in Pomezia also serves readers online: customers can keep up-to-date through its Facebook and Instagram pages. They will also be able to get in touch with the bookstore through the Mondadoristore.it digital services to check whether a book is available, order it and pick it up in the store or have it delivered to their home, choosing from a catalogue of more than 1 million titles.

Mondadori Store is the largest network of bookstores in Italy: a cultural organisation active nationwide through more than 500 stores in large cities and small towns alike, and online through the e-commerce website Mondadoristore.it. In addition to books, its core offer, it organises fun experiences, events and multi-channel services, reaching more than 20 million customers each year.

Via Silvio Spaventa, 18/20, 00071, Pomezia (RM)
Hours: Mon-Sat 9.00 – 13.00/16.00 – 20.00
Phone: 06.7009957
E-mail: info@mondadoripomezia.it

Mondadori Group: Antitrust authorizes the acquisition of 51% of Star Shop Distribuzione S.r.l.

The Mondadori Group announces to have received notice from the Antitrust Authority of the authorization – as disclosed last 29 June 2023 – to acquire a 51% stake in Star Shop Distribuzione S.r.l., operating in the distribution of third party publishers in the comics channel and in the management of direct and franchised sales outlets in the same segment.

Following the authorization from the above Authority, the transaction will be fully implemented on the closing date, the definition of which will be the subject of timely disclosure to the market.

Mondadori Group Archive opens to the public for the first time

On Friday, October 20, as part of the Archivi Aperti event, the doors are opening to the spaces where the photographic heritage of the publishing group is preserved

Mondadori Portfolio, the Group’s photo agency, will illustrate the recovery and digitization work carried out over more than a decade

The Mondadori Group Photographic Archive opens its doors to the public for the first time as part of Archivi Aperti, an initiative organized by the association Rete Fotografia and whose 9th edition will take place from October 13 to 22, 2023 in several Italian cities.

On Friday October 20, the public will be able to visit the Mondadori headquarters in Segrate (Mi) which houses the enormous photographic heritage of the Group.

In addition, the event will be an opportunity to illustrate the valuable work that Mondadori Portfolio, the photographic agency of the Mondadori Group, has tackled from 2011 to the present and which has led to the digitization of a relevant part of the publisher’s immense historical archive and the prestigious Electa archive. A significant process of valorization, during which, through the recovery of prints, original negatives, photocolors and slides, famous names have returned to the public’s attention. These include Mario De Biasi, Giorgio Lotti, Angelo Cozzi, Sergio Del Grande, Marisa Rastellini and other authors who over the past 60 years have told, through their shots, the history of our country through the pages of the magazines Epoca, Grazia and Panorama.

In addition to Daniele Fiasca and Elisabetta De Simone, Mondadori Portfolio’s Director and Executive Manager respectively, Nadia Righi, Director of the Diocesan Museum, will also speak. Together with curators Maria Vittoria Baravelli and Silvia De Biasi, Nadia Righi will preview the exhibition “MARIO DE BIASI AND MILAN. Extraordinary Edition”, which the Milanese museum will host from November 14, 2023 to January 21, 2024 on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of the great photographer of Epoca magazine. During the event, photographer Antonio Quattrone will also perform an opera reading.

The day’s program will also include a visit to Palazzo Niemeyer, an architectural masterpiece designed by Oscar Niemeyer and headquarters of the Mondadori Group.

For information and reservations (subject to availability) click here.

Mypersonalpet: the new social-first editorial brand for pet lovers

An Instagram profile and website completely dedicated to the well-being of pets and their lovers.

The platform of Mypersonaltrainer, a brand leader in health and wellness, has now expanded with Mypersonalpet, the new digital world — social network and website — designed for all animal lovers.

Pets are a source of well-being, contributing to improved quality of life, and they are now considered actual members of the family.

The growth of the pet market, which was also accelerated by the pandemic, has led to a parallel increase in the need for information, news, and guides on various aspects of their health and well-being.

Mypersonalpet aims to meet the desire for information for those who have chosen to open their homes to the love of a pet, not only dogs and cats, but also rabbits, birds, and fish.

