Magazine and digital

Donna Moderna launches 50&me

As they approach 50 women feel and are in the middle of their personal and social lives, but also have to face challenges and contradictions that are among the most challenging in their existence. It is an age that is lived with pride and naturalness, but also often with the need to juggle a thousand demands between work and the family.

Donna Moderna, the women’s weekly edited by Annalisa Monfreda has developed the 50&me project to provide a response to the many issues raised, which range from beauty to work, health and caregiving and many more.

50, a turning point. How to face it in order to enjoy it and deal with the complexities? The Mondadori Group brand responds to the many questions raised with articles, videos and a Facebook live campaign dedicated to the most engaging issues for women in this period of their lives.

“Women reach the age of 50 full of energy and expectations. They feel that they still have much to give to society and are not ready to resign themselves to the role of mere spectators. Our project aims to give such women the tools they need to continue to be protagonists,” announced the editor, Annalisa Monfreda.

A large number of companies have already been brought on board by the advertising sales company Mediamond, with native and content marketing projects.

Starting with beauty: 50 is the new 30 for women. But sometimes the mirror doesn’t reflect the image of energy and vitality that one feels: a tired face and a body that begins to show small signs of wear. And it is here that the latest generation of cosmetics and new technology can be of help. With the contribution of experts from BioNike, 50&me wants to offer women concrete and practical beauty advice. This historic Italian dermocosmetic company has forever been involved in scientific and dermatological research and, with Donna Moderna, will address the theme of resilience, in other words “the capacity to absorb impact without breaking”. A concept used initially in physics, and subsequently in psychology, that seems like a made to measure definition for women.

The issue of work is also crucial for women in their fifties: in fact the number of women in this age group is increasing in companies. And work is still important for them, and yet only a very small proportion feel that their talents are used to the full: they often feel lost and in objective difficulty. This why the project – in collaboration with Gruppo Adecco – will also address the issue of repositioning in the workplace and reverse mentoring and the value that women bring within an organisation.

Women also live longer than men, but their health is often more precarious due to both biological and hormonal factors. In this area the50&me project is supported by Protein SA, that will enable us to examine issues related to prevention and integration with its key product Colpropur, which is new to the Italian market. The natural, hydrolysed collagen-based product is used for the preservation of joints, bones, muscles and skin.

The initiative, which will run until the end of the year, will also take a close look at the issue of caregiving (for those who also have to look after aging parents), with information about legal tools for the protection of caregivers, associations around the country that provide support and welfare services provided by companies. And, finally, extensive coverage will also be given to dietary and lifestyle advice for the over-50s, as well as economic and financial advice in order to manage the future in the best way possible, and much more.

50&me is also online with a special on that looks in detail at the issues covered in the magazine, with advice and suggestions for how to make the best of your age and looking closely at all of the opportunities and services available for women. All of these issues will also be addressed on a daily basis in the newsletter Un caffè con Donna Moderna.

A series of videos and interviews will be available live on social channels in which experts will discuss and respond to readers’ questions.

Donna Moderna, Italy’s leading network for women, is an ecosystem that through the magazine, web and social media channels, embraces a digital audience of 13 million unique users every month (Source: Audiweb TDA November 2018) and reaches 3.5 million readers each month (Source: Audipress 2018/II) to which should be added the more than 1,100,000 fans on Facebook, over 500,000 followers on Twitter and 150,000 on Instagram.

GialloZafferano continues to grow through innovation and a focus on wellbeing

  • Online now, a new channel dedicated to healthy eating and with a completely new look and feel across the entire site
  • Italy’s number one food media brand becomes the first “vocal” cooking site in the country with the integration of Google Assistant

GialloZafferano, the Mondadori Group brand and a cookery point of reference for 14 million Italian every month (Source: Audiweb 2.0, January 2019) and 7 million fans on social networks, form today is further expanding the content on its site with the inauguration of a new “Wellbeing” channel.

A section featuring over 800 recipes selected on the basis of ingredients and cooking methods, further enhanced with useful nutritional information for those who want to dedicate more attention to and awareness about the food they eat every day.

