
Mondadori Group, initiative in support of newsstands

The Mondadori Group has launched an initiative in support of Italian newsstands to express its gratitude and provide tangible support to all those operators who continue, in these moments of health emergency, to guarantee a crucial service for the whole Country, with outstanding commitment and responsibility.

Through this initiative, the Mondadori Group, Italy’s leading magazine and digital publisher, will recognize newspaper and magazine retailers an additional 3% discount on the price, net of VAT, of all the Group’s weeklies and monthlies sold on newsstands, excluding gadgets and attachments, until the end of April.

Thanks to this extraordinary measure, the Mondadori Group intends to provide further support to the chain of newsstands, in order to continue the fundamental work of disseminating editorial products, a primary asset to ensure that the public is properly informed and entertained.


Mondadori Store delivers culture and entertainment to the homes of readers

Coming soon: a new service “Il tuo libraio” (“Your bookseller”): Mondadori Store booksellers provide reading recommendations

Readings, recommendations and online events with writers and personalities: also when the doors of bookshops are closed and the streets deserted, Mondadori Store remains a socio-cultural beacon reaching out to Italian families in their homes with an offer of books and entertainment and bringing readers, booksellers and authors closer together.

As a way of supporting its public, providing moments of relaxation and support in this new day-to-day existence, the Mondadori Group’s bookstore chain has launched “Mondadori Storie”: a daily programme of content on Facebook and Instagram to accompany readers from morning – with some of the great openings of novels, both classics and new titles – till night-time – with stories for children, suggested by children – and to engage fans with thematic challenges and keep the whole family entertained thanks to social events with special guests.
The Mondadori Store week of events on social networks begins with a good-mood look at the stars, every Monday morning with a literary horoscope before continuing with book presentations, readings and workshops aimed at parents and children of all ages, with expert recommendations on how to best face time away from school. Artists and authors will meet the public also in videochats and respond to users’ questions and curiosities.

And, coming soon, a brand new free personal shopping telephone service for readers called “Il tuo libraio (Your bookseller): a direct line of communication with Mondadori Store booksellers, available to customers to provide reading suggestions, advice based on preferences and new tips, with also the possibility to buy books and have them delivered, for personal use or as a gifts.
Full information will be available on the Facebook and Instagram pages of Mondadori Store.
Fiction, non-fiction, miscellaneous and classic titles, as well as cartoons and children’s books. In fat, on the web site it is possible to choose from a selection of over 1 million titles, as well as music, films, stationery, toys and e-Readers.

“Io esco con la fantasia”: the Mondadori Group communication campaign on air now

The set could be the home of any one of us in these strange and repetitive days in which we spend hours and hours playing with our children, chatting incessantly with our friends and colleagues, making ourselves endless series of snacks just to pass the time, without, of course, losing sight of the latest news.
A new day-to-day domesticity which risks becoming monotonous and challenging, and from which we can only escape with our imagination, and the help of a good book.

This is the message, aimed at all Italian families, that the Mondadori Group wants to send with a communication campaign that shows how, in these tense days of forced isolation from our loved ones, our friends and our normal daily lives, the company is on the side of everyone.

At the heart of the video, on air from today on TV and social media, is the value, now more important than ever, of reading.
How, even in this period of emergency, books can offer everyone a way to relax and be entertained, and an opportunity for reflection, study and personal enhancement, while also contributing to the spread of ideas and culture.

The video Io esco con la fantasia (I’m going out with my imagination), conceived by the Mondadori Group, aims to remind us – using a positive tone and even provoking a smile – that reading enables us to grow and free our minds. In the pages of a book we can experience an infinite number of stories without leaving the house, as the hashtag for the project #IoEscoConLaFantasia suggests.

The campaign, curated by GittoBattaglia22, was launched today on the Mondadori Group’s social profiles and, at the same time, on the Facebook and Instagram pages of the companies publishing houses Mondadori, Einaudi, Rizzoli, Sperling&Kupfer, Mondadori Electa, Piemme, Electa, Mondadori Education and Rizzoli Education, the brands and Mondadori Store, with a total audience on all social networks of around 34 million people.

The TV commercial will be on air from today until 3 April on the Mediaset channels. The media plan foresees an articulated mix with a 30” format and a 15” cut, in the prime time, news and background bands.

Watch the video here.