Through collaboration with an exclusive network of authoritative professionals, rigorously selected among doctors, veterinarians, biologists, psychologists, ethologists, and trainers, pet lovers will be able to find useful advice and tips on nutrition, hygiene, and keeping their four-legged friends (and others) fit.

The Instagram profile @mypersonalpet, which has more than 330,000 followers, has registered 500,000 interactions and a reach of 4 million people in the last month, thanks in part to engaging visual posts on key topics with infographics, reels, and carousels.

In addition to complementing the main Instagram page @myptrainer, Mypersonalpet works with a network of experienced contributors and more than 30 top creators, as well as through collaboration with the Power and Zenzero talent agencies. The profile promotes an innovative narrative of personal & family wellness and provides information on touching stories and current social issues related to pets. There is no shortage of space for viral stories with intriguing and engaging formats such as “Pet dramas”, and more relaxing topics such as “Fashion & Accessories”.

Mypersonalpet officially launched at Mypersonaltrainer Days 2023, with volleyball player Cristina Chirichella and her dog Chichi acting as special representatives. The brand is dedicated to pets within the Mypersonaltrainer world, which 14 million people already access each month looking for information, tutorials, and advice regarding health, fitness, and personal wellness.

Mypersonalpet complements Mypersonaltrainer and Mondadori Media in the pet sector, and will work in full synergy with Mediamond and its dedicated unit, Brand On Solutions, to bring individual brands, innovative and effective branded content initiatives, and influencer marketing projects to the market.

Monge, a leading pet food company, was the first brand to believe in Mypersonalpet, investing in this new project during its launch.

Boehringer Ingelheim chooses AdKaora

Boehringer Ingelheim chooses AdKaora to promote the launch of a new antiparasitic with multichannel proximity marketing and a digital out-of-home strategy

AdKaora, the Mondadori Group digital agency specializing in user-centric mobile advertising and proximity marketing, was chosen by Boehringer Ingelheim to promote the launch of a new antiparasitic tablet available for purchase without a veterinary prescription, with a combined proximity marketing and digital out-of-home strategy.

The campaign appeared online in May and June and was managed together with Hearts&Science. The objectives were product awareness and drive to store, achieved by combining high-impact creative formats with advanced proximity tools. The result was a highly effective circular, multichannel project involving more than 2,000 pharmacies and nearby digital totem circuit.

To boost product awareness and encourage footfall in the related stores, the strategy involved the delivery of a mix of geolocal mobile display advertising and near-store push notifications, shown to customers near the related stores to direct users to AdKaora’s proprietary technology, Find&Go Now! It consists of a specially created interactive map customized with brand-recognition elements to guide consumers to the nearest store that carries the product.

The results were positive. The engagement rate stood at 26.4% and the footfall analysis showed that visitation uplift, i.e. the increase in visits to points of interest, reached 41.9%.

Francesca Santoro, Digital Brand Specialist Boehringer Ingelheim: “Working closely with stores through a multi-touch point approach is key in getting users to go the last mile. The activity with AdKaora in 2023 allowed us to bring a lot of people to pharmacies in just a few weeks”.

Davide Tran, CEO AdKaora: “The proximity marketing project implemented together with Boehringer Ingelheim shows the success of a multichannel planning, which acts effectively across the entire consumer funnel. From display formats that reinforce user engagement to push notifications that aim to intercept them at micro-moments of interest, combined with footfall analysis that measures increased visits to the related stores, the strategy has allowed us to achieve important results with great customer satisfaction and compliance with the required KPIs. In addition, by integrating the DOOH channel, we were able to plan hyperlocal content on the main digital systems in major Italian cities. Users exposed to the dual mobile and digital out-of-home channels had significantly higher visit rates and visitation uplift performance than users affected by only one of the channels”.

In Milan, the Gabriele Basilico exhibition takes place between the Palazzo Reale and the Triennale

Until 7 January 2024, the great exhibition dedicated to the famous cityscape photographer is open to the public

Milan, the city where Gabriele Basilico (August 1944 – February 2013) was born and lived, celebrates the 10th anniversary of the photographer’s death with “Gabriele Basilico. My Cities”, an extensive exhibition divided across two venues: Palazzo Reale and Triennale Milano. The exhibition is open to the public from 13 October 2023 until 7 January 2024 and is the first major tribute that the city of Milan is dedicating to Gabriele Basilico, his work and his cosmopolitan point of view, which let him capture the soul of every city.