The new area, characterised by the colour green, aims to give voice to the latest trends in food, while developing the relationship between wellbeing and diet that is increasingly desired by  the food lovers of GialloZafferano: the majority of the fans on the Facebook page in other words, the “green enthusiasts” interested in the link between fitness and wellness, and 1 in 3 fans who express a particular interest in biological and vegetarian food

The brand new section of the site is completed with a  Good to know column, where, for the first time, in addition to recipes, GialloZafferano accompanies users in the preparation of dishes with information and background detail that cut across the entire are of dietary wellbeing, following the seasons and the beneficial properties of ingredients and the trend for “free from” and “rich in” products. A combination of articles, ideas and references to selected recipes guaranteed by the supervision of a biological nutritionist.

A new look, a fresh style and a range of integrated content to enhance the rest of the site. All of the 4.400 GialloZafferano recipes complete with information regarding calories and fundamental nutritional value, and for every dish, indications regarding intolerances and special dietary needs: e.g. gluten-free, lactose-free, low-nickel, vegetarian.

And the brand’s evolution and innovation doesn’t stop here as, after having been a pioneer with the introduction of Virtual Cooking Assistants, thanks to the widespread existence of devices that are compatible with  digital assistants, GialloZafferano will also become Italy’s primo “vocal” cooking site able to “talk” to its users thanks to the direct integration of Google Assistant.

In fact, from today, Google Assistat will be able to read all of the recipes on the site, offering users the chance to cook easily and comfortably without leaving the cooker. All you have to do is to click of the special key to activate assisted preparation and you can celebrate any special occasion with the perfect dish.


And for advertisers, the new channel responds to the current shelf offer of a great many food products inspired by the concept of wellbeing: biological, gluten-free, low-fat, etc. And companies can benefit from the precise delivery of display formats in closely aligned contexts, as well as finding numerous ideas for native visibility, content advertising and projects.

The launch of the new GialloZafferano will also involve Danone Activia in the role of main sponsor, exclusively for the whole of the first week.

In support of the launch a B2B and B2C has been planned with the creativity once again overseen by the agency Casiraghi Greco &, and using digital titles, social and print outlets in the sector, the iDD out of home circuit as well as the in target principal brands of the Mondadori Group.

The “Grazia Creative Lab with Riccardo Ruini”

Grazia, the leading 100% Italian fashion magazine, with 20 editions around the world, is contributing its 80 years of experience in the fashion sector to a new project developed in collaboration with Riccardo Ruini, the creative director of numerous campaigns for some of the most prestigious international brands. The project, which is called Grazia Creative Lab with Riccardo Ruini, will be a laboratory for the production of communication content in the service of fashion and luxury brands.

Grazia Creative Lab with Riccardo Ruini will offer companies creative solutions for advertising campaigns that can run across different media.

“With Grazia Creative Lab we want to provide companies with content that is able to excite and enthuse people, our extensive knowledge of readers, celebrities, models, photographers and the privileged relationship we have developed with them. With our accumulated experience and the speed with that characterises us, we can construct content to match the needs of companies,” declared Silvia Grilli, editor of Grazia.

Grazia Creative Lab is the result of a desire to satisfy the needs that many brands have today to communicate in  a complete, rapid and effective way with a formula that is economically manageable. My task will be to ensure quality and innovation, precisely in the way that great chefs develop collaborations between brands and talent,”  declared Riccardo Ruini, creative director.

The project will also enhance the Grazia Italia system,  a dynamic, contemporary communication platform, with a magazine with 805,797 readers, up 9% since the last survey (Source: Audipress 2018/III), the web site, with a monthly average of 3.1 million unique users (Source: Audiweb December 2018), its social channels, which reach of 10 million users (Source: Facebook Insight February 2019), special events, the Influencer Factory, and now also creative agency.

Evolution has always been a characteristic of the Mondadori Group brand, which, over its 80-year history, has distinguished itself for its ability to perfectly capture and reflect the essence of the times. It anticipated the revolution of social media and the role of fashion influencers, now fundamental components of the fashion system. And it has won over a new generation of readers, also through its timely and authoritative news coverage, providing space for investigative journalism, without fear of swimming against the tide. All of this has made it possible to reinforce the link between its community of readers and the world of fashion and beauty that revolves around the magazine.

Grazia Creative Lab with Riccardo Ruini was presented today by the editor of Grazia Silvia Grilli, the general manager of Magazines Italy of the Mondadori Group Carlo Mandelli and the creative director Riccardo Ruini, with a roundtable discussion about the creative process, the new codes of communication and the role of endorsers, with observations from the chef Andrea Berton, a Grazia contributor, who talked about the creative side of being a great chef, and the showgirl Melissa Satta, who spoke of her experience as the face of a number of advertising campaigns and the evolution of image.

