The first MypersonalExperiencekicks off at the launch of Mypersonalbeauty and The Wom Beauty at Mypersonal space at Yogaessential in the heart of Milan

For the occasion, the partnership between MypersonalTrainer and Spazio Garibaldi 77 / Yogaessential was announced for the MypersonalExperiences, a new live format that allows brand partners to provide an immersive wellness experience in line with the philosophy of the two realities.

Also presented were the new formats and first homes on MypersonalBeauty and The Wom Beauty, which offer new opportunities for brands in the beauty and wellness sectors.

Yesterday evening The Beauty Revolutionwas held: the first  MypersonalExperience at the  Mypersonal space at Yogaessential in the heart of Milan, the exclusive event to celebrate the new beauty offer of Mondadori Media, the leading multimedia publisher in the social and digital area. A dedicated location for brand experience activities with partners; events, workshops, team building, fitness, yoga, wellness and beauty demonstration sessions involving talent.

Less than a month after the launch of MypersonalBeauty, Mondadori Media offers varied and flexible solutions capable of satisfying all business and communication needs in the beauty segment and of accommodating the growing demand for partnerships in the sector also in the field of events, thanks to MypersonalBeauty and The Wom Beauty. Two complementary editorial brands that dialogue with all generations: from the over-35, knowledgeable and high-achieving women of MypersonalBeauty curated by a team of professionals, including Medici, cosmetologists, researchers, wellness coaches and beauticians, to the young under-35s, whom The Wom makes aware, also through the authenticity of the creators of Power Talent Agency, of beauty looks, style inspirations and the latest trends, anticipating trends.


MypersonalBeauty and The Wom Beauty celebrated the beauty world at an exclusive event on 10 April at the newly opened  Mypersonal space at Yogaessential. It was an opportunity to experience an experiential journey dedicated to beauty, thanks to three special master classes involving guests and partners:

  • FACE YOGA: a holistic practice involving facial massage to tone and brighten the skin, dedicating a moment of daily well-being. Teacher: Anna Kostina, bio cosmetologist, Yoga and Face Yoga coach and expert in rejuvenation techniques;
  • MAKE UP LAB: tips from makeup artist and face of Power Talent Agency, Sara Dimastrogiovanni, and The Wom beauty contributor Nicole Spiga on how to best wear matte pencil and lipstick in the iconic MAC Cosmeticsshade Marrakesh;
  • BODY BRUSHING: the best technique for exfoliating the skin and reactivating circulation by means of special handmade brushes. Teacher Davide Guzzoni: naturopath specialising in wellness disciplines, researcher of body brushing.

Also speaking during the evening were Power Talent Agency creatorsCamilla Mangiapelo and Elisabetta Rossi and MypersonalBeauty beauty trainerAngelica Amodei.


MypersonalBeauty: exclusive partnerships for the Hub format

Among the big news is the Hub format, which is available for exclusive long-term partnerships, and which benefits from MypersonalTrainer ‘s search engine leadership and the authority of its content, guaranteed by expert support. It is a hub that will be dedicated to a particular topic from time to time, a comprehensive vertical guide on the subject realised cross-platform. A real informed journey that unfolds on the web, via social activation with posts and video reels, advanced smart search functionality. It may also include Test&Tell operations and product trials, with the subsidies of an interdisciplinary team, including fitness and wellness coaches.

The Wom Beauty: new social format and partnership with Deborah launched

Last night’s event was the occasion for the launch of new branded formats that have been added to the palette offered by The Wom Beauty, including The WOMderful Look with Camilla Mangiapelo who, together with a makeup artist, recreates the latest trendy looks, guiding users with tutorials on how to replicate them and delving into the characteristics of the products used.

Worthy of mention is the partnership with Deborah Milano, for the launch of the new Super Vinyl No Transfer Shake Lipstick, with the aim of increasing customer brand awareness and creating buzz on social media to support its campaign for the launch of the new product. The social activation includes the video Tried for you starring Anna Ianniello, creator of  The Wom Beauty and part of the Power Talent Agencyroster, launched both on her Instagram profile and on TikTok. Among the absolute novelties is the creation of an exclusive Instagram Rebus, an interactive riddle-style card that emphasises in a fun way the peculiarity of the product, namely the need to shake it before use, using the illustrative and visual language typical of GenZ.


