A new Mondadori Bookstore opens in the Lazio resort town of Scauri
On Wednesday, 2 August, Mondadori Store, the largest network of bookstores in Italy, will open a new bookstore in the Scauri district of the municipality of Minturno (Latina), a well-known seaside resort on the Lazio coast.
The new Mondadori Bookstore covers an area of 120 square meters at 19 Via Italo Balbo, a strategic point between the waterfront and the local high street with its busy shops. The new opening will expand the already extensive network of Mondadori Stores in the area, creating a new public centre for books, culture and entertainment.
The bookstore is a new opening, in the area, by Felice Paparello, an affiliate of Mondadori Store. The decision to open a new Mondadori Bookstore in a seaside resort and near the Roman archaeological site of Minturno meets the need for a cultural hub to serve local residents and tourists, and is in line with the program to enhance and expand across Italy the country’s largest network of bookstores.
The new Mondadori Bookstore offers a wide selection of titles, approximately 12,000, ranging from the great classics to fiction, not forgetting young readers with the We are Junior format, which includes educational and illustrated games to stimulate the imagination with interesting stories, and the innovative department dedicated to manga and comics, Just Comics. The store’s offer also includes an area dedicated to stationery, along with gift boxes and gift cards.
The Mondadori Bookstore in Scauri also serves readers online: customers can keep up-to-date through its Facebook, Instagram and TikTok pages. They will also be able to get in touch with the bookstore through the Mondadoristore.it digital services to check whether a book is available, order it and pick it up in the store or have it delivered to their home, choosing from a catalogue of more than 1 million titles. The bookstore will also offer customers the opportunity to place orders via telephone.
Mondadori Store is the largest network of bookstores in Italy: a cultural organisation active nationwide through more than 500 stores in large cities and small towns alike, and online through the e-commerce website Mondadoristore.it. In addition to books, its core offer, it organises fun experiences, events and multi-channel services, reaching more than 20 million customers each year.
Via Italo Balbo 19 – Minturno – Scauri – 04028 prov. Latina
Regular hours: Monday – Sunday 9:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.; 4:30 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Summer hours: Monday – Sunday 9:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.; 5 p.m. – 11 p.m.
E-mail: mondadoriscauri@gmail.com
Phone: +39 0771 904164
FB – IG – TK
BoD approves the half-year financial report as at 20 June 2023
- Consolidated net revenue € 362.4 million versus € 355.1 million at 30 June 2022
- Adjusted EBITDA: € 38.2 million, +38.8% compared to € 27.6 million in H1 2022
- Group net result at € 12.2 million, up by € 9.5 million compared to the result as at 30 June 2022
- Solid cash generation confirmed with LTM Ordinary Cash Flow increased to € 63.6 million
- Net Financial Position excluding IFRS 16 as at 30 June 2023 of € -215.2 million (€ -205.7 million of 30 June 2022)
- IFRS 16 Net Financial Position of € -285.5 million, stable compared to € -285.1 million as at 30 June 2022
- Group’s ability to self-finance its external growth policy is confirmed
- Single-digit growth of revenue
- Adjusted EBITDA increased high single-digit/low double-digit, with margins expected to range between 16% and 17%
- Net profit up by around 20%
- Ordinary Cash Flow expected to be between € 65 and 70 million, an increase of up to 15%
- Group net financial debt (IFRS 16) expected at 1.0x Adjusted EBITDA at the end of 2023
- Consolidated net revenue € 362.4 million versus € 355.1 million at 30 June 2022
- Adjusted EBITDA: € 38.2 million, +38.8% compared to € 27.6 million in H1 2022
- Group net result at € 12.2 million, up by € 9.5 million compared to the result as at 30 June 2022
- Solid cash generation confirmed with LTM Ordinary Cash Flow increased to € 63.6 million
- Net Financial Position excluding IFRS 16 as at 30 June 2023 of € -215.2 million (€ -205.7 million of 30 June 2022)
- IFRS 16 Net Financial Position of € -285.5 million, stable compared to € -285.1 million as at 30 June 2022
- Group’s ability to self-finance its external growth policy is confirmed
- Single-digit growth of revenue
- Adjusted EBITDA increased high single-digit/low double-digit, with margins expected to range between 16% and 17%
- Net profit up by around 20%
- Ordinary Cash Flow expected to be between € 65 and 70 million, an increase of up to 15%
- Group net financial debt (IFRS 16) expected at 1.0x Adjusted EBITDA at the end of 2023
Today, the meeting of the Board of Directors of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A., chaired by Marina Berlusconi, reviewed and approved the Half-Year Report at 30 June 2023 presented by CEO Antonio Porro.