The magazine Chi presents: a chat with Alfonso Signorini

A chat with Alfonso Signorini is a new event, created by Chi, Italy’s most widely-read people magazine,  which will take place for the first time in Milan on 21 March at 6:30 pm at the Grand Hotel et de Milan in Via Manzoni, 29.

An unmissable opportunity for all fans of the Mondadori Group magazine to participate and get to know not only the editor, but also the many personalities from the world of television and entertainment that every week animate the pages of their favourite magazine, up close.

An authentic salon moderated by the editor Alfonso Signorini, and an occasion to look more closely at current affairs, the most unexpected gossip and the personal and intimate side of the most popular celebrities.

This will be the first in a series of encounters open to readers that will be held in symbolic locations in the city of Milan. Starting from the Grand Hotel et de Milan, known locally as the “Milan”, that has long been frequented by artists, diplomats, actors and many of the performers associated with Milan’s famous La Scala theatre.

For accreditation for A chat with Alfonso Signorini please go to the site to register.

The new Starbene: the magazine that inspires your wellbeing

Starbene, the Mondadori Group brand that is a point of reference in the world of wellness, from this week will have a new look and more contemporary and inspirational content, in line with the philosophy of self-care as a lifestyle.

Lighter backgrounds and a more airy layout give the new magazine a mindfulness inspired look, with more focus on the content that is highlighted by new pastel colours to facilitate a more harmonious reading, consistent with the healthy lifestyle promoted by the brand.

The new Starbene will reach an even broader and younger audience, with the extension of the reach also to the under-40sm engaging and stimulating their curiosity also on social networks, in particular, on Instagram, through tips and suggestions from the good mood psychologist, short videos about diet, nature-related images, and mindfulness stories and. graphics.

The magazine will also capture the attention of readers thanks to the involvement of new protagonists, such as influencers from the wellness sector and athletes, as well as the established contributions from the doctors who have always featured in the weekly.

“Starbene will continue to count on the advice and support of over 40 doctors, guaranteeing up-to-date scientific authoritativeness and reliability. While at the same time opening up to the world of influencers, able to more effectively engage readers, who feel they are closer to them. The magazine has also assembled a team of 12 social ambassador who will produce absolutely new content for the title and amplify the message through their communities,” underlined Annalisa Monfreda, the editor of Starbene.

The 12 influencers, among some of the best-known in the wellbeing sector, will, over the weeks, talks to readers and users about sport, food, health and wellbeing. The athletes will engage and attract readers to their world with a female-based empowerment, tanging from their relationship with beauty and fashion, diet and physical activity. For the first time, the Starbene experts will have more space to give advice, suggestions and reflections while examining issues of general interest in the field of health, along with solutions, remedies and explanations.

The new Starbene will also have new sections, enhanced with interviews, at three speeds, that will be developed inside the magazine: an initial section, focusing on quick easy to read news, a central section for short background details, and the final section, with columns and feature to cut out and keep.

The magazine will also express its content through special multi-channel projects and events with the participation of bloggers and influencers.

The launch will be supported by an advertising campaign developed by the Wavemaker agency, across print media, web sites, social media and direct marketing.

“Donne come noi” comes to theatres, companies and universities

Following the success of last year, the show that celebrates the strength of women, produced by Teatro Franco Parenti, return on 7 march

The project was conceived by the brand Donna Moderna

Donne come noi (Women Like Us), the Donna Moderna project dedicated to female empowerment, continues to grow and launches a series of new initiatives aimed at taking the message in 2019 to an even larger number of people, not just in theatres but also in companies and universities.

“Donne come noi is no longer just a book, or a show, or a training course, but an authentic movement, which we are re-launching from 7 March. Our ambition is to reach Italian women of all ages, from middle and high schools to universities, and from companies to professionals, businesswomen and housewives, and to encourage them to think big, giving them both inspiration and the tools to reach their goals,” declared the editor of Donna Moderna, Annalisa Monfreda.

It all started from a book written by thee magazine’s editorial team – published by Sperling&Kupfer – that tells the stories of 100 contemporary Italian women who have managed to realise the small miracle of reaching the highest levels in their job, in the arts and sciences.