The  Mypersonal space at Yogaessential (Spazio Garibaldi 77) is the result of the strengthening of an already existing partnership between the two realities, which opens up to the realisation and offering of MypersonalExperience: a series of dedicated activities that may also include shootings and other experiences with Power Talent Agencytalents.


Mondadori Media is Italy’s leading social and digital publisher, with a distinctive positioning and audience on the publishing market. The Mondadori Group’s social multimedia company caters to the passions of the Italian people through its brands – food, beauty, fashion, health and wellness, science and tech – and reaches more than 27.8 million unique users every month (source: Audiweb Total Digital Audience January 2024) and over 106 million followers (source: Comscore Shareablee + Pinterest and Social Insight February 2024).

The Wom is the all digital, social first media brand dedicated to MillennialZ, a generation who sees uniqueness as a strength and an enriching value for themselves and others. The Wom is the benchmark for the younger generation on TikTok and Instagram, with a total fanbase of 9 million followers (source: Comscore Shareablee and Social Insights February 2024) and 10 million unique users on the Internet (Audiweb Total Digital Audience February 2024). The Wom Beauty: the first vertical channel dedicated to cosmetics for the young generation, under 35, Instagram and TikTok first with 1.2 million followers.

Mypersonaltrainer is Mondadori Media’s leading brand in the world of health, wellness, healthy and functional sports nutrition, with 14 million unique monthly users (source: Audiweb Total Digital Audience January 2024) and over 6 million followers on socials (source: Comscore Shareablee and Social Insights March 2024). Mypersonalbeauty was created as a brand extension of Mypersonaltrainer and, with the experience and authority of the brand and the potential guaranteed by this synergistic combination, it completes its offer in the personal care and beauty sector, which is understood not only as an external objective to be achieved, but as an integral part of physical and mental wellness. Thanks to Mypersonalbeauty, which already boasts over 1.3 million followers on socials (source: Comscore Shareablee and Social Insights February 2024).

YOGAESSENTIAL / Spazio Garibaldi 77 is the multi-experiential place dedicated to wellness and practice, in an elegant and luminous environment, dedicated to welcoming and tranquillity promoting harmony of body and mind. YOGAESSENTIAL is the Italian athleisure brand that offers clothing and accessories inspired by yoga practice. www.yogaessential.com – www.spaziogaribaldi.com

“Full Steam Ahead” for 22 Years

Now in its 22nd edition, the renowned literary prize Il Battello a Vapore invites aspiring female writers to take part in the competition again this year, with publication of the winning novel in the famous series of books for boys and girls.

Sara Bongiovanni, with her book Ellie about a sorceress without magic, entered the prestigious Golden Roll of the prize in 2023, which includes some of the most prominent names in literature for young people.

For the 2024 edition, unpublished manuscripts can be uploaded online from 4 March 2024 to 30 June 2024 on the official website www.battelloavapore.it/premio. In the following months, entries will pass through three selection stages. The first is entrusted to professionals in the field, while the second will be carried out by the Il Battello a Vapore editorial team, which will choose the five best manuscripts. The final selection, which will determine the winner and rank the five finalists, will be entrusted to a special jury, which this year is composed of Alessandro Gelso, the editorial manager of Il Battello a Vapore, Sara Bongiovanni, winner of the 2023 edition of the prize, Alessia Gazzola, a best-selling author, Letizia Mazzanti (@prof.andthecity), a blogger and teacher, and Claudio De Signori, owner of the Libreria Jolly in Verona.

The award ceremony will be held in Verona in November 2024, date to be determined.

More information and complete regulations at www.battelloavapore.it/premio.

Oscar Mondadori and NN Editore for Kent Haruf

A long-standing market leader in paperbacks, Oscar Mondadori – now directed by Luigi Belmonte – has signed an agreement with the independent brand NN Editorefounded and directed by Eugenia Dubini – to publish Kent Haruf’s works in paperback. This forms part of a broader editorial policy aimed at reissuing important titles by independent brands in paperback, as is systematically done, for example, in the French publishing market.