The exhibition consists of more than 500 works, starting in Milan, at the Triennale, before arriving at the World, at the Palazzo Reale.

“Gabriele Basilico. My Cities” is promoted by the Comune di Milano-Cultura, Palazzo Reale and Triennale Milano, together with our publishing house Electa. The exhibition was made possible with the research partnership of the Gabriele Basilico Archive.

At the Palazzo Reale, the exhibition has been organised by Giovanna Calvenzi and Filippo Maggia and features a selection of Basilico’s works realised for major international clients. At the Triennale, a large selection of images of Milan and its suburbs, curated by Giovanna Calvenzi and Matteo Balduzzi, is on display.

The exhibition at the Palazzo Reale

Around 200 works selected from the Basilico Archive, which contains the artist’s most important works from international events throughout his career, are on display at the Palazzo Reale.

In the Lucernario, “Sezioni del paesaggio italiano (Sections of the Italian Landscape)” is exposed. It is a seminal study on the transformation of the national landscape created for Venice’s 6th Biennale Architettura in 1996, in collaboration with Stefano Boeri (96 prints, 30×40 cm). The study involves six sections of the country, from North to South Italy, corresponding to about 50 km each, linking a well-established urban area to a densely populated suburban area.

On display in the Sala delle Cariatidi are 100 photographs of more than 40 cities taken for prestigious international commissions, including Shanghai, Rio de Janeiro, San Francisco, Moscow, London, Paris, Istanbul, Tel Aviv, Boston, Liverpool, Rome, Berlin, Lisbon, Valencia, Jerusalem, Beirut, Amman, Monte Carlo, Hong Kong and others.

New format for the Mondadori Bookstore at the Meridiana Shopping Centre in Casalecchio di Reno

The bookstore has been renewed and enhanced with new spaces dedicated to younger customers and comic and manga enthusiasts

From tomorrow, the Mondadori Bookstore at the Meridiana Shopping Centre in Casalecchio di Reno (BO) will show a completely renewed concept, confirming itself as a cultural landmark for the local community and those who love reading.

“The new bookshop in the Meridiana Shopping Centre confirms our commitment to spreading culture and promoting reading. The opening of this directly managed new Mondadori Bookstore is part of a broader strategy of ongoing renewal, enhancement and development of our Mondadori Store network. We want to make our bookstores increasingly attractive, turning them into a cultural landmark throughout Italy”, said Carmine Perna, Managing Director of Mondadori Retail.

Located in a strategic position inside the Meridiana Shopping Centre, the bookstore – measuring 450 square metres – offers new spaces thanks to a layout and furnishings that enhance and exalt the vast Mondadori Store offer: a catalogue of more than 20,000 titles – from best sellers to the great classics, including fiction, non-fiction and miscellaneous – stationery products (with a corner exclusively dedicated to the LEGAMI brand), gift boxes and gift cards, and the original proposals of the Mondolibri club.

In the new Mondadori Bookstore in Casalecchio di Reno, there is an area specially designed for young readers, i.e. We are Junior”: a completely new section where even the youngest can find a rich selection of illustrated books and educational games. The store also houses an extensive selection of comics in the Just Comics section, with manga, superheroes and graphic novels.

Readers can find this Mondadori Bookstore online too: customers will be able to contact the store and be updated on all ongoing initiatives on its Facebook page and to use the digital services on Mondadoristore.it in order to check the availability of a book from a catalogue of more than 1 million titles, order it and pick it up in the store.

The new Mondadori Bookstore continues therenewal and development plan of Mondadori Store, the largest bookstore network in Italy, with more than 500 stores in cities and smaller centres. A cultural network active throughout the country, online with the e-commerce site Mondadoristore.it and the bookclub formula, which, in addition to books – the core of the offer – provides entertainment, events and multichannel services, to reach more than 20 million customers every year.

Meridiana Shopping Centre
Viale Aldo Moro, 36/18, 40033, Casalecchio di Reno (BO)
Opening times: Mon–Sat 09:00–21:00 / Sun 10.00-20.00
E-mail: libreria.bocasalecchio@mondadori.it
Phone: +39 051.6132016