The Mondadori Group brand are ever closer to readers and their families

Numerous initiatives to help and support the public to relax but also to exchange experience with premium free content and live events on social media, as well as active participation by users in the brands’ social communities

At this difficult time the Mondadori Group brands are keeping close to their readers, users and their families with initiatives across all media. The aim is to help. Support and offer moments of relaxation, by involving the public, above all on social networks, in activities related to their passions.

In particular, there are three ways in which the Group has put together initiatives to be closer and to help people in this period of emergency: free access to premium content, a schedule of simultaneous live events on social networks and the active involvement of users through the brands’ communities.

Free premium content

In order to keep up to date the magazines of the Mondadori Group is offering readers free digital subscriptions for a period of three months.

It is possible to subscribe for digital access to your favourite magazines here, choosing from some of the leading magazines in a range of segments, including: Grazia, Donna Moderna, Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni, Chi, Focus, Focus Junior, Giallozafferano, CasaFacile, Icon, Icon Design, Interni and many more.

Plus, from Sunday it will be possible to download for free with a click the latest special issue of Grazia, “We will embrace again” from this link. In just two days, this initiative has already reached more than 30,000 people.

Live simultaneous events on the social media channels of the leading brands

Every day a live cooking demonstration with GialloZafferano, in collaboration with NostroFiglio and Focus Junior. By connecting to the brands’ Instagram, Facebook r YouTube channels, at 5 pm, users can enjoy #IoRestoACasaECucino and learn live, from the chefs of Giallo, how to put together easy meals for the whole family, and also involving kids in the preparation.

This daily appointment was preceded on Saturday 21 March by a great live event on social media #ACenaConGialloZafferano which engaged Italians in the preparation of the weekend dinner. The event, which took place simultaneously on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, attracted over 200,000 people, who received tips and advice from the chefs of GialloZafferano, a number of foodbloggers from across Italy, as well as award-winning chef Alessandro Negrini.

The, of course, we couldn’t forget the live training sessions by MyPersonalTrainer, which every day propose half an hour of activities on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube with a series of thematic paths: physical wellbeing, mental wellbeing, dietary wellbeing.

Special attention is also reserved for small children: NostroFiglio offers a rich weekly programme of live events on Facebook with doctors and pedagogues, with musical games, mini-shows and baby dance in collaboration with Kikolle Lab and a range of fun tasks to invent together with your children.

But we also need to relax, and so TV Sorrisi e Canzoni is offering its users the #ACasaConSorrisi initiative, two daily appointments live on Instagram and Facebook in which the editor Aldo Vitali enters the homes of the personalities featured in the current issue of the magazine and famous faces from TV. The first live events, which attracted many users, featured Vanessa Incontrada, Baby-K, Amadeus and will continue every day at 4 pm and 6 pm.

Also the magazine Chi, edited by Alfonso Signorini, is entertaining its users every day at 7 pm, double live interviews live, in which a number of VIPs talk exclusively on Instagram to #ChiRestaACasa.

An unmissable appointment for all fans to get an up-close look at the world of celebrities who every week enliven the pages of their favourite magazine. And on Chi’s IGTV users can also find the interviews conducted so far with Alessia Marcuzzi, Giulia Salemi and Carlo Conti.

User participation through the brands social communities

#TorneremoAdAbbracciarci. Grazia launched its initiative #TorneremoAdAbbracciarci on Instagram.

Users are invited to post a photo of an embrace, a gesture of affection that we all took for granted and has now become a precious good. A way of communicating that we are united and that together we can make it through to which many celebrities and ordinary people have contributed.

#Andrà’TuttoBene with Nostrofiglio. The portal form mums and dads 2.0, joined from the beginning and helped to spread the children and rainbows initiative Andrà tutto bene” (All will be well) and received over 12,000 online contributions with drawings of rainbows attached to the balconies on Italian homes (see the gallery on Facebook).

#IoCucinoConGiallo and #IoRestoaCasa. A collective cooking initiative, for and with your loved ones, even if they are far away, with recipes from GialloZafferano, photographing the results and sharing them with GialloZafferano and its community. In just a few days 4,000 people had already contributed (see the gallery on Facebook).

#DonnaModernaRestaConMe and #IoRestoaCasa. The weekly Donna Moderna uses Instagram to describe the making of the magazine with remote working and invites readers to talk about how the magazine is keeping them company in these days: a recipe, an inspiration, a particular story. A call to action to readers to talk about how Donna Moderna is helping them through these weeks (see the gallery on Instagram).

#StayCoolStayHome with DM Beauty. Also in this period, young women want to look after themselves. This is possible with DM Beauty, the social beauty magazine, conceived and created by millennials for millennials.  Every day a post with tips to make you feel cool even when you stay at home.

