Writers Alessandra Appiano, Michela Murgia, Grazia Verasani are the protagonists of the new Digital School online training course
Creative writing lessons begin today on romantic fiction, life stories and thrillers

Digital School, the training initiative promoted by Donna Moderna, CasaFacile and Sale&Pepe, has launched three new e-learning courses for aspiring writers: Creative Writing – romantic fiction, life stories and the thriller – online from today on Digitalschool.it.
The new courses are aimed at those who want to write, share emotions and tell stories. Under the guidance of publishing professionals including editors and authors, it will be possible to acquire the tools of creative writing, to practise and refine your skills while learning to apply narrative methods and explore in more detail specific narrative genres, in line with individual interests, for example, in romantic fiction, life stories and the thriller.
Each of the three options on offer is organised in two modules: the first, run by Edoardo Brugnatelli, an editor at Mondadori, will outline the notions underlying creative writing; while the second will illustrate the narrative techniques of the chosen genre, with advice and observations from the writers Alessandra Appiano, for romantic fictions, Michela Murgia, for life stories and Grazia Verasani, for the thriller.
All participants will have the possibility of seeing their stories published Donnamoderna.com. Plus, every month, Edoardo Brugnatelli will select three pieces of work for personalised editing and publication on the site.
The teaching materials for the course includes 3 hours of online video lessons with practical exercises, supporting documentation and 2 test games to ascertain the skills acquired and a final certificate of attendance.
Enrolment for the entire programme (first and second modules) ives participants the option to buy the other two modules by the writers.
For more information about enrolment and costs, please go to: Digitalschool.it.
The official hashtag is: #progettodigitalschool.