«With admiration, I have followed the wise rediscovery and launch of Kent Haruf’s work carried out by NN Editore, along with the success it has achieved. And I dreamed», says Elisabetta Risari, editor at Oscar, «of one day being able to include his novels, with their profound humanity and sober writing, in the wide, varied panorama of modern and contemporary classics in the Oscar Moderni catalogue. Today we celebrate this achievement together with NN and we hope to replicate the experience again in the future.»

«Kent Haruf marked the birth of the NN publishing house and has been winning the hearts of Italian readers for ten years. As of today», says Eugenia Dubini, «Haruf will have two homes. Our editions will be flanked by the paperbacks published by Oscar, and this collaboration — reinforced by the presence of the NN brand on the cover — makes me happy and proud. First, for the author, who is now considered a full-fledged contemporary classic, and also for the readers of the paperbacks, who will meet Haruf in this excellent series.»

It all starts today, 2 April, with the arrival in bookshops of Kent Haruf’s “Plainsong Trilogy” in the new Oscar editions, the richest catalogue in Europe of 20th-century Italian and international authors. Through an agreement with NN Editore, which will retain the original editions, the three books in this highly successful trilogy — Plainsong, Eventide and Benediction — will be available in the “Oscar Moderni” series, followed on 7 May, in “Oscar Cult”, by the bestseller Our Souls at Night.

Often compared to Faulkner and Hemingway, his constant points of reference, Kent Haruf shares the rejection of any stylistic affectation and extraordinarily clean dialogue with another American literary giant, Raymond Carver.

Released by NN between 2015 and 2016, Plainsong, Eventide and Benediction have garnered a loyal and devoted audience, and more readers will now be able to travel to Holt County, smile at Addie Moore or meet the unforgettable McPheron brothers.

A new Mondadori Bookstore opens in Marina di Carrara

Mondadori Store, the most extensive network of bookstores in Italy, will inaugurate a new bookstore in Marina di Carrara, a Tuscan seaside resort and tourist destination in the province of Massa Carrara, on Friday 29 March, at 5.30pm, thus making a hub dedicated to the world of books, culture and entertainment available to the public.

The new Mondadori Bookstore – led by mother-and-daughter booksellers Elena Torelli and Giorgia Grasso, who also manage the bookstore in Sarzana (SP) – expands the already extensive network of Mondadori Stores in the area, in keeping with the network’s strategy of spreading culture and promoting leisure-time reading, creating an interactive meeting point and a true cultural organisation for locals and tourists.

The new bookstore covers 60m2 and offers a selection of around 7,000 titles, from the great classics to best sellers – including fiction, non-fiction and miscellaneous – and that’s not forgetting early readers with the We are Junior format, which includes educational games and illustrated books to stimulate their imagination with the most intriguing stories, and the department dedicated to the manga and comics phenomenon, Just Comic. Areas dedicated to #BookTok, for the new generation of readers, local publishing, as well as stationery, toys, gift cards and gift boxes, also expand the store’s offer. 

The Mondadori Bookstore in Marina di Carrara also serves readers online: customers can be updated on all the activities and events planned through the Facebook and Instagram pages. They will also be able to get in touch with the store through the Mondadoristore.it digital services to check if a book is available, order it and pick it up in the store, choosing from a catalogue of over 1 million titles.

Il Mondadori Bookstore di Marina di Carrara è a servizio dei lettori anche online: i clienti potranno essere aggiornati attraverso le pagine Facebook e Instagram. Inoltre, potranno entrare in contatto con la libreria attraverso i servizi digitali di Mondadoristore.it per verificare la disponibilità di un libro, ordinarlo e ritirarlo in negozio, scegliendo da un catalogo di oltre 1 milione di titoli. 

The new Mondadori Bookstore follows the plan for renewal and development of Mondadori Store, the largest bookstore network in Italy, with more than 500 stores in cities and smaller towns. This cultural organisation is active throughout the country, online with the e-commerce site Mondadoristore.it and the book club. In addition to books, its primary service, it also provides entertainment, events and multichannel services, reaching more than 20 million customers every year.