“The first six months of the current year show a general growth in revenues assisted by the excellent performance of our core businesses, which are outperforming estimates made at the beginning of the year”, underlined Antonio Porro, CEO of Mondadori Group. “Careful operational management has also allowed us to increase overall profitability and cash flow generation. The result is an improvement in financial performance and a strengthening of the Group’s capital which, together with the favourable trend in the prices of the main production factors, have created the conditions for an upward revision of the targets for the 2023 financial year”, concluded Porro.
Consolidated net revenue for the first half of 2023 amounted to € 362.4 million, compared to € 355.1 million in the previous year, an increase of 2.1%. Like-for-like, organic revenue growth came to 2.7%.
Adjusted EBITDA for the first half of 2023 was € 38.2 million, an increase of almost € 11 million on the € 27.6 million recorded for the first half of 2022.
Netting the results for the two half-years in question of the reliefs and contributions paid, the growth recorded by Group’s EBITDA would exceed € 14 million.
All business areas contributed to the result, especially the Trade BOOKS Area, due in particular to the effect of the consolidation of the results of the recently acquired companies, among other factors, and the Educational BOOKS Area, which benefited from a favourable timing effect compared to last year. These results were achieved despite the increases in the cost of raw materials and the rates charged for printing and logistics services in the first part of the year compared to the previous year.
Group EBITDA for the first six months of 2023 amounted to € 40.3 million, compared to € 26.8 million in the corresponding period of 2022, an improvement of approximately € 14 million, attributable to the favourable dynamics of the aforementioned operations and the recognition in the current year, in the MEDIA Area, of the net capital gain resulting from the sale of the publications Grazia and Icon (and the related international network) amounting to approximately € 2.8 million.
Thanks to the positive performance of all business areas, the Mondadori Group’s EBIT for the first half of 2023, positive for € 14 million, showed an improvement of € 10.7 million compared to 2022, despite the booking of approximately € 3 million in depreciation/amortisation resulting from the greater investments made in the last 12 months, the consolidation of new companies and the accounting effects of the PPA (Purchase Price Allocation) process.
Neutralising the extraordinary components and the impact of the PPA process related to the companies acquired in the last 12 months (amounting to € 2.5 million in the half-year under review), Adjusted EBIT would amount to € 14.4 million, up by more than € 8 million compared to the same period of 2022.
Financial expense grew by approximately € 0.5 million as a result of the higher cost of debt.
The consolidated result before tax was positive at € 12.3 million, an improvement of about € 12 million compared to € 0.5 million in the first half of 2022. The € 1.7 million improvement in the profits of investee companies contributed to this performance, particularly as a result of the update in the fair value measurement of the investment in the company A.L.I. and the recognition of a capital gain, net of the negative result of the first four months, of € 0.4 million from the sale of the residual investment in SEE, the publishing company of Il Giornale, which took place in April 2023.
As at 30 June 2023, the Group’s net profit, after minority interests, came to € 12.2 million, a significant improvement of approximately € 9 million on the € 2.8 million recorded in the first half of 2022.
The tax burden for the period is positive by € 0.1 million (€ 1.8 million as at 30 June 2022) due to higher income, such as capital gains, taxed to a lesser extent.
The Net Financial Position excluding IFRS 16 as at 30 June 2023, which as usual reflects the seasonal nature of the school textbooks business, came to € -215.2 million (net debt), a slight increase compared with the € -205.7 million of 30 June 2022, due to the cash-out related to acquisitions made during the last twelve months and the € 29 million distribution of dividends to the shareholders.
The IFRS 16 Net Financial Position at 30 June 2023 stood at € -285.5 million from € -285.1 million at 30 June 2022, including an IFRS 16 component of € -70.3 million.
Cash flow from ordinary operations in the last 12 months, after cash-out for financial expenses and taxes, amounted to € 63.6 million, and allows the Group to continue strengthening its financial structure.
At 30 June 2023, the extraordinary cash flow of the previous 12 months was negative by € 48 million, mainly due to the effect of the net balance of acquisitions and divestments for approximately € 31 million and cash-out for approximately € 5 million for restructuring costs.
