Guaranteeing inclusive education for all. This is the challenge that Oxfam is launching, for the third year running, together with Mondadori Store through their Christmas project “Wrap a Book, Give the Future”. Until 24 December, you can have your Christmas presents wrapped by the Oxfam volunteers present at Mondadori bookshops taking part in the initiative in major Italian cities.
The project is part of a partnership between the largest bookshop network in Italy, Mondadori Store, and Oxfam, the international confederation of non-profit organisations dedicated to reducing global poverty, helping and supporting families in socially difficult situations, and providing support for children’s education.
For more than 20 years, Oxfam has been active in Italy and around the world with programmes to combat educational disadvantages and spread the principles of global citizenship education aimed at cultural inclusiveness, which is perfectly in line with the objectives of the Mondadori Retail network and the entire Mondadori Group.
The funds raised in previous years have been invaluable in supporting thousands of young people with remedial classes and motivational and educational support in secondary schools.
Once again this Christmas, you can participate in the “Wrap a Book, Give the Future” initiative, aimed at guaranteeing equity and equal access and success at school for the most vulnerable students through emotional, motivational and educational support, thus keeping them from the risk of educational exclusion and dropping out of school. A small donation can be made directly at participating bookshops and also online at the dedicated page:
For three years now, Oxfam, with the support of Mondadori Store, has been committed to reducing school dropout rates and educational disadvantages, improving access to sociocultural services for families with severe economic difficulties. This year’s project involves over 150 schools, more than six thousand students and hundreds of teachers. The goal is to build inclusive schools by offering innovative teaching methods and exchange opportunities with other European schools, strengthening support for children at risk of dropping out, offering remedial courses in language and various scholastic skills, and, finally, instituting language mediation activities aimed at foreign students.
Through the collaboration between Oxfam and Mondadori Store, numerous activities will be held in several cities to animate and upgrade environments frequented by young people both in and out of school.
“The European main goal is to reduce the school dropout rate to 9% by 2030 and, despite progress in recent years, Italy is still at 12.7%,” says Roberto Barbieri, General Director of Oxfam Italia. “This is why our work this year is once again aimed at supporting schools that do not leave anyone behind, are attentive to the well-being of pupils and teachers, work in synergy with local resources and bring innovation to teaching. This commitment is aimed primarily at young people in the “peripheries” of our cities who experience greater social hardship and risk being left on the margins. We would like to thank Mondadori Store for their support, which helps us to be even more effective,” Barbieri concludes.
“School exclusion risks becoming even more severe for certain sections of the population, in a global situation of uncertainty and economic crisis such as the one we are currently experiencing. As publishers and booksellers, we have the responsibility to offer support to ensure a better future for children and young people. We are therefore continuing our commitment alongside Oxfam, aware that culture and education are primary channels for promoting inclusiveness, social cohesion and growth for all, in line with the sustainability objectives of the entire Mondadori Group,” says Francesco Riganti, Marketing Director of Mondadori Retail.
The initiative by Mondadori Store and Oxfam is part of the social responsibility path that the Mondadori Group has long undertaken, including through a series of activities to support communities, from promoting reading and education to training, social assistance and health care.
About Oxfam
Oxfam is a global movement of people who fight inequality to overcome poverty in 86 countries around the world. It saves and rebuilds lives in emergencies, promotes sustainable development and works to build a future without inequality where essential rights are guaranteed for everyone, everywhere, and no one is left behind.
About Mondadori Store
Mondadori Store is the largest network of bookstores in Italy. It is a cultural organisation active nationwide, with more than 500 stores in both large cities and small towns, an e-commerce website — — and also a book club. In addition to books, its core business, it organises entertainment, events and multi-channel services, reaching more than 20 million customers every year.
Oxfam Special Projects Press Office
BertelliPigola Pr & Communication
Oxfam Italia Press Office
Mariateresa Alvino – 348.9803541
David Mattesini – 349.4417723
Mondadori Group Press Office
Tel. 02.75423159