Donna Moderna

Donna Moderna presents two days dedicated to beauty

Treatments, workshop, talks, all free and open to the public

Milan, 20 and 21 May, Bagni Misteriosi

Donna Moderna, the women’s weekly edited by Annalisa Monfreda, always sensitive to issues related to the world of women, has announced the Donna Moderna Beauty Experience, two days entirely dedicated to beauty; one of the topics of most interest to the magazine’s audience.

On 20 and 21 May, the Bagni Misteriosi (Via Carlo Botta 18, in Milan), will become an exclusive “beauty centre” and theatre of a range of activities organised with Garnier and Lancôme, involving all participants and free of charge.

“For years, Donna Moderna has promoted an idea of ​​beauty that today is, finally, a trend: i.e. beauty as authenticity and the courage to be oneself, but also beauty as a commitment and care,” said Annalisa Monfreda. “To talk about and practice this philosophy, during a weekend open to all our readers, is an extraordinary opportunity. And I’m sure all those who come to our Beauty Experience will go home with a clear personal beauty mission in mind,” the editor concluded.

For this weekend in May, readers and users will be able to take part in more than 230 initiatives: including Beauty Bars, Beauty Workshops, Beauty Treatments, Beauty Talks and  a Yoga Lounge.

Any revelations? At the beauty bars, instead of enjoying culinary delights, visitors can sample creams, facial beauty treatments, masks and hair care shampoos with Garnier and try perfumes and the latest make-up with Lancôme.
Expert make up artists will demonstrate how to enhance beauty thanks to the Lancôme make up school, in a number of meetings and workshops about skin, hair colouring and hair care with Garnier.

Having a direct experience, relaxing and trying new things are the keywords of the Donna Moderna Beauty Experience.

The Donna Moderna Beauty Experience will take care of  ‘its women’ for two days, with innovative body and face remodelling treatments, but also a perfect hairstyle and a tint in the nuance that best suits each woman. By booking your ‘beauty moment’ online at, readers and users can ensure their free beauty appointment.

At the Bagni Misteriosi everyone will have the opportunity to attend the Beauty Talks in which Annalisa Monfreda will talk with exceptional guests about relevant issues related to the world of beauty. And during the day there will also be Mini Beauty Talks: briefings and short talks during which the partners of the initiative will look at issues such as authentic beauty and the links between food and beauty.

“We are delighted that the L’Oréal Group has joined this initiative that is so important for us,” said Davide Mondo, chief executive of Mediamond. “The creation of great joint events, like the Donna Moderna Beauty Experience, is one of the evolutions of the role of today’s advertising companies. And “joint” means that this type of operation is the result of collaboration between publishers, advertising companies, clients and partners. And, not least, the advertisers. In fact, they are the ones who determine the success by participating and getting involved in the proposed activities. It is a paradigm shift that is giving us great satisfaction, and an area where we want to continue to work,” Mondo concluded.

Donna Moderna, Italy’s leading women’s publishing network, is an ecosystem which, through the magazine, web and social channels, embraces an audience of 11.2 million net contacts, between readers and users (Source: Audipress 2016/3 and Audiweb February 2017) able to expand and develop further thanks to this type of activity around the country. The magazine currently has some 4 million monthly readers with a circulation of 230,000 copies. Meanwhile, has 8.2 million unique users (Source – Audiweb View February 2017), 500,000 followers on Twitter and 580,000 fans on Facebook.

On 20 and 21 May, participants will also be able to take and receive a beauty snapshots, practice yoga, learn new relaxation techniques and watch a ‘real women’ fashion show.  In addition, a photographic exhibition dedicated to the magazine’s cover protagonists, portraits of real women who represent the brand’s idea of beauty and a number of dance and music shows. In fact, with Donna Moderna you can also attend the live concerts of three musicians at Milano Piano City – the annual event that on the weekend of 19, 20 and 21 May will transform the city into a musical stage.

The hashtags for the initiative are: #dmbeautyexperience and #dmbex.

At, users can keep up to date with all the beauty appointments scheduled during the event, book their beauty appointments and find information on how to reach the location.

For those who will not be able to attend the event, there will be a chance to follow live coverage of some of the activities on Donna Moderna’s Facebook profile and on Twitter with live tweets on both days. All of the beauty tips will also be reported in the magazine feature dedicated to the event with photos, videos and stories by the title’s journalists.

The Donna Moderna Beauty Experience has been organised thanks to the support of the main sponsors Garnier and Lancôme and additional sponsors including:  Instax Fujifilm, Acqua Mood and Natura Buona by Spumador, YogaEssential and Caffè Pellini.