LTM Free Cash Flow at 30 June 2023 was positive for € 15.8 million, confirming the Group’s capacity to finance its growth policy by external lines.
In the first half of 2023, after the consolidation experienced in 2022, there was a new growth phase in the book market, which increased in value by 2.7%, with a substantial stability in volume (source: GFK).
In this context, the Mondadori Group’s publishers recorded growth of 5.7% in the period under review, thanks in particular to the sales of new titles published at the beginning of the year. Thanks to these results, the Mondadori Group has consolidated its national leadership position, with a market share that in June 2023 was 27.4%, showing an improvement on June 2022 (26.6%).
The Trade component recorded revenues in the first half of 2023 of € 175.5 million, having grown by around 18% on the previous year (+4% on a like-for-like basis).
The Adjusted EBITDA of the Trade Books Area, amounted to € 26.2 million in the first half of 2023: net of reliefs relating to Electa’s museum activities, amounting to € 6.4 million, which had benefited the first half of 2022, the area recorded growth of 32% (€ 6.4 million), largely attributable to the contribution of the newly acquired companies.
Educational BOOKS AREA
School textbook publishing experiences a typical seasonal performance that sees sales squeezed in the second half of the year following the adoption campaign: as a result, the relating market shares for 2023 are unavailable at this time.
In the first six months of 2023, the school textbooks business recorded overall revenues of € 57.9 million (€ 49.6 million in the corresponding period of 2022), an increase of 16.8% which is not representative of the real performance as mostly due to an early supply to top accounts compared to last year.
Adjusted EBITDA of the Educational BOOKS Area in the first half of 2023 was positive and stood at € 2.3 million, a clear improvement compared to the € -2.4 million loss recorded in the first half of 2022, mainly due to the different timing of revenues linked to some supplies.
In the first six months, the Retail Area posted revenue of € 83.9 million, up by € 6.3 million (+8.1%) versus the same period of the prior year.
Thanks to this overperformance driven by the excellent performance of physical stores, Mondadori Retail’s market share stood at 12.4% (up 0.7% compared to 30 June 2022) and almost reached the 20% threshold of the physical channel.
The ongoing development and renovation of existing stores and the focus on the core business of books have enabled the Mondadori Store network to consolidate its role in the market, as demonstrated by the solid growth in revenue from Books (€ +5.5 million, +9.1%) which is over 80% of the total.
An analysis of sales in the physical channel shows a further increase in revenues from directly-managed bookstores (+17.3% compared to the same period in the previous year) and franchisee bookstores (+6.1% compared to the first half of the previous year); and, at the same time, a decline in the Online and Bookclub channels.
The RETAIL Area has a positive and significantly growing Adjusted EBITDA of € 4.2 million, a value that has almost tripled compared to the figure for the first six months of 2022 (up by € 2.8 million).
In the first half of 2023, the Mondadori Group retained its position as Italy’s top multimedia publisher:
- in print with 13 titles and 9 million readers;
- on the web with 12 brands and approximately 28.7 million average unique users per month;
- in social media with a fan base of over 86 million and around 100 profiles.
In the magazine segment, Mondadori Group’s market share (in terms of circulation) stood at 20.5%, up slightly – with a like-for-like portfolio of titles – versus the figure in the same period of 2022 (20.0% in May 2022), due to improved performance on that of the reference market.
In the first half of 2023, the MEDIA Area recorded revenue of € 68.7 million, a reduction of approximately 30% on the same period of the previous year. On a like-for-like basis (thus excluding the effect of the deconsolidation of the titles sold at the beginning of 2023 and of Press-di’s distribution activities), this reduction is smaller by around 8% and shows different trends in the two digital and print components. In particular, on a like-for-like basis, digital activities, which account for over a third of total revenues in the area, recorded a growth in advertising revenues of around 14%; traditional print activities were down by approximately 17%, in particular due to the significant contraction in joint sales recorded in the period.
Adjusted EBITDA for the MEDIA Area came to € 9 million, having grown by approximately 16% compared with the first half of 2022, mainly due to traditional businesses. In the print area in particular, the increase is mostly due to the recognition of a contribution to offset the costs incurred by the publisher for the distribution of periodicals (€ 2.8 million), which made it possible to offset the greater industrial costs, especially paper, and the contraction of the margin from the sale of add-ons; in the digital area, Adjusted EBITDA was substantially stable compared to the same half of the previous year, despite the higher costs incurred for the launch of new initiatives related to the influencer marketing segment, thanks to higher advertising revenues.