Via Rinchiosa, 36, 54033, Marina di Carrara (MS)
Opening hours: Mon–Sat 9:30/13:00–15:30/19:30 and Sun 10:00/13:00–15:30/19:30 (closed Monday morning)
Phone: 0585.630156 – WhatsApp 378.0649809 (for reservations)
Email: mondadorimarinadicarrara@gmail.com

Mondadori Group admitted to webnovel segment: a new frontier in the use of editorial content

The Mondadori Group announces that, through Mondadori Libri S.p.A., it has entered a start-up to develop the webnovel market in Europe.

The initiative, which involves an initial investment of € 1.5 million in 2024, and an additional € 1.5 million planned for 2025, stems from an agreement with Bookrepublic, an industrial partner with specific know-how and capable of supporting future operational growth. The company led by Marco Ferrario has been at the forefront of digital publishing in Italy for more than 10 years and has always been attentive to new literary trends.

The deal will come to fruition with the launch by the end of the year of a dedicated proprietary app – to be called Narae. Developed by an in-house team, initially with content in Italian and French, it will gradually expand its reach to encompass other European countries.

Designed to be read on a smartphone screen, webnovels are a form of serialised fiction of a highly innovative nature which, having started with great success in South Korea, has gained growing popularity and a solid fanbase in Japan and China as well. Content takes the form of series – primarily in the romance, fantasy, and crime genres – and is designed to originate and be enjoyed in other formats as well. Webnovels consist of a large number of short episodes, often more than a hundred, and, if successful, they can extend indefinitely.

After a recent launch in the United States and a successful debut in France, webnovels are now ready to conquer Europe, particularly following the global spread of Korean entertainment content in music, film, and comics.

«This investment reaffirms our Group’s willingness to look at what is most innovativein the international publishing environment. As it evolves, the world of webnovels is demonstrating creativity and the ability to feed other media as well, such as cinema, television series, and in many cases even book publishing itself» says Enrico Selva Coddè, CEO of Mondadori Libri.

«Webnovels are a very interesting and avant-garde model of digital publishing: they could be defined as the digital reinterpretation of serialised novels published in newspapers in the 1800s – says Marco Ferrario, CEO of Bookrepublic; and it is not surprising for it now to originate in an Asian country. The content is created specifically to be read on a mobile, borrowing techniques used in the production of video series and providing ways of accessing content that are inspired by gaming. Our challenge will be to find the route into Europe with this model», concludes Ferrario.


Bookrepublic was founded in 2010 by Marco Ferrario together with financial partners Gianluca Andena and Guido Paolo Gamucci (both former Permira partners), Marco Pittini and Guido Carissimo and has always been one of the leading players in the distribution and sale of ebooks and audiobooks in Italy. Over time, Bookrepublic has played a leading role in many digital publishing initiatives, including the organisation of IfBookThen, one of the most successful events in Europe on digital innovation in publishing, and the launch of digital-only brands such as 40K and emma books. In March 2024, the German group Bookwire, European leader in digital distribution, chose Bookrepublic as its Italian partner for its entry into this market.

GialloZafferano presents the new roster of Italian chef creators who are conquering New York

After opening its New York office, GialloZafferano continues its growth path with Zenzero Talent Agency in the United States by strengthening its collaboration with New York's top Italian chefs

GialloZafferano, Italy’s leading food media brand, continues its growth path in the United States with the launch of a new roster of Chef Creators, true ambassadors of Italian national culinary excellence, who are conquering New York City with their restaurants and cooking philosophy.

With almost 70 million followers on social media globally, GialloZafferano is now the fourth most important food media brand worldwide and the first player to promote the quality of Italian cuisine and products abroad with its content. The overseas presence represents an opportunity for Italian brands that want to strengthen their positioning in the American cooking market.

GialloZafferano landed in the US over a year ago with a strategy consisting of dedicated social media profiles, original content productions, iconic talent, and million-view results. It’s no coincidence that GialloZafferano Loves Italy, the social media account dedicated to internal audiences, has decided to promote the new wave of Italian cuisine, mixing tradition and modernity, which is a feature that’s necessary today in order to be able to communicate Italian products worldwide, especially to the US market.