The book went on to inspire a theatre show – on stage on 7 March at the Teatro Franco Parenti, which produced the show – written by Giulia Minoli and Emanuela Giordano, with the exceptional protagonist: Tosca. On stage with her will be 5 actresses and singers who, with words and music, will tell stories of women who have been able to transform difficulties, obstacles and prejudices into opportunities. From Chiara Montanari, the first woman to lead an expedition to the Antarctic, to Fabiola Gianotti, director of the prestigious Cern Institute in Geneva, and from the athlete Irma Testa, Italy’s first female boxer at the Olympics to Alessandra Laricchia, the first female ranger on the African savannah.

The third step of this project was the creation of a training course organised in different stages across Italy, that provided concrete skills such as team working, time management, how to reconfigure your own career, thinking outside the box and learning how to tell your story.

This year the show will also take in companies, schools and universities, touring Italy as a “educational moment” made up of the Donne come noi theatre show, a short piece featuring three actresses and a cello. Along with the show will be a training course with an inspiring live testimony by one of the protagonists of the book and a two-hour workshop with an acting teacher who, using exercises, techniques and games typical of methods of theatrical improvisation, will help participants to work and reflect on how to prepare to avoid being judgemental, to accept and listen to and enhance oneself and others, how to establish relationships of trust and support, how to challenge oneself, participate and collaborate.

Some of the basic skills required by improvisational theatre include a capacity to be aware of the self and of others, to develop clear and positive communication, to valorise and integrate suggestions and different points of view, to adopt choices instinctively and spontaneously, and to work as a team towards a common objective. All gifts that are both useful and beneficial for individual affirmation and success in the workplace, in studies and also in the personal sphere.
For more information, please go to:

Mondadori Group leader in digital

A year of changes for Giallozafferano, Donna Moderna, MyPersonalTrainer, Icon, Interni and Icon Design

The Mondadori Group continues to pursue digital innovation. The leading publisher for the passions and interests of Italians currently attracts 26.5 million unique users per month (Source: Audiweb, November 2018) and a competitive positioning that makes it a leaders also in social media, with a total of 26.3 million fans through130 profiles.

Every second 300 new users visit a Mondadori Group site 14 people interact on the brands’ social network pages.


  • Video factory: an annual production of 10.000 videos 4 different formats, generating over 200 million views per month.
  • People: an internal team of 180 talents, including content editor, videomakers, cooks, product designers and data scientists.
  • Innovation is in our DNA: from proprietary semantic search engines to Altervista, Italy’s leading blogging platform prima. Mondadori is also among the first Italian publishers to test and adopt innovating conversational interfaces, such as chatbots, intelligent speakers and connected devices.


The development of languages and engagement systems for users, from the use of video to the valorisation of new web-based talents such as influencers and YouTubers, to the control of all of the touchpoints: our business models makes it possible to respond to new challenges and development opportunities, while constantly focusing on the real needs of users.

Today, our brands are authentic multimedia systems ranged across print, the web, social media, apps, smart speakers, TV and events.

In 2019 the evolution of our products will affect some of the iconic brands in the high-value vertical markets: food, women, beauty, health and wellbeing, design, male lifestyle.



  • From April, a new look for the web site and a new Giallozafferano Benessere channel, with over 4,000 recipes, enhanced with information about nutritional values and calories.
  • The first vocal site with integrated Google Assistant.
  • The first on vocal devices: Google Home, Amazon Alexa’s Echo Show, Samsung’s Bixby.


Donna Moderna:

  • Donna Moderna Beauty: a new social magazine will be launched after the summer dedicated to the world of beauty and conceived by millennials for millennials, with the special participation of Beauty Influencers.



  • a complete overhaul of the site affecting all of its touchpoints from September.
  • A new series of videos involving Fitness Influencers.



  • A new format for the site from March: ideas, inspirations and and models, with the style and shopping guides that today’s man needs.
  • Icon Wheels: the creation of a new channel dedicated to luxury and exclusive car.
  • Fashion, beauty, grooming, how-to-spend with videos, tutorials and a selection of the best products.


Icon Design and Interni:

  • A restyling of the sites to coincide with Milan’s Design Week 2019.

The new Focus: knowledge as an ongoing surprise

Focus, the Mondadori Group magazine that is a point of reference in popular science and entertainment, from Thursday 21 February will be available to the public in markedly renewed form and content.

The aim of the monthly, edited by Raffaele Leone, will be to further develop the successful formula that has made it Italy’s most widely read magazine, which boasts a combination of 5.7 million readers and users (based on data from Audipress 2018.2 and Audiweb 2.0 September 2018), as well as 1.7 million fans on social networks.

Starting from the cover, Focus readers will be surprised by the many changes in the layout and content. First of all they will notice the new masthead which, for the first time, features a larger red logo: a decision that will guarantee the brand greater relevance.

Thanks to an elegant look and an identity as leader, the magazine will be even more stimulating, and targeted at readers that are aware, educated, curious and “want to know more”.

The new Focus has a mission to surprise page after page, investigating the science and knowledge that surrounds us, and represented in a captivating, accurate, rigorous, original and unusual way.

The opening pages of the magazine will be devoted to the column Prisma: di tutto un po’ (Prisma: a little of everything), an authentic showcase of high level content, from regular features to new sections, such as “Il caro estinto” (Dearly departed), “Cogli l’etimo” (Catch the meaning) and many others.

The articles will not only deal with science, nature and technology, but will also take a closer look at current affairs, but always with the scientific and analytical approach to the facts that is typical of Focus. Space will also be given to art, with a column edited by Vittorio Sgarbi that, starting from single work, will develop an analysis of an entire artistic period. Background detail will be provided by Focus Dossier, three articles aimed at examining, in an unusual and detailed way, the issue featured on the cover.

Focus finally also re-confirms its primacy in the development of interactive content and experiences thanks to the ongoing reinforcement of Augmented Reality: each month the magazine will have a fixed appointment with readers in page not to be read but to be “listened to”. An innovative function that will further diversify that range of extras usable through the dedicated app, available for free from the AppStore and Google Play: navigable 360° photos, 3D graphics and renderings, timelapse and 4K videos, and much more.

The new magazine will form the nucleus of an articulated multimedia ecosystem across different in able to transform readers and users into authentic “inhabitants” of the Focus world: from the web site to the TV channel, and from social networks to events aimed at consolidating the brand’s presence around the country.

Among the most important of these Focus Live, an engagement with the great issues and personalities of knowledge which, during the first edition, which took place between 8 and 11 November 2018, attracted over 15,000 visitors to the Museo della Scienza e della Tecnologia in Milan, and that in 2019 will take its exclusive formula to two other cities in Italy, Genoa and Turin.

To mark the launch of the new Focus a special print-run (+20%) of magazine has been planned, along with a communication campaign run by Hunbranded that, through the use of visuals and captivating and amusing  headlines, highlights the brand’s contribution to “getting the world into focus”  in all its vastness and complexity.

The campaign has been planned on print media and the web, radio and TV, trade channels, sales outlets and on social networks, and will support both the March and April issues.

The Mondadori Group is Italy’s leading digital publisher with almost 29 million unique users every month

Growth of 22% compared with last year according to Comscore data

The Mondadori Group is Italy’s leading publisher on the web: this is the assessment of the latest Comscore data for May, which show that Mondadori properties are out in front with a total audience of 28.7 million unique users per month, a rise of 22% compared with the same period of last year. At the same time, market reach is up to almost 76% of Italy’s digital population.

The Mondadori Group boasts Italy’s richest and most diversified digital offer.
With over 30 authoritative and successful brands on the web, the company is also leader in the high-value vertical sectors, such as women, food, wellness, fashion and education, thanks to the 16 million unique users of Donna Moderna, the more than 12 million of GialloZafferano, the 5.8 million of Starbene, and over 3 million of Grazia as well as the 9.3 million users of

This result has been achieved thanks to the development path followed by the Group’s digital magazine area since the acquisition of Banzai Media until today.
All of the main sites in the portfolio have been involved in an ongoing renewal and updating process, including Donna Moderna, which has a new look nad feel to give users an even more immediate and intuitive experience; Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni with its new digital Guida Tv making it easier to navigate through a continually evolving television panorama; Grazia, through its Grazia Factory project, which presents and gives voice to the most interesting emerging influencers in fashion, beauty and lifestyle; and the redesign of Nostrofiglio and Panoramauto, with enhanced content and a more structured approach to the channels.

To all this should be added the recent additions of, Italy’s leading astrology site, and Design D’Autore, the international social system. leader in the design sector, with which the Group has consolidated its positioning in the women and design sectors, expanding also the audience on social networks, where the presence of Mondadori brands is similarly strong, with over 20.2 million fans on Facebook over 46 pages, up by 56% compared with the same month of the previous year.