As already announced to the market on 29 June 2023, given the more favourable evolution compared to previous estimates of both the business during the first half of the year and the prices of the main production factors – the Group has revised its forecasts for 2023 upwards.
Currently, the estimates predict:
- Income Statement
- Single-digit revenue growth;
- High single-digit/low double-digit growth in Adjusted EBITDA, with margins expected to range between 16% and 17%;
- approximately 20% growth in the net result, despite the higher amortisation/depreciation deriving from both the increasing investment policy implemented by the Group and the effects of the Purchase Price Allocation process related to the recently-acquired companies, thanks to the operational improvement and the positive effects of the sale of the investment in Il Giornale.
- Cash Flow and Net Financial Position
- Ordinary Cash Flow is expected to fall within a range of € 65 to 70 million, showing growth of up to 15% on the 2022 figure (which had come to approximately € 60 million net of the one-off impact of derivative instruments related to rate risk hedging).
- the Group’s net financial debt (IFRS 16) is confirmed to come in, at end FY 2023, as 1.0x adjusted EBITDA, down from 1.3x at end 2022.
The solid financial and equity position that characterises the Mondadori Group allows it to continue to pursue the virtuous development path started some years ago, characterised by the constant recourse to M&As whereby the Mondadori Group seeks to seize opportunities for growth through external lines, mainly in the book and digital businesses.
The presentation of the results at 30 June 2023, approved today by the Board of Directors, is available on 1Info (www.1info.it), on www.borsaitaliana.it and on www.gruppomondadori.it (Investors section). A Q&A session will be held in conference call mode at 4.00 pm for the financial community, attended by the CEO of the Mondadori Group, Antonio Porro, and the CFO, Alessandro Franzosi. Journalists will be able to follow the meeting in listening mode only, by connecting to the following phone number +39.02.8020927 or via web at: https://hditalia.choruscall.com/?calltype=2&info=company.
The Financial Reporting Manager – Alessandro Franzosi – hereby declares, pursuant to Article 154 bis, paragraph 2, of the Consolidated Finance Law, that the accounting information contained herein corresponds to the Company’s records, books and accounting entries.
Annexes (in the complete pdf):
- Consolidated Balance Sheet
- Consolidated Income Statement
- Consolidated Income Statement – II quarter
- Group cash flow
- Glossary of terms and alternative performance measures used.
Star Comics: Hiro Mashima, for the first time in Italy, among the top guests of Lucca Comics & Games 2023
The presence of the Master, author of best-sellers Fairy Tail, Rave - The Groove Adventure, and Edens Zero, announced during a live streaming event from the headquarters of the Tuscan festival
With an unprecedented live stream on Lucca Comics & Games‘ Instagram profile today from the headquarters on Corso Garibaldi, the community event and the Star Comics publishing house jointly announced the participation of an exceptional guest: mangaka Hiro Mashima will be in Italy for the first time, in Lucca, from 1 to 4 November, to meet fans during a series of appointments and signings.
The publisher unveiled a host of new publications ahead of the Master’s visit to Italy.
Rave – The Groove Adventure, Mashima’s debut manga published by Star Comics starting in April 2004, will be available in a new edition, with the first issue also distributed in a limited-run variant-cover edition. Variant covers are also planned for the first volumes of Hiro Mashima’s most famous series, Fairy Tail, and his latest work, Edens Zero. Star Comics will also offer an Edens Zero Starter Pack containing volumes 1 through 4, perfect for newcomers to this compelling sci-fi epic. Last but not least, Star Comics will publish the self-contained volume Mashima Hero’s, a crackling crossover that unites the best loved characters from his three main series – Rave, Fairy Tail and Edens Zero – in a single adventure.

A look at the career of sensei Hiro Mashima
Born in Nagano Prefecture on 3 May 1977, in 1998 Hiro Mashima won the 60th edition of the prize for first-time authors of Weekly Shonen Magazine, the historic and prestigious magazine of the publisher Kodansha, with Magician. He then made his debut in FRESH Magazine with the self-contained short story Bad Boys Song. At age 21 he embarked on his first serialization with Rave – The Groove Adventure, published in Weekly Shonen Magazine from 1998 to 2005. The serial took Mashima into the big time: Rave became a huge success, inspiring an anime, video games and merchandise, and raising the author’s notoriety and reputation.