#IoStudioaCasa with Amazing support for high school kids is provided by, which offers them teaching materials for all needs. On the StudentiTV channel on YouTube kids can access hundreds of video lessons while on Spreaker, Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts they can find online new audio podcast lessons Te lo spiega snippets on Italian, history and literature, as well as the high school diploma exam.

The results of all of these initiatives show how people, constrained by the current situation, are turning to the media, especially online, and appreciating what the brands of the Mondadori Group are offering them.

In fact, on Sunday 22 March saw an all-time record online audience for a combination of the Group’s brands with a total of over 13 million visits to the web sites in a single day an increase of over +100% compared with last year (Source: Google Analytics).

An important contribution was made by Giallozafferano which on Sunday 22 March cooked along with almost 6 million Italians (+240% vs 2019).

To this should also be added similarly exceptional results on social media.

Also on Sunday 22 March, the combination of the brands’ social media channels recorded an overall reach of over 17 million people and the number of fans is growing by an average of over 40,000 users per day al giorno.

NoiDellaMondadori, together we can make it

Books, magazines, web sites: we continue to be ourselves even when we’re working at a distance in order to safeguard the health of our people and the rest of the country. Our bookstores continue to constitute a socio-cultural vanguard cross the country, reaching our customers through our e-commerce site.

With enormous thanks to all our colleagues for their commitment to guaranteeing the quality of our content and services.

We look forward to the day – after things have been resolved – when we can meet again, for an exhibition, a presentation, an event or, at a place of your choice!

#IoRestoaCasa #FermiamoloInsieme #NoiDellaMondadori

Our mission is the circulation and spread of culture and ideas, and culture and ideas can’t be stopped.

Ernesto Mauri, Chief executive, Gruppo Mondadori

The Nostrofiglio community comes together for the ‘Andrà tutto bene’ initiative to amplify the positive message

2 million contacts and over 40,000 interactions in 24 hours on the social media pages of Nostrofiglio, with the contribution of GialloZafferano, FocusJunior and Donna Moderna

All across Italy, on front doors, windows, balconies and verandas posters and banners have appeared bearing the words “Andrà tutto bene” (All will be well) and a large rainbow of hope. The have been made by Italian children with the aim of sending a message of hope and solidarity in these days of the health emergency. Using coloured felt tip pens, crayons and paint, the kids have used the initiative as a way of passing the time drawing and colouring in a fun way

Nostrofiglio, the portal for mums and dads 2.0, with contributions from of Giallozafferano, FocusJunior and Donna Moderna, decided to support the Andrà tutto bene initiative also by asking the families that are pert of their community, and therefore also to the children, to submit photographs of their “work”.

The result so far? 2 million contacts, 40,000 interactions and more than 5,000 drawings, sent in from all across Italy to the social media pages of the brands Nostrofiglio, Giallozafferano, FocusJunior and Donnamoderna whose support has spread and amplified the initiative’s positive.

Here is a gallery from the Facebook profile of Nostrofiglio where you can see the children’s drawings:


Donna Moderna: the third edition of Corri con Noi kicks offi in 12 cities and 2 final challenges

The project is aimed at women who run or walk for networking and improve their self- belief Among the many new features this year. 3 new cities, a challenge in Europa and the big event in the desert

Corri con noi (Run With Us) the big project aimed at women who run and walk to keep fit, network and improve their self-belief today kicks off in twelve cities and with two final challenges.

Developed from an idea by Donna Moderna, the Mondadori Group brand and leader in the women’s segment, the previous editions of the initiative met with great success and, in fact, in 2019 attracted over 1000 subscribers in 9 Italian cities, with 270 training sessions and 45 participants in the final challenge in Morocco.

“With ever bigger numbers and enthusiasm, in just three years Corri con noi has become a gym for sisterhood and female emancipation and we are delighted to include another three cities in the project,” declared Annalisa Monfreda. 

Donna Moderna aims to continue to reinforce the community that rotates around a passion for running, given that running is not just a sport but a way to help women become more conscious of their potential, their strengths, make them feel more secure, improve their mood and keep day-to-day stress at bay. It is also an activity that is accessible to everyone and has the capacity to regenerate energy all while in the company of like-minded people.

This year 12 Italian cities will participate in the training sessions: Catania, Florence, Lecce, Milan, Naples, Padua, Palermo, Parma, Pescara, Rome, Turin and Verona.