This content offering is now joined by important new stars: Silvia Barban, Nicola Fedeli, Alberto Marcolongo and Riccardo Orfino. Together with GialloZafferano, four of the most successful and talented Italian chefs in New York will invent original recipes and content dedicated to the American market. Giallo ‘s communicative power and the chefs’ recipes will create an original mix of format and content capable of combining authority and quality with record-breaking reach.

From today, with GialloZafferano, Italian food brands will have a veritable food content factory of authentic and engaging content designed for an American audience at their disposal to promote their products.

And that’s not all: the project will also count on the involvement and passion for cooking of Cooker Girl, Aurora Cavallo, the food creator with over 2 million followers and the new brand ambassador for GialloZafferano in the United States, who in the coming months will be the star of GialloZafferano Loves Italy, the new English-language miniseries dedicated to the history and quality of Italy’s most iconic products.


Silvia Barban is the Executive Chef and co-owner of Larina Pastificio e Vino in Brooklyn (NYC). Her cuisine revisits local tradition with her energy, using seasonal and even unusual products from all over the world, which she combines with fresh handmade pasta. In the past, she has participated in several talent shows and TV programmes in the States.

Nicola Fedeli, with a series of experiences in the Tuscan region behind him, is Executive Chef at the Hotel Fasano in New York, now a standard for those who love classic Italian cuisine with a contemporary touch.

Alberto Marcolongo is the Executive Chef at Alain Ducasse’s Benoit in New York. After working at Davide Oldani’s D’O, and gaining experience in Paris, he landed in the US as sous-chef at Alain’s renowned bistro in Midtown (NYC). Alberto is considered one of the most promising Italian chefs, thanks to his ability to combine the use of excellent raw materials with international cuisine recipes.

Riccardo Orfino is the Executive Chef and partner of Osteria 57 and Alice in New York. After heading the first Bistrot di Aimo e Nadia in Milan – under the guidance of Chefs Fabio Pisani and Alessandro Negrini –, he moved to New York, bringing his experience with a new idea of contemporary, pescetarian and sustainable Italian cuisine.

GialloZafferano‘s new roster of chefs in the United States will be managed by Zenzero, Mondadori Media’s vertical food talent agency.


GialloZafferano is Italy’s leading food media brand on the Internet: every month 1 in 2 Italians cooks with GialloZafferano for a total of 19 million people (Audicom Nov 2023 – Jan 2024). It is the fourth largest food media brand in the world on social media, with a fanbase of 69 million followers (source: Internal Analyses and Shareableand Comscore Data 2024). Thanks to recipes within everyone’s grasp, it is available to people 24/7 on all channels: from the Internet to social media, from apps to smart devices, as well as magazines, books and local area events nationwide.

Zenzero exclusively manages the best food creators on the Italian digital scene. Created at the end of 2022 from the collaboration between GialloZafferano, One Shot Agency and 6 of the top food creators on the Italian digital scene, it has over 38 million followers and over 50 million video views. Zenzero Talent Agency represents a new point of contact between an extraordinary hub of creators and brand partners with the aim of setting up effective communication pathways that respond to the increasingly strong need of brands to tap into the passions, values and new languages of Generation Z as well.

Publication of list for appointments to the Board of Directors and the Board of Statutory Auditors

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. would like to inform you that the following documents are available at the company’s registered office, at the 1Info authorised storage mechanism (www.1info.it) and on the www.mondadorigroup.com website (Governance section):

  • the lists for appointments to the Board of Directors and the Board of Statutory Auditors filed by the shareholder Fininvest S.p.A., owner of 139,355,950 shares corresponding to 53.299% of the share capital and 69.853% of the voting rights;
  • the lists for appointments to the Board of Directors and the Board of Statutory Auditors deposited by a group of shareholders consisting of asset management companies and institutional investors holding a total of 15,660,100 shares equal to 989% of the share capital.

The lists are accompanied by the documentation required by the Consob Issuers’ Regulation no. 11971/1999 and by the Company Bylaws.

The shareholders belonging to the grouping of asset management companies and institutional investors ha also filed – also pursuant to Consob Communication no. DEM/9017893 of 26 February 2009 – together with the lists, statements certifying the absence of any association and/or significant relations with shareholders who, also jointly, hold a controlling or relative majority investment, as set out in articles 147-ter, paragraph III, 148, paragraph II of the TUF and 144-quinquies of the Issuer Regulation.

Candidates to the Board of Directors

  • List submitted by the shareholder Fininvest S.p.A.:
  1. Marina Berlusconi
  2. Antonio Porro
  3. Pier Silvio Berlusconi
  4. Alessandro Franzosi
  5. Danilo Pellegrino
  6. Elena Biffi (*)
  7. Francesco Currò
  8. Cristina Rossello
  9. Paola Elisabetta Galbiati (*)
  10. Marina Rubini (*)
  11. Riccardo Perotta (*)
  12. Lara Livolsi (*)
  • List submitted by a grouping of shareholders formed of asset management companies and institutional investors:
  1. Pietro Bracco (*)
  2. Lucia Giancaspro (*)

(*Candidates declaring their eligibility as independent director

Candidates to the Board of Statutory Auditors

  • List submitted by the shareholder Fininvest S.p.A.:

Standing Auditors

  1. Ezio Simonelli
  2. Francesca Meneghel
  3. Fabrizio Malandra

Substitute Auditors

  1. Annalisa Firmani
  2. Emilio Gatto
  3. Alessia Bastiani
  • List submitted by a grouping of shareholders formed of asset management companies and institutional investors:

Standing Auditors

  1. Sara Fornasiero

Substitute Auditors

  1. Mario Civetta

The Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting for the appointments to the Board of Directors and to the Board of Statutory Auditors is convened on 24 April 2024 (on 26 April in second call, if necessary). Also available at the registered office, at the 1Info authorised storage mechanism (www.1info.it) and on the www.mondadorigroup.com website (Governance section) are the proposed resolutions presented by the shareholder Fininvest S.p.A., together with the deposited lists, regarding the following items on the agenda of the Shareholders’ Meeting:

9. Appointment of the Board of Directors.
9.1Determination of the number of members.
9.2 Determinazione della durata in carica.
9.3 Determination of the remuneration.
10. Appointment of the Board of Statutory Auditors for the financial years 2024/2025/2026.
10.1 Determination of the remuneration for the members of the Board of Statutory Auditors.

Mondadori Group: publication of 2023 annual Report for Shareholders’ meeting

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. announces that the following documents relating to the Shareholders’ Meeting called for 24 April 2024 on first call (26 April 2024 on possible second call) are available to the public at the Company’s registered office, at the authorized storage mechanism 1info (www.1info.it) and on the website www.gruppomondadori.it (Governance section):

  • Annual financial report for 2023, including the draft financial statements and the consolidated financial statements at 31 December 2023, the management report (including the consolidated non-financial statement) and the certifications referred to in article 154 bis, paragraph 5 of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998;
  • Independent Auditors’ Reports and Board of Statutory Auditors’ Report.

The Beauty Revolution! At the IAB Showcase 2024: Mypersonalbeauty for women over 35 is born, following the success of The Wom Beauty dedicated to the younger generation

Mondadori Media's offer is further strengthened after the success of The Wom Beauty with the launch of Mypersonalbeauty, the new brand extension dedicated to Mypersonaltrainer’s beauty wellness, which already has 1.3 million followers on social media, as announced today at the IAB Showcase 2024.

Mondadori Media, Italy’s leading social and digital publisher, presented The Beauty Revolution! at the IAB Showcaseevent, the IAB Italia marketplace dedicated to digital content.

During the panel dedicated to the world of beauty, the latest Mondadori Media development was presented: from Mypersonaltrainer, a brand leader in the fitness and wellness sector, comes Mypersonalbeauty, designed for women over 35.

It’s a publishing offer that aims to speak to all generations. Mypersonalbeauty, which is more focused on beauty wellness and involves experts, is aimed at a target group of successful and well-informed women, complementing The Wom Beauty, dedicated to beauty lovers under 35, focusing on beauty and style inspiration and the hottest trends, narrated by creators who are part of the Power Talent agency roster with the recent addition of top beauty TikToker, Arienne Makeup.

Both brands are present on the Internet and on social media, and with The Wom Beauty’s over 1 million followers on Instagram and TikTok, and Mypersonalbeauty’s 1.3 million followers on Instagram, the two are already affirming themselves as brand leaders in the beauty sector.

As mentioned above, Mypersonalbeauty can count on a team of professionals, including doctors, cosmetologists, researchers, wellness coaches and beauticians, who will address topics such as anti-ageing, skincare, hair and nail care, and body and facial treatments through a variety of formats. There will also be weekly columns, videos, articles, test&tell initiatives, analysed and customised content, as well as the new themed hubs to keep up to date with the latest trends.

Through its publishing brands, The Wom Beauty and Mypersonalbeauty, and with the participation of Power Talent Agency talents, Mondadori Media highlighted the new trends in the beauty world during the IAB Showcase 2024, with a particular focus on target diversification and the values that have always made the three brands stand out: authenticity, authoritativeness, wellness inspiration, harmony, balance and freedom of expression, vision and talent.

Introduced by Daniela CerratoDigital Marketing Director of Mondadori Media -, Emanuela Frascà, Marketing Manager of The Wom, and Paola Pravadelli, Marketing Manager of Mypersonaltrainer/Mypersonalbeauty, took turns talking about the two publishing brands on the The Beauty Revolution! stage, and were joined by Arienne Make Up and Camilla Mangiapelo, Power Talent Agency talent, fitness and beauty coach, Federica Constantini, and Mypersonalbeauty beauty trainer, Angelica Amodei, who was enthusiastic in talking about the new beauty trends, the ability to involve communities on social networks, the opportunities to win over all generations, new formats and the possibilities for brands that want to talk to beauty lovers.

Lastly, Mondadori Media offered participants in the IAB Showcase a spectacular cooking show powered by GialloZafferano and Zenzero Talent Agency, with food creators Dany Resconi and Azzuchef (Azzurra Gasperini): special dishes designed to bring the world of beauty-wellness into the world of food.

Mondadori Media is Italy’s leading social and digital publisher, with a distinctive positioning and audience on the publishing market. The Mondadori Group’s social multimedia company caters to the passions of the Italian people through its brands – food, beauty, fashion, health and wellness, science and tech – and reaches more than 27.8 million unique users every month (source: Audiweb Total Digital Audience January 2024) and over 104 million followers (source: Comscore Shareablee + Pinterest and Social Insight February 2024).

The Wom is the all-digital, social first media brand dedicated to MillennialZ, a generation who sees uniqueness as a strength and an enriching value for themselves and others. The Wom is the benchmark for the younger generation on TikTok and Instagram, with a total fanbase of 9 million followers (source: Comscore Shareablee and Social Insights February 2024) and 10 million unique users on the Internet (Audiweb Total Digital Audience February 2024).

Mypersonaltrainer is Mondadori Media’s leading brand in the world of health, wellness, healthy and functional sports nutrition, with 14 million unique monthly users (source: Audiweb Total Digital Audience January 2024) and over 4.2 million followers on socials (source: Comscore Shareablee and Social Insights February 2024). Mypersonalbeauty was created as a brand extension of Mypersonaltrainer and, with the experience and authority of the brand and the potential guaranteed by this synergistic combination, it completes its offer in the personal care and beauty sector, which is understood not only as an external objective to be achieved, but as an integral part of physical and mental wellness. Thanks to Mypersonalbeauty, which already boasts over 1.3 million followers on socials (source: Comscore Shareablee and Social Insights February 2024), the Mypersonaltrainer world fanbase extends to almost 6 million followers

New organisation for Mondadori Media’s MarTech centre

Objective: maximising synergies between AdKaora and Hej! and supporting growth in the digital marketing sector

After a 2023 that saw revenues of more than 32 million euros, up almost 30% from the previous year, Mondadori Media’s MarTech Centre intends to implement its development guidelines, which are based on three pillars: further strengthening the range of offerings, entry into new foreign markets and investments in the AI field.