The communication campaign in support of the Donna Moderna Beauty Experience has been organised by Hunbranded, and planned on print, web and social channels.

The event is organized by Adverteam.

Digital School: a new advanced course in content and social media management starts in January

Lessons at the Donna Moderna, CasaFacile and Sale&Pepe training school continue successfully, in collaboration with Piano C

The success of the Digital School, the training school of Donna Moderna, CasaFacile and Sale&Pepe continues, the experience with which the three Mondadori Group brands – reference points for the world of women, interiors and food – make their skills and competence in the digital and social media fields available to others. A formula already rewarded with enrolments that  sold out for the basic course of the second edition, which ended in November.

The lessons of the advanced course in content and social media management will start on Saturday 28 January 2017. The programme, which is aimed at people with previous knowledge of the web but who want to become autonomous in online brand development,  is organised in 5 classroom sessions and a concluding workshop. A total of 21 hours dedicated to content design, data analysis and the business management of the activity, through first-hand testimony by the editors and digital professionals of the three magazines, classroom tutoring and case histories.

Collaboration will also continue with Piano C, the social innovation laboratory that brings together women and work and that hosts the lessons of the course in a space in the centre of Milan where digital and other projects are developed to contrast female unemployment in Italy.

The training offer of the Digital School is also available in e-learning modules, with 14 courses 5 structured programmes designed to meet different needs, such as “Content Strategy”, “Social Media Pro”, “Promoting a business online”.

For information about how to enrol and costs, please go to or write to


Donna Moderna presents DM Lab

3 days of free events organised by the Donna Moderna brand in collaboration with Starbene, Casafacile, Sale&Pepe, Focus Junior, Focus Pico And Nostrofiglio.It

Donna Moderna launches DM LAB (#dmlab), a new initiative dedicated to women and the whole family with more than 50 free meetings, workshops, laboratories and talks that will take place on Friday 11, Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 November, at the Spazio Open in Milan (Viale Montenero 6).

“DM Lab is a dream come true: bringing the content and values ​​of Donna Moderna to a physical space and making them accessible to readers,” said Annalisa Monfreda, the magazine’s editor. “This initiative offers us a three-day opportunity to come into direct contact with our community, in the sense of a real community of people gathered in one place thanks to the strength of our brand,” Monfreda concluded.

DM Lab is a new way of exploiting the experience and content also of some of the Group’s other brands who are working with Donna Moderna on the initiative, from Starbene to CasaFacile and Sale&Pepe, as well as Focus Junior, Focus Pico and ‪ A system that in print already embraces an overall audience of 11 million net contacts (Source: Audipress February 2016 and Audiweb July 2016) and that is able to expand and develop further thanks to this type of event around the country.

DM LAB will kick off in the morning with the editor of Donna Moderna, Annalisa Monfreda who, over coffee, will talk with special guests about a range of topical issues and closing in the evening with talks by five major personalities who will go up on stage to launch, in ten minutes, ideas and provocations around the great themes affect the world of women.

On Friday at 7 pm a generational clash on the theme: Who is the youngest between you and me? in which three couples will face each other in a debate moderated by psychologist Beatrice Toro on love, work and family relationships. On the stage, the many guests include: the writers Enrica Tesio and Manuela Stefani, journalist Roberto Parodi, Alessandro Rosina, who teaches demographics at the Catholic University in Milan and the YouTubers Jaser and Daniele Brogna.

The talk on Saturday at 7 pm will catalyse the attention of participants where the subject will be women’s bodies and beauty, that of normal women who always seem to feel they are not quite attractive enough. Here the guests include fashion photographer Settimio Benedusi, Cristina Fogazzi,  the well-known online beauty consultant Anna Turcato, image consultant.

With workshops on fitness, home decor, beauty and money, participants will also find a corner with expert nutritionists from Starbene, a desk for advice from the best architects of CasaFacile, and meetings with chefs promoted by Sale&Pepe.

And on Saturday afternoon the Spazio will be the theatre – at 5 pm – for a meeting with Davide Oldani who will talk about a taste for lightness: less fat, more flavour and aromas.

Meanwhile, on Sunday, the chef Roberto Rinaldini, will explain how to turn every dessert into a tailor-made masterpiece based always on the pursuit of quality. And, from 7 to 8 pm, on stage, five well-known writers – Alessandra Appiano, Roberto Moliterni, Michela Murgia, Aldo Nove and Pulsatilla – will be the protagonists of “5 scrittori per 5 storie di donne moderne” (5 writers for 5 stories about modern women).

There will also be workshops for children, in collaboration with Junior Focus, Focus Pico and, to learn while having fun while mothers can follow the debates about the family, safety and education with psychologists, educators and experts.

Donna Moderna has thought of everyone with DM LAB and at Spazio Open there will alos be yoga and fitness classes in collaboration with Starbene. But the pursuit of health does not end there: a nutrition area, open on Friday from 4 to 6 pm and on Saturday and Sunday from 2 to 5 pm, expert nutritionists from the European Institute of Oncology and dietician Carla Lertola will be available for advice for personalised diets, supplements and natural remedies.

The DM LAB format has been developed by  the advertising sales company Mediamond that has received very positive feedback from the market. Thanks to the popularity and audience of the Mondadori Group brands involved, along with the strength of the Mediamond network, this type of initiative is able to reach a very broad audience that interacts with the events and generates spontaneous buzz; a result that is due to the  active participation of the brands involved in the construction of the project and its implementation, and providing an opportunity to get in touch with their audience to present the products and the corporate values ​​that the brands represent.

The following partner companies contributed to the creation of DM LAB:

L’Oreal Paris, L’Oreal Professionel, Compagnia della Bellezza, MetLife, BioNike, 10 Buoni Propositi, Ferrarelle, Vitasnella, Rescue®- Fiori di Bach Originali, Caffè Vergnano, Pruneaux D’Agen.

A complete programme is available at:

Digital School: the 2nd edition of the courses organised by the training school of Donna Moderna, CasaFacile and Sale&Pepe gets under way in collaboration with Piano C

Enrolments are now being accepted for lessons in content and social media management starting on 15 October in Milan

Following the success of the first edition, on 15 October the new courses will start in Milan of the Digital School, the training school created by Donna Moderna, CasaFacile and Sale&Pepe, a year ago on the experience of the three brand leaders in the women’s, interior design and food sectors.

The three Mondadori magazines will make available their experience and skills in the digital field and social media for the second edition of the course in content and social media management, this year in collaboration with Piano C, the social innovation laboratory that brings together women and work. A space in the centre of Milan that produces digital and other projects to combat female unemployment in Italy.

The course in content and social media management enables students to acquire and expand their digital skills through 42 hours of lessons organised in two levels: a base module to learn what, how and where to communicate in order to be discovered on the web – from the construction of an editorial plan to the secrets of social media management, and from online writing to strategies for the analysis of SEO results – and an advanced module, aimed at those with a good knowledge of the web and a desire to become autonomous in online brand development, content planning, data analysis and the business management of the activity.

The course includes classroom lessons and the testimony of the editors and digital professionals from the three Mondadori magazines, in class tutoring for the entire duration of the course, case history studies and a final workshop for both modules.

The lessons of the course in content and social media management will be held in Milan at Piano C, via Simone D’Orsenigo 18, from 15 October 2016 for the basic module and from 28 January 2017 for the advanced module.

The training offer of the school of Donna Moderna, CasaFacile e Sale&Pepe is also available in e-learning mode, with 19 courses and programmes for different needs.

For information about enrolment and costs, please go to:

Digital School

Annalisa Monfreda, editor of Donna Moderna, takes over the editorship also of the weekly Starbene

From today editorial responsibility for the weeklies Donna Moderna and Starbene will be combined under Annalisa Monfreda, currently the editor-in-chief of Donna Moderna.

At the same time, the editorship of Confidenze will be passed to Susanna Barbaglia, already the title’s deputy editor.

Mondadori wishes to thanks Cristina Merlino for the years spent at the helm of Starbene and the web site

Annalisa Monfreda appointed new editor of Donna Moderna

From February Annalisa Monfreda will be the new editor of the weekly Donna Moderna. At the same time Monfreda will also take over editorial responsibility for the weekly Confidenze.

Annalisa Monfreda, 34, the mother of 2 children, and a degree in modern literature from the University of Bari, began her career in 1996. After initial professional experience and a Master’s in journalism at the University of Urbino she worked for a number of magazine titles, including Donna Moderna. In 2005 she joined Gruner+Jahr/Mondadori on the staff of Geo and was subsequently appointed editor of Topgirl in 2008 and the following year of Geo. Since September 2010 she has been the editor of Cosmopolitan.

Mondadori wishes to extend its sincerest thanks to Patrizia Avoledo for the professionalism and passion demonstrated over the years she has been with the company: a lengthy period during which Patrizia has contributed, with her team, to making Donna Moderna Italy’s top selling women’s magazine, with over 2.7 million readers (Audipress 2012/II).