Participants will be divided into 3 groups, according to their level of fitness, and followed by qualified coaches, with whom they can log their progress with regular checks. Each city will have its own ambassador who will engage and motivate the participants by sharing their efforts, progress and the values of aggregation of Donna Moderna.  The programme will include one weekly training session and, to introduce participants to trail running, i.e. running in a natural environment, they will be able to take part with a team from the magazine in two challenges: the final challenge in the desert and, for the first time this year, a new spring challenge in Europe.

To sign up to become a member of the Donna Moderna  runner crew all you need to do is go to the platform Each subscriber will receive a welcome kit with a T-shirt, bag and personalised Corri con noi bracelet.

You can follow the entire initiative  on all of the brand’s social channels with the official hashtag #corriconnoi. Plus, week by week, the magazine will also cover the training sessions with a photographic report.

The web site, with the special will provide users with all the necessary information and advice, as well as details on how to sign up for the stages and to take part in the two big challenges.

Plus training tips and suggestions for all experienced and aspiring runners.

Initial Partners of the initiative areSCARPA® Italy’s leading producer of technical sports shoes with the Spin Ultra model for trail running; GARMIN world leader in GPS technology for sport, fitness and the outdoors; Mediterranea Cosmetics with its line of cosmetic products for skincare and bodycare; Lauretana producer of Europe’s lightest mineral water;  SIXTEMLIFE® with Benped® that includes advanced technology product for the well-being of the foot.

The print, web and social campaign has been curated by Hunbranded.

Donna Moderna, Italy’s leading women’s network, is an ecosystem that through the magazine, web and social channels, embraces a digital audience 14 million unique users every month (Source: Comscore December 2019) and reaches 3.5 million readers per month (Source: Audipress 2019/2) to which is added over 1.3 million fans on Facebook, over 500,000 followers on Twitter and 430,000 on Instagram.



Grazia begins 2020 with a special Issue dedicated to sixteen years-old ‘Generation Greta Thunberg’ and the event ‘Z Generation Talks’

The talks will be moderated by the editor Silvia Grilli and Simona Ventura. Featuring: Elisa Maino, Maria Sole Pollio, Nuela and Giorgia Villa

Green October for Icon Design

A new green season is opening for ICON DESIGN.  From this month, and for the whole of 2020, the magazine edited by Annalisa Rosso with editor-at-large Maria Cristina Didero, will explore the world of environmental sustaiability, looking at detail – together with leading figures from the world of design, interiors and architecture – at the ecologically-related challenges that the sector will be required to face in the coming years.

In this way the Mondadori Group’s upscale furnishing brand, a point of reference for the design world,  will inaugurate the new editorial path with which it aims to become a privileged channel of analysis and debate to help companies in the sector to interpret and respond to the changes and new needs for the future of the environment.

This issue will be the running theme for the whole of next year, along with a number of new features, including a special edition to be published with the March 2020 issue of ICON DESIGN that will present the most innovative brands and projects in this area.

“As Leonardo Di Caprio said when he received his Oscar: climate change is real! However absurd it may seem, in 2019 there are still people who don’t believe it and there is still a need to reiterate the fact that we must dramatically and immediately change course – tomorrow is already too late – change our behaviour and activate our efforts and determination to avoid a catastrophe and continue to have faith in humanity and the future,” commented Annalisa Rosso and Maria Cristina Didero.

Ti inaugurate this new path, the new issue of ICON DESIGN, on newsstands from 8 October, will appear with the headline Luce, Energia e Bellezza (Light, energy and Beauty), three key words which together summarise and represent different visions of what can more generally be taken to be green. There is a visit to Longhouse, near Melbourne, Australia, a biological design farm, cooking school and private residence all at once; two homes such as Villa Cardo, which is perfectly integrated in the surrounding Salento countryside, and an apartment in the heart of Brussels  redesigned by the French architect Pierre Yovanovitch following a play of light. Alongside the unmissable events at the  design festivals of Milan and Eindhoven, there are interviews with protagonists with green souls: la primatologist and activist Jane Goodwall, the light designer Ingo Maurer, the artist Linda Tegg and the architect Norman Foster. And then there is also the Natural Beauties project, curated by Felix Burrichter, Valentina Cameranesi and Enrico Pompili along with photographer Pim Top. “Why can’t we surround ourselves with beauty?”, asks Burrichter in his introduction to a feature that looks at 11 brands through the same number of surreal images and high-impact slogans, like “energy without meaning is an impossibility” and “love me now, love me forever”.