Mondadori Media’s innovative MarTech Centre – created around the digital company AdKaora following the acquisition of Hej! in 2021 and then the Spanish media agency Adgage, completed a few months ago – aims to offer the market a wide range of next-generation marketing and advertising services.
The offering ranges from proximity marketing solutions to data-driven performance conversational marketing solutions, from mobile first video advertising solutions to a creative studio able to offer customers high-impact and highly effective advertising formats.

The synergies between AdKaora, Hej! and Adgage – which today make up Mondadori Media’s MarTech Centre – began at the end of 2022 with the aim of guaranteeing, from a technological standpoint, better development of new integrated solutions, to enhance the different professional skills available and to maximise commercial effectiveness and go-to-market.
It was a successful undertaking, cemented by the results achieved in 2023, which showed total revenues of more than 32 million euros, up by almost 30% compared to the previous year, alongside the team continuing to grow stronger, and which now numbers 80 professionals across Milan, Rome and Madrid.


International development is one of the strategy’s most important drivers. The acquisition of the Spanish company Adgage opened up important new international opportunities in 2023, starting in Spain itself and, in recent months, Latin America.
This allowed AdKaora and Hej! to expand into foreign markets and to extend the AdKaora Value Network, thanks to the entry of important new publishing groups worldwide, with entry into other European markets and beyond also planned for 2024.

The second development lever for the coming years is the search for companies that can be integrated in order to offer innovative and complementary solutions to the range of services already offered. A number of interesting special operations are already under consideration in this area.

The third area of development focuses on the strong ability of the in-house marketing, tech and innovation teams to continue developing new products by understanding the opportunities that technological developments provide ahead of time. Along these lines, AdKaora has recently launched new advertising solutions on the market, like Impact Video, a high-impact, full-screen mobile format that is part of an advanced total video strategy covering different channels and focusing on the most interesting current KPI: Attention. The effectiveness of AdKaora’s video formats has been proven by the excellent results in ‘The Attention Game’ research conducted by GroupM and by KPIs provided by third-party certifiers such as Lumen and DoubleVerify.

Proximity marketing has also taken a further leap towards even more effective coverage of the entire consumer funnel thanks to the partnership with Savi – a marketing technology company specialising in coupon-based shopper activation services – where the aim is to strengthen product consideration and purchase incentives through mobile couponing.

Consideration becomes a crucial stage to oversee in order to achieve more concrete results: 2024 will therefore see the consolidation of AdKaora and Hej’s! full funnel proposal, which combines the quality of products with branding focus of the former with the performance strength of the latter.
The strength of Hej! Lies in harnessing Artificial Intelligence at different product and analysis levels. Using its proprietary platform, which is increasingly advanced in terms of analysis automation, Hej! can offer its customers in-depth qualitative analyses aimed at optimising the results of the entire supply chain. With data collected in real time, it is possible to achieve optimal performance and act on the subsequent marketing steps, like processing a qualitative lead.

And it is specifically Generative Artificial Intelligence that the Mondadori Group intends to invest in significantly in the coming years, not least to support the growth of the MarTech Centre. In this respect, a major Open Innovation project will soon be launched, which will also see Mondadori Media at the centre of the AI-related revolution in publishing and marketing.


In order to achieve its ambitious goals, the MarTech Centre has established a new organisational structure.
Reporting directly to Andrea Santagata, Managing Director of Mondadori Media, Davide Tran, formerly Director of AdKaora, was appointed as Director of the MarTech Centre, with the aim of implementing the new development strategy and maximising synergies.
Reporting directly to Davide Tran, Stefano Argiolas was confirmed as Managing Director of Hej! and appointed the Head of Artificial Intelligence for the Mondadori Group; Paolo De Santis, Co-Managing Director of Hej!, was appointed the Head of Development of New Acquisitions for the MarTech Centre.
To strengthen international development, Luca Nigro, former Managing Director of Adgage, was appointed the Director of Development for the MarTech Centre in LATAM countries; Francesco Binetti, Head of Operations at AdKaora, was appointed the Director of International Development for the MarTech Centre’s Publisher Solutions.
The central sales department is entrusted to Paolo Ingrosso, appointed as Sales Manager for the MarTech Centre, and Luigi D’Alterio, Sales Manager of Hej! and MarTech Centre’s direct customers, while Walter Ferrari assumes the role of Marketing Manager.