Mashima achieved the ultimate consecration with his second serialization, Fairy Tail, also produced for Weekly Shonen Magazine from 2006 to 2017. Fairy Tail became one of the magazine’s all-time best-sellers and one of the most iconic manga of the 2000s, surpassing total worldwide sales of 72 million. During this period the author completed his evolutionary path, establishing a highly distinctive soft pop graphic style with an immediate impact. He is currently at work on the sci-fi battle-action Edens Zero, which began in 2018 and is now in its 26th volume. Successful anime and a variety of transmedia products have been derived from all his major works.
Hiro Mashima is also active in video game design and has produced a manga miniseries based on the hugely popular Monster Hunter franchise, Monster Hunter Orage. Recently the publisher Kodansha announced that the Master would soon begin his fourth serialization, simultaneously with Edens Zero: Dead Rock, for Monthly Shonen Magazine.
Fairy Tail was named best shonen manga at the 2009 Kodansha Manga Awards. Mashima also received the International Spotlight Award at the 2017 Harvey Awards, and the Fauve Special Award at the 2018 Angoulême Festival, where an exhibition and numerous events were dedicated to him. In July 2021, he met French President Emmanuel Macron during the latter’s visit to Japan, with Macron posting news about the meeting on his social media.
Marilena Rossi new head of Italian fiction at Mondadori
As of mid-September 2023, Marilena Rossi will take on the role of Head of Italian Fiction at Mondadori, reporting directly to Francesco Anzelmo, General Manager of the publishing house.
«It is an honour to pick up the baton as head of Italian Fiction. I am grateful to those who preceded me and to Mondadori’s management, especially Francesco Anzelmo, for their trust. Together with our team of brilliant and highly experienced professionals, we will continue to provide readers with as varied an offering as possible. The privilege of working in a large publishing house with a multi-variegated catalogue is the possibility of pursuing a wide-ranging cultural project. We will cultivate the literary dimension, through the work of established writers and the constant search for new voices, and pay great attention to genre and popular fiction, in its various forms. From comedies – so successful in Italian cinema, but still full of potential in novel form – to thrillers, historical novels, family sagas and the great Mondadori tradition of crime fiction. As passionate and insightful readers, we will also try to intercept new trends and discern the as yet unexpressed desires of readers.»
Marilena Rossi was born in Milan in 1977 and has two daughters. After graduating in modern literature from the University of Milan, between 2004 and 2008 she continued her studies in the academic environment and collaborated with various literary journals.
In 2008 she joined Mondadori as a desk editor and editor-in-chief under Antonio Franchini; later she worked with Carlo Carabba and Giovanni Francesio – who preceded her in the role of head of Italian fiction – and became the point of reference for many of the publishing house’s most important and representative authors.
In 2015, Rossi became an acquiring editor and, in addition to working with authors in the Mondadori portfolio, built a successful track record in discovering and acquiring new voices, many of whom are now established authors.
She has been running a writing workshop at the Belleville School in Milan since 2019.
Photo by Claudio Sforza
Federica Magro appointed Editorial Director of Rizzoli publishing house
As of September 1, 2023 Federica Magro will assume the position of Editorial Director of Rizzoli, responding directly to Massimo Turchetta, General Manager and Publisher of the publishing house.
«I am grateful for the trust of those who appointed me to this position in the senior management of the Mondadori Group, and to Massimo Turchetta in particular. I consider myself fortunate because I know that I will be working with a team of professionals whom I hold in high esteem. Rizzoli is a great publishing house with a strong tradition of confronting the key issues of its time. We publish books in every sphere of publishing – from fiction to non-fiction, from classics to graphic novels – and have never been afraid to give space to the ideas and experiences of different worlds, faiths, and political orientations. We think we can gain new readers only if we maintain an open-minded approach to the complexities and contradictions of the present. This is my ambition: to keep Rizzoli at the centre of the debate, offering readers the tools and stories they need to interpret our times.»
Originally from Friuli, 54 years old, with two daughters, after graduating in Literature from the University of Milan and earning a doctorate from La Sapienza in Rome in Romance Philology, Federica Magro began working in the world of books, as a translator and reader for publishing houses, literary agencies, and newspapers, an activity with which she combined university research until 2001, when she joined the Mondadori Group as digital content manager for Mondadori Retail.
In 2006, she was called to work at the Oscars.
She joined the RCS Group in 2012 as editorial manager of BUR, where she combined management of a catalogue of over 4000 titles with creation of new original paperback series and scouting of non-fiction authors (including Daniele Novara and Stefania Andreoli, among others).
In 2016, she added to her frontlist responsibilities with BUR: historical novels for Fabbri and YA fiction for Rizzoli, the latter a veritable hotbed of new and established authors (such as Christopher Paolini, John Green, and Stephanie Garber, recently joined by British writer Holly Jackson, with her “Good Girls” trilogy on the charts for over a year).
Mondadori Bookstore opens in Vittuone (MI)
A new site designed to promote reading and spread culture opens at Il Destriero Shopping Centre
On Thursday, 13 July, Mondadori Store, the most extensive network of bookstores in Italy, will open a new branch at Il Destriero Shopping Centre in Vittuone, a town in the Milan municipality. The public will find an innovative space – covering ca. 500 m2 – entirely dedicated to culture, literature and entertainment.
Over 15,000 books await the public at via Piemonte 2, ranging from best sellers to great classics, including fiction, non-fiction and miscellaneous works, as well as an assortment of comics, spanning mangas, superheroes and graphic novels of the latest Just Comics area. The We are Juniors section welcomes very young readers with educational games and illustrated books selected to feed their imagination and curiosity. Visitors will also find high qualitystationary products, gadgets, gift boxes, gift cards, Kobo e-readers and the latest music released on the market.
«We are happy to open a new bookstore at Il Destriero Shopping Centre, thus confirming our central role in promoting reading and spreading culture. The opening of this directly managed new Mondadori Bookstore is part of a broader strategy of ongoing renewal, enhancement and development of our Mondadori Store network. We want to make our bookstores increasingly attractive, turning them into a cultural landmark throughout Italy», said Carmine Perna, Managing Director of Mondadori Retail.
The Mondadori Bookstore di Vittuone is also present online. Clients may contact the store for updates on all initiatives and events through its Facebook and Instagram pages, and make use of the digital services of Mondadoristore.it to check the availability of a book from a catalogue of more than 1 million titles, order it and pick it up at the store.
Mondadori Store is the largest network of bookstores in Italy, a cultural organisation that operates nationwide with more than 500 stores, across large cities and small towns alike, and online through the e-commerce website Mondadoristore.it and the book club formula. In addition to books, its core offer, it organises fun experiences, events and multi-channel services, reaching more than 20 million customers each year.
Il Destriero Shopping Centre, Via Piemonte 2, 2009 Vittuone (MI)
Opening hours: Monday to Sunday 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
E-mail: libreria.ildestriero@mondadori.it
Phone: +39 0249509200
FB – IG @mondadoriccildestriero
New look for Fiumicino’s Mondadori Bookstore
The bookstore is being revamped and enhanced with new spaces dedicated to younger customers and comic and manga enthusiasts
From today, Thursday 6 July, the Mondadori Bookstore in Fiumicino (Rome) will present a completely restyled look to the public.
The bookstore proposes new spaces, a layout and furnishings to enhance the broad Mondadori Store offer, with a focus on books and attentive service for the needs of every reader.
In a strategic central location in The Wow Side Shopping Centre, the new Mondadori Bookstore – measuring 200 square meters – continues to be a cultural landmark for the entire local community and book lovers. On the shelves, the public will find more than 10,000 books – from best-sellers to the great classics in fiction and non-fiction – as well as a huge assortment of the latest music entries (including K-POP), stationery, gadgets, gift boxes, gift cards and the recommendations of the Mondolibri bookclub.
The new Mondadori Bookstore in Fiumicino also features an area designed specifically for young readers: “We are Junior“, a completely new department where even the youngest children can find a rich offering of educational games and picture books. The store also houses an extensive selection of comics in the “Just Comics” section, with manga, superheroes and graphic novels.
The Mondadori Bookstore in Fiumicino also serves readers online: customers will be able to contact the store and keep up with initiatives and events through its Facebook and Instagram pages and make use of the digital services of Mondadoristore.it to check the availability of a book from a catalogue of more than 1 million titles, order it and pick it up in the store.
The new Mondadori Bookstore continues the renewal and development plan of Mondadori Store, the largest bookstore network in Italy, with more than 500 stores in cities and smaller centres. A cultural network active throughout the country, online with the Mondadoristore.it e-commerce site and the bookclub formula, which, in addition to books – the core of the offer –, provides entertainment, events and multichannel services, to reach more than 20 million customers every year.
The Wow Side – Shopping Centre
Viale Donato Bramante, 31/65, 00054 Fiumicino RM
Opening hours: Mon-Sun 10 am – 9 pm
E-mail: libreria.fiumicinothewowside@mondadori.it
Phone: +39 06.87737555
FB – IG @mondadorithewowside
The whole Piazza Sempione dedicated to the new edition of Mypersonaltrainer Days
Two days of wellness, fitness and sport for fit lovers, with the involvement of brand partners
After the great success of the first edition, this year there will be more events and initiatives: amazing activities like Free Climbing, AcroVolley and Pickleball, free workouts on the open-air stage, encounters with figures from the world of sports and health and an extraordinary Urban Walk
After the great success of the first edition – which saw the participation of over 5,000 visitors and the involvement of over 20 brand sponsors – the highly anticipated Mypersonaltrainer Days event returns with numerous free activities open to the public for all wellness, fitness and sport lovers. The event will cover the whole Piazza Sempione on Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 September 2023.
“Mypersonaltrainer has been particularly successful in transitioning from the digital sphere to events in the country. To cement the development and growth of the project, this edition of Mypersonaltrainer Days will be even better and more engaging than last year, both in terms of activities, which are innovative and fun, and because of the much larger space that we’ll be using to host the event”, said Daniela Cerrato, Mondadori Media’s Digital Marketing Director. “We’ll engage our followers throughout the Piazza dell’Arco della Pace and in Sempione Park – city’s green heart – with activities and experiences. We’ll offer fit lovers many new workouts, bringing this weekend dedicated to comprehensive health and well-being to life”.
The initiative this year comes with a new name: Wellness Recharge. A real recharging hub for body and mind where you can experience four fundamental areas for well-being: Wellness and Health, with personalised medical consultations and dedicated conferences and talks with health professionals; Food and Nutrition, with free tips and advice; Fitness, with sports activities and encounters with great champions and players. In the fourth area, Happiness, the experience-based corners for those brands engaged in the search for well-being will be front and centre, where they’ll present innovations, products and services dedicated to a balanced and active life that will involve participants in activities and tests.
The events dedicated to fitness will see the participation of sports talents and fitfluencers to try sports like Animal Flow, Mobility or trendy activities that are increasingly becoming popular, like Silent Fitness. All this will take place in the splendid setting of Sempione Park: it’ll truly take over the famous square and the Dazio di Levante with innovative and engaging activities like Free Climbing, AcroVolley and Pickleball, a mixture of tennis, paddleball, badminton and ping pong. They’re amazing activities, which promise real fun for participants and spectators. The Mypersonaltrainer Urban Walk will take place also in this edition, which will be even more exciting and inclusive: a 5 km non-competitive walk where everyone can really participate, even pets.
Mypersonaltrainer will work together with Mediamond and its Brand On Solutions structure, dedicated to special initiatives, to propose original and engaging projects to the market and individual brands for all interested partners.
For the Mypersonaltrainer Days event, an advertising campaign was carried out in several forms of media: newspapers, notices on the DOOH circuit, radio, magazine and the digital side of the Mondadori Group. All the parts that will make up the event – from the teaser stage to the non-stop coverage in the two days, finishing with a follow-up dedicated to the most significant and exciting moments of the two days of events – were described in detail on Mypersonaltrainer’s different social media and web profiles, including its activities and the partners involved.
Media partners: Sport Mediaset and Radio R101.
Mypersonaltrainer is the leading brand in the world of health, wellness and healthy eating and sports, with 13.5 million unique monthly users (source: Audiweb April 2023) and over 3 million followers on social media platforms (source: Shareablee and Insight June 2023). With its rich production of content, made by the best experts in the field on the web and on social media, it has established itself as an essential key standard for professionals and for all Italians interested in taking care of themselves.
Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A.: information regarding statement received
Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. announces receipt of the following statement:
“Further to the reading of Silvio Berlusconi’s last will and testament, Marina Berlusconi, chairman of the board, and Pier Silvio Berlusconi, director, inform that no shareholder will exercise overall individual indirect control of Fininvest S.p.A., previously exercised by their father himself.
The notary who read out the will is implementing the related legal requirements in the coming hours.”