A fourth edition of ICON DESIGN Talks will also be dedicated to environmental sustainability during the 2020 Milano Design Week – with general coordination by Andrea Boschetti and guest curator Marco Sammicheli: a cycle of conferences, master-classes and debates with architects, designers and professionals who, in their work, are striving to redefine the relationship between the individual and the city, intercepting future needs and necessities in order to build a better world.

Strategies & technologies for inclusion

Wednesday 17 January 2018 in the Samsung District in Milan a conference to discuss dyslexia in the workplace, with the patronage of AID, FID and the City of Milano.

The weekly Donna Moderna is the media partner of the initiative

In Italy around 3% of children and teenagers are dyslexic. Dyslexia is considered as a Specific Learning Disorder and has been recognised by Italian law (n. 170 of 8 October 2010) which defines the condition, protects the right to study of sufferers and provides guidelines for schools on teaching methods. After years of research, much progress has been made, but after school-age how is inclusion guaranteed in the working world? Are companies prepared to deal with the issue?

In order to create a space to discuss the problem, on Wednesday 17 January, at 4.30 pm, at the Smart Arena in the prestigious Samsung District in Milan, a conference has been arranged with the title “Strategies and technologies for inclusion”, with the patronage of AID (Associazione Italiana Dislessia), FID (Fondazione Italiana Dislessia) and the City of Milan. Donna Moderna, the Mondadori Group women’s weekly, edited by Annalisa Monfreda, is the media partner of the initiative.

The aim is to create an opportunity to promote and spread a culture of inclusion.. Sergio Messina, specialist in child neuropsychiatry and Chairman of the Italian Dyslexia Association (AID) declared: “There is still a great deal of work to do to encourage the educational and social inclusion of dyslexics, but the Association has already done a great deal and, in the last 20 years, achieved important results, including the approval of legislation , the first to recognise and protect the right to study, also through the use of compensatory tools.”

The focus of the conference will be on consolidated experience in education and the workplace in Italy, with a panorama of the international scenario and specific reference to the situation in the English-speaking world.

Examples of virtuous inclusion, in which technology plays a leading role. “The aim of Samsung is to improve the experience and lives of people thought cutting-edge solutions able to inspire the world: our priorities include making all of our technological know-how available to society in order to meet the widest range of needs. We are aware how much technology can be a powerful tool for emancipation and social inclusion, and we have direct experience through many projects that we have developed in recent years, such as our Schools in Hospitals activities,” commented Antonio Bosio, Product & Solutions Director at Samsung Electronics Italy.

But technology alone is not enough. It is “a  tool” to help dyslexics to overcome their difficulties, but the real driver of change is the right information.

This is why  Donna Moderna, a  magazine that has always been sensitive to social issues, covers the dyslexia issue with ad hoc projects (like the longform piece on its website produced in collaboration with Lancôme and AID) and its support for the idea behind the conference. “Dyslexia affects some 2 million people and 350,000 families of school-age children in Italy. The families are often faced with conflicting diagnoses, teachers that often do not have adequate tools to support dyslexic children and the children themselves who suffer also from authentic crises of self-esteem by being misunderstood, not being involved in projects to promote inclusion and not being appreciated,” said  the editor of Donna Moderna, Annalisa Monfreda.

The conference is the result of an idea by Gabriella Schiavone, curator of the “around dyslexia” section of the literary competition “Una Città Che Scrive” (A City that Writes), conceived by Giovanni Nappi. In its 2018 edition, the competition, which was born in Casalnuovo di Napoli, has a special section for specific learning disorders. “The power of writing emerges in all of the stages of our competition. In “Una Città Che Scrive”, writing becomes an opportunity for individual and social  redemption; a form of cultural inclusiveness. With its Special Section for Dyslexia, and separate efforts for our autistic friends and a painting competition reserved only for them, we are attempting to respect the noblest principles of social inclusion, “declared Giovanni Nappi.

Speakers include, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Head of Social Policy, Health and Rights of the City of Milan, IBM Italia and Axia, among the first companies in Italy to have adopted a “Dyslexia Friendly” label. The conference speakers also include the creators and supporters of the EasyReading font that ensures readability for all, including dyslexics. Consequently, all of the material distributed during the conference on Wednesday 17 January will use this highly accessible font.

There will also be contributions from teachers and researchers, as well as direct testimonials from brilliant young students who have entered the world of work.

A limited number of places for a robotics laboratory using augmented communication methods will also be available for children.

Although the event is free, there are a limited number of places. To register